The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 449 Ending Chapter Mountain

When Ling Shuangrui and the others came back, they saw everyone surrounding Yunying and making fun of them, so they couldn't help laughing too: "What's going on? No matter how many of us are fighting around, why don't we just surround the little junior sister and not let go? "

Chen Ke turned around and smiled at Ling Shuangrui: "I was just about to congratulate you guys, this time you finally made it to the top [-], and it can be regarded as slightly closing the gap with others."

"Don't mention it, if it weren't for the little junior sister who beat all the heroes in the blood refinement realm, the ranking of the two of us would still be ridiculous."

"It's better than before." Mu Fengchi smiled slightly.

There are many bone-forging disciples in Chupo Mountain, but most of them are over [-] years old. Bone-forging disciples over [-] years old are not allowed to participate in this competition, because they have not broken through the mortal realm at that age, and their potential and talent have obviously been exhausted. At the end of the day, even in times of war, the Zongmen will not regard these disciples as the main force, but only as a reserve army when they die to the point that no one can use them.

Ye Xingluo saw that Mu Fengchi was also surrounding Yun Ying, so he asked him what was going on in a low voice.

Mu Fengchi explained the details of how Yun should be able to have amazing eyesight just now, and Ye Xingluo was shocked with admiration, and he couldn't help looking at Yunying.

Bai Yujing and Bai Yujiao took this situation into their eyes and turned their heads to look at Bai Yujuan at the same time. Sure enough, they saw that her eyes were slightly red and her breathing became heavy.

Bai Yujing smiled at her with a hint of malice in her eyes, "Fourth sister, do you want to stay here?"

These words reminded Bai Yujuan, she stood up suddenly, shouted "go", then turned and walked across the sea of ​​people, ignoring the angry gazes of many people who were knocked away.

Ling Shuangrui also said to Yunying: "The next thing is the competition in Yuanyuan Realm, we can't stay here and watch."

Yunying also knows this rule. The competition in the Yuanyuan Realm involves the collision of the artistic conception of the embryonic form of the Dao. For the disciples who are still in the mortal realm, it is a very dangerous thing, and it is easy for them to be dazzled by the colorful fragments of the artistic conception. In the midst of this, he forgot his own original path.

When she got up to leave, Yun Ying saw that there were only seven Chupo Mountain disciples staying here, while more than half of the other Master Mountain disciples remained, and she felt a bit of bitterness in her heart.

Speaking of which, who can be blamed for this situation? Can Liu Changqing be blamed for bringing them here wantonly for his own selfishness?

But even if they have their own selfishness and treat them as puppets, they still enjoy the treatment that only disciples of Zhushan can enjoy.

It is true that he should bear the contempt of others for causing such a level difference that is completely different from other Zhushan disciples.Those cultivators whose cultivation level and talent are much higher than everyone else, but who have no chance to become the disciples of the main mountain, will complain about injustice, and it is normal to dislike them.

She took Ling Shuangrui's arm and walked out of the martial arts stage step by step, and saw several familiar figures as soon as she came out.

Tao Ningqin was also taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly bumping into Yun Ying, she was stunned and didn't know what to say.

Yun Ying still nodded at her as before and said, "Sister Tao, senior brothers, although senior brother Ruan only won the 120th place, the Frost Palm's ability is already quite good. Emphasis, transfer to the inner sect is just around the corner."

"Thank you, Junior Sister, for your kind words." Tao Ningqin agreed, but was embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

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