The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 450 Different from the past

It was only at this time that Yun Ying slowly noticed the change in her expression, after thinking for a while, she probably understood what was going on.

Tao Ningqin's mood is indeed very complicated. Although she knew that this junior sister Yun was outstanding, she was still lower than her own team at that time, and she was just an ordinary little disciple with no name. That doesn't mean anything, everyone hears that she is a disciple of Chupo Mountain, and her dharma body is only first rank, and most of them feel disdainful in their hearts.

Tao Ningqin was by no means disdainful, but it was because Yunying's cultivation level was lower than her own that she dared to get close to her with confidence.

Right now, not only Yunying's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds, leaving everyone far behind, but also showing such outstanding sword skills and strong fighting spirit that are rare in the world, many disciples from the inner and outer sects are all horrified.Several people immediately felt that the distance between Yunying and them was so far.

Seeing that the few people and Yunying were relatively silent, Ling Shuangrui smiled and said, "Are you planning to send Junior Brother Ruan to the inner sect first, and then help each other so that we can settle down in the inner sect together?"

Zhang Ziang is the leader of the team, so naturally he was the one to answer Ling Shuangrui: "Exactly, let senior sister laugh at me, we are of average talent, it's just a dream to enter the inner sect together, we have to put all the resources on Junior Brother Ruan first, Send him to the inner sect first, let’s talk about it later.”

"In front of our Chupo Mountain disciples, there is really no need to be ashamed of your lack of talent." Ling Shuangrui nodded and smiled, "I have also seen outer disciples who did this before. It is true that some of them squeezed into the inner sect, but there were also front feet. In the inner sect, the back foot will betray the deep friendship of the past."

Ruan Tao immediately said: "I, Ruan Tao, are definitely not those ungrateful people."

"It doesn't look like it to me." Ling Shuangrui didn't care about her aggressive tone, and said with a smile, "All of you are upright people, and they are on good terms with Ah Ying. If you need it, you might as well talk to Ah Ying. , we will help if we can.”

This matter has been planned for several years, and Ruan Tao's daily chores are shared by several people, while he concentrates on practicing martial arts and improving his cultivation in the spare time his brothers have won for her.

Ruan Tao really worked hard. Although there were only 120 people this time, there were tens of thousands of pulse-gathering disciples, and it was quite a feat to break into the top [-].

The other two outer sect disciples that Yunying knew, Pu Shaoyuan with exquisite footwork and Ke Jianian with the rare thunder body, were only around [-].

Comparing with them, you can see how much effort Ruan Tao has put in.

When Ling Shuangrui asked just now, it was really because she was used to the kind of world where people can share suffering but not happiness, so she couldn't help but test her out. Seeing Ruan Tao's determination, she felt a little relieved, changed her tone, and followed the trend Apologize and show support tactfully.

Several people thanked them again and again, even if it was just a polite word, with such a vague connection afterwards, Cao Xiu should not be entangled with them anymore.

No matter how despised the disciple of Zhushan, in terms of status, he can still suppress Cao Xiu, an outer disciple.


"Zhang Jin will also become an inner sect disciple. Although he may not be open-eyed to trouble my junior sister, he may be instructed by Cao Xiu to do other things. Junior junior sister, be careful." Before leaving, Tao Ningqin turned her head to remind.

Yunying thanked her, and then she heard Ling Shuangrui ask, "Is Zhang Jin the seventh-level disciple of Gathering Meridians who wields the fire bow?"

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