"It's him."

"There's something weird about that person, a bit like softness, like a lack of congenital energy."

When Ling Shuangrui said this, she was a little uncertain: "Maybe I felt wrong, after all, the symptoms of Rou Jin's congenital deficiency are obvious, and that Junior Brother Zhang Jin seems to be just a faint feeling."

Yunying felt that Ling Shuangrui didn't feel wrong, and she could also feel that there was a leaking feeling in Zhang Jin's body, as if something was missing in his blood, which caused his body and aura to be stronger than before. regressed.

But when Mingming saw him last time, he was still fine, and he didn't show any problems at all.

what on earth is it?

There is an intuition in my heart that this is a very important matter and must be investigated clearly.Although she didn't know the reason, she had to pay attention to the faint warning sign of danger.

"If I have free time in the next few days, I will talk to that Senior Brother Zhang, even though he doesn't welcome me."

The two chatted all the way back to Chupo Mountain, Yunying returned to her courtyard, thinking that Liu Changqing was not in Chupo Mountain at this time, so it happened to be able to summon Mengying to have a good chat with her.

These days, she is always worried that Liu Changqing is covering the entire Chupo Mountain with spiritual consciousness, and her every move will be under his control, so she only locks Yixiang in the beast card, and dare not call her out at all.

As soon as Yixiang came out, she grabbed Yunying's neck and shook it constantly, her beautiful purple glazed eyes were full of frantic longing.

Yunying squeezed out two drops of blood to feed her, and she slowly regained her composure, and handed a ball of light to Yunying with both hands.

Yunying looked at the tadpole text in the light group and interpreted it carefully.

I learned from my mother's last words that the cultivation method for increasing and exercising spiritual consciousness is called the Qingling cultivation method, and Mengying's words mentioned that the Qingling clan in the upper Qing realm is living in it, that is to say, this text should be It is the Qing Ling clan script.

Then what kind of existence is the Qingling clan, why their exercises have such a miraculous effect on spiritual consciousness, why they accept Mengying, and why the Xuanming Palace, which is an enemy of their father, went back to attack them.

Yunying was very curious, but when she asked Mengying before, Mengying was timid and refused to say more, occasionally thought of two sentences, and the sentences were also very esoteric and difficult to decipher, so Yunying had no choice but to give up.

But when the Qingling clan is not involved, Yixiang's words are easy to understand, such as this time.

When Yunying went to Liu Changqing's cave before, Yixiang couldn't help shivering even in the beast card, because she clearly felt that it was the breath of the person who captured her before.

Seeing this, Yunying heaved a sigh of relief.

All the guesses came true, and she felt more at ease than when everything was uncertain.

Then Yixiang said: "Your master is using the Lin family to refine the essence pill."

Essence Dan?
"I've seen a kind of essence pill in a book, which absorbs people's innate energy and kneads it into a pill. Although the blood crime is serious and heinous, it is a great remedy for monks." Yun Ying asked in a low voice, " Are you talking about the essence pill?"

Yixiang nodded and motioned Yunying to look down: "His own aura is also very strange, I suspect that he has been doing this kind of thing of using people to make alchemy, or used other evil methods to steal a lot of people's aura of chaos. , The aura on his body is very messy and cannot be integrated with each other, he probably knows what my demon pill can do, so he deliberately took me to Longnan City."

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