The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 580 Selecting a Route

Chapter 580 Selecting a Route
A fire attribute cultivator who is not strong enough will die if he encounters it, no wonder Feng Jing is so cursing.

Su Minglang couldn't help laughing too.

Although he knew early on that this was Zhuo Guzhu's third son and Zhuo Pengju's elder brother's younger brother, but looking at Elder Zhuo's meticulous and straight face and Feng Jing's monstrous face, Su Minglang always felt that They certainly couldn't be brothers.

Now he is beginning to believe that it is his brother.

If you're not a real brother, how could you make such a deadly move!
Although Yunying was a little surprised, she felt that since Zhuo Pengju made such an arrangement, she must have considered it.

Maybe he had expected that Feng Jing would come to find him early on.

She thought about it casually, and said one of her tasks.

"My task is also to go to Bingyan Island to collect at least two hundred eggs of Snow Feather Warbler."

Bingyan Island is divided into ice and fire, half of which are volcanoes and half of which are ice valleys. The snow-feathered warbler happens to live in the ice valley. Although the number is rare, each snow-feathered warbler will lay dozens of eggs every year. It is not very difficult to collect two hundred.

"There are still two tasks. They are to go to Lingxiao Medicine Garden to collect ten [-]th-grade elixir plants, and then go to Bagua Tianshui Pool to collect Zhenleihuo."

"Zhen Lei Huo?" Feng Jing was startled.

"If necessary, I can help you collect a strand." Yunying smiled slightly.

Feng Jing's ears were red, she didn't know what to say, so she could only nod her head indiscriminately.

Seeing that he was so at a loss, Su Minglang rolled his eyes. Halfway through the turn, he saw Feng Jing and Yun Ying all looking at him. He was stunned for a moment before realizing that they were waiting for him to speak, so he hurriedly picked up the ice jade chopsticks to check.

"As for me, the suzerain asked me to go to Bagua Tianshui Pool to collect Qingyu Liulibing, and then go to Yaoming Mountain Forest to clear the miasma."

They are all difficult tasks. Even if all three of them are outstanding, it will take a lot of time and energy to complete.

Yunying glanced at the map, Xiangchang's aura was near the Lingxiao Academy, so she decided to look there first.

Feng Jing and Su Minglang were the only ones looking forward to her, and got up immediately after hearing the order.

Although this vast secret realm has not been fully explored, no one will question the fact that the Lingxiao Academy is in the center of the secret realm.Since the Haidong Secret Realm was detected by the seven sects and tried to open it, the Lingxiao Academy has been explored by thousands of disciples.

It's just that the disciples in the mortal realm have limited cultivation. After so many years of exploration, they only circle around the periphery. If they want to penetrate the secrets of the core and obtain the most precious treasure, it may take many years.

The library building, Lingxiao Medicine Garden, and Bagua Tianshui Pool mentioned in the task of several people are actually part of the Lingxiao Academy. This academy stands on the top of the mountains in the center of the secret realm, covering a vast area and towering buildings. Surrounded by clouds and mists, it has a fairy-like atmosphere, which makes people yearn for it.

However, the places where the three of them landed were all remote places. Fortunately, the three of them were close to each other, so they quickly gathered together. But it would be a long way to go to the Lingxiao Academy.

Yunying chose a relatively short-cut path on the map, which traversed the Yaoming mountain forest stretching thousands of miles to the northeast of them, and reached the medicine garden to the west of the academy.

Xiangchang's aura is in the south, and he has been walking unswervingly to the north. It seems that the target is also the Lingxiao Medicine Garden. Although they are farther away, if they speed up to catch up, maybe they can run into him just outside the medicine garden.

(End of this chapter)

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