Chapter 581
Su Minglang didn't know that there was a reason behind Yunying's decision. He thought she was caring for him and wanted to let him complete the task first. Before leaving, he smiled and thanked Yunying. Fengjing gritted his teeth and wished he could be crazy This is a shameless meal.

However, after walking for a day, Su Minglang couldn't laugh at all.

One ebbs and another, the smile on Feng Jing's face is indeed getting brighter and brighter.

Su Minglang endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear it anymore, smashed the miasma in front of him with a fist, turned his head and shouted at the two people who were strolling in the courtyard: "Can you help me! Just treat me as a scalper, right?"

Feng Jing said with a smile: "This is your task in the first place, besides, you have the highest level of cultivation, and those who are capable will work harder."

Able people should do more work?
Su Minglang almost twisted his nose in anger: "What virtue and ability do I have, can the words "those who can do more work" fall on my head?"

Yunying took out the ice jade chopsticks and took a look, and saw that Xiangchang had already walked more than half of the distance, if they didn't speed up, it was indeed possible for him to enter the Lingxiao Academy first.

Yun Ying then said to Feng Jing: "Let's fight together."

Feng Jing nodded slightly, summoned the red-feathered nine-phoenix bow, and shot two swishing arrows towards the whistling miasma in the distance.

More than half of this Yaoming mountain forest is towering ancient trees, and the other half is a swamp full of dead branches and rotten leaves. Except for monsters such as scorpions, spiders and poisonous snakes, which are already highly poisonous and not afraid of miasma corrosion, other monsters Can't get a foothold here.

For monks, the corrosive miasma is even more poisonous, and those with weaker cultivation bases will die if they touch it.

But as long as the body-protecting energy is sufficient, and no obvious wounds are left on the body surface, so that the miasma cannot break through the body-protecting spiritual power and enter the body, you can successfully escape from it.

Yunying thinks that she is the only one, and it is impossible to cross the Yaoming mountain forest. Her physique is indeed too big, and every time she fights, she will be covered in bloodstains at the price. If the wound is made, it will really be buried in the belly of the snake.

But now, with the help of Su Minglang and Feng Jing, relying on the strength of the three of them, attacking from far and near, this dark mountain forest is nothing to fear.

Asking Su Minglang to deal with the miasma that has condensed into a cyclone is mainly to let him complete the task quickly.

The task is to suppress the increasing miasma in the Yaoming Mountain Forest, so that it will not escape out of the dense forest and pollute other places, but how far it must be suppressed is considered suppressed, this is a fixed number.

In order to complete the task better, Yun Ying and Feng Jing are often only responsible for dealing with the monsters on both sides, and they can usually be solved with just one cooperation.But the miasma that Su Minglang dealt with became more and more powerful.

At first it was just a small whirlwind, which could be smashed with a single punch. Afterwards, the whirlwind became bigger and bigger, and the black air became thicker and thicker. Occasionally, there was even a hint of charm, even if Su Minglang called Qingling Scattering, will you slow down because of the trick, and let the miasma slip away.

At first, Yunying would use a knife to kill the fleeing miasma group, but later she gradually changed her style, taking out the jade flute and playing Qingling music.

This piece, like her own Noise Zone, has never missed a beat so far.

Su Minglang and Feng Jing were surrounded by miasma, and when they inhaled a trace of undetectable charm and became dizzy, they suddenly woke up when Diyin thought about it. Before the miasma had time to float away, they were caught and torn apart smash.

(End of this chapter)

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