Chapter 823
Yang Yueling nodded thoughtfully: "So that's the case, Junior Sister Yun has already met the inheritance."

Feng Jing's ears were sharp, and she heard a lot of unfinished meanings from the word "already", so she hurriedly asked: "Why? What good opportunity did you come across and want to give it to her?"

Yang Yueling nodded in embarrassment: "That's right."

"Tell me in detail." Seeing that she was looking at Chen Fengluan in embarrassment, Feng Jing smiled at him, "Senior Brother Chen, I promised that if I can find the spirit essence back within three days, I will find a way to give it to you." Get it back, but after all there are still three days, don't be in a hurry right now, brother, you don't mind if I say a few irrelevant words."

Naturally, Chen Fengluan didn't want to say he minded, he was kind-hearted by nature, he didn't like to have confrontation with others, so he just nodded at this moment: "Junior brother Zhuo, please do your own thing, I'm just doing my duty, I won't force my younger brother to do anything. "

Feng Jing nodded slightly, looked at Yang Yueling with a smile, and Yang Yueling said: "When I entered the Haidong Secret Realm, I happened to fall into the valley of the stone forest west of the underground cave. Second Qi, and the power of Dao Gang, so I want to ask Junior Sister Yun to help me, if there is any opportunity in it, I will share it with Junior Sister."

After saying this, several other people looked at Gongxi Linghan with subtle expressions.

There are thousands of slender and long stone pillars in the deep valley of the stone forest, and each stone pillar is engraved with many profound and simple characters, which may be the method of refining weapons, or the method of cultivation, or a treasure map, depending on the attributes. , the stone pillars are roughly divided into hundreds of small areas.

These small areas were not entirely discovered by the monks who came to explore. The stone pillars themselves attracted each other because of the same attributes, forming a common restraining force. Only when you resonate with yourself can you see the stone pillars in it.

The stone forest will change every once in a while, so even if the area is divided, it is still impossible to remember where each specific stone pillar is.

And not every area has been discovered by the monks, because the changes in the stone forest valley are very irregular, and the position of the stone pillars may become completely different today and tomorrow. Some stone pillars have been discovered several times, and some stone pillars have not been observed so far. Pass.

Yang Yueling said that in the stone forest he newly discovered, there are both ice and fire, and the power of the sword, indicating that it may be a collection of ice and fire attribute sword technique stone pillars.

But what made everyone more concerned was not this, but that Yang Yueling had already seen Gongxi Linghan, but he didn't think about taking him with him at all, and still wanted to find Yunying.

Wouldn't this be a bit... a feeling of contempt.

Su Minglang coughed and asked Yang Yueling: "Junior Junior Sister may be a little busy, and may not be able to join us in time. If that's the case, why don't you try with Junior Brother Gongxi?"

Gongxi Linghan was indeed interested when he heard the word Dao Gang, but he didn't feel the shame of being ignored, and just looked at Yang Yueling lightly.

Yang Yueling scratched his head: "No, that stone forest is very weird. As long as the female cultivator can get closer, I fell into it with my senior brother. I can get closer to that stone pillar, but my senior brother has difficulty taking a step."

It turned out to be the case, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder he didn't think about Gongxi Linghan at all. It turned out that his gender was stuck, not his ability to look down on others.

(End of this chapter)

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