The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 824 Discussing Countermeasures

Chapter 824 Discussing Countermeasures
When Bai Yuchan, Bai Yujuan and the others heard them talking about Yunying, they were a little restless and looked at each other, but all they could get from each other's eyes was gloom.

Feng Jing's attitude can be seen at a glance, and they no longer have any expectations, knowing that after a while, they will definitely not have any good fruit for themselves.But if Yunying also wants to participate in this matter, it means something different to them.

At first, they cast a heavy shadow on Yunying, and they could easily humiliate her, but as Yunying's cultivation level grew, she surprised everyone again and again, and they were never convinced to being worshiped by her easily. A lingering haze was cast over Yunying's heart.

Although they believe that they have a bright future, every time they are in front of Yun Ying, they look so bleak.

If there is anyone in their fearless and arrogant hearts who can't help but tremble when they think of it, it is only Yun Ying.

"We must not let Yunying see us like this."

Bai Yujuan sent voice transmission to several people, her tone was very firm: "Let her know and then laugh at us, I'd rather die!"

"Calm down." Bai Yuchan was relatively rational. "The current situation is beyond our control. Besides, if you die, the family's mission will not be completed, and our reputation will not improve. Before they pay much attention to us, we want to There is a way to hide the essence of the soul deeper."

"Can't we really go?" Bai Yujuan said unwillingly, "I don't think that Feng Jing is very powerful, it's just that he has a kind of unpopular flame, which makes him pretend to be a tiger. The four of us shot together, suppressing him so that he can't use it Flame, can't this be done?"

Bai Yuchan shook her head: "Impossible, you should die."

It can be seen from the action that Feng Jing slid in the air when he flashed the Qiongying fire, and pulled the pure white fire line to turn into a shooting star. It can be seen that his control over the flame is quite strong, as if commanding by the arm, it is impossible for a few people to do it Let him have no room to summon the fire.

Besides, the situation has changed at this time, after Feng Jing revealed his identity, the people who stayed behind all followed his lead, and when they dealt with Feng Jing, others would definitely stop them.

Thinking of this, Bai Yuchan felt very bad.

She originally thought that Su Minglang was the most prestigious among many disciples, and he and she were members of the Mingyue Sect, so he naturally wanted to defend himself, even if others refused to accept him, he would not dare to act rashly under Su Minglang's force.

Unexpectedly, there was Zhuo Fengjing, whose identity was one shoulder higher than Su Minglang, and with such a powerful flame.Originally, Su Minglang had a good relationship with him, and now he directly gave up the position of team leader to him, willing to obey his orders, which made Bai Yuchan, who originally had high hopes for Su Minglang, not angry.

The worst thing was that Bai Yuchan knew very well that although Su Minglang and Feng Jing behaved differently, both of them believed in their hearts that the four of them were the ones who stole the essence.Although for the sake of Ming Yuezong's reputation, he couldn't say that directly, but he must be sure of it in his heart.

Bai Yuchan originally planned to use the Mingyue Sect to kidnap Su Minglang, but Feng Jing gave Su Minglang a step down. Su Minglang is not stupid, so he carefully recalled the events before and after and their words and deeds. How could he not know what she was beating? idea.

(End of this chapter)

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