The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 825 Inexplicable Heavenly Punishment

Feng Jing seems to have no regard for Mingyue Sect at all, but in fact Mingyue Sect is Yunying's sect, and Yunying's words and deeds are full of admiration and protection for the suzerain Yue Wuxia, which shows that he has a strong heart for belonging to the sect. How could it be possible for Mingyuezong's reputation to be ruined by this sister of the Bai family.

As for how the sisters of the Bai family should deal with it, I had to ask Yun Ying what she thought.

"Xue Ji, what's going on with Yinxue? If I take out the spirit crystal essence and give it to Chen Fengluan, and then bring the Bai family over there, will I be able to catch up with Ah Ying and leave the customs?"

Feng Jing can use Feng Youyin to contact Yunying, but Yunying is undergoing a test at this time, and I am afraid that he will not receive any news from him, so he can only ask Suzaku to contact Yinxue to see what is going on with Yunying.

Suzaku lazily said: "The test will take at least ten days, it's useless if you ask now."

"You just ask first."

Unable to withstand Feng Jing's urging, Suzaku tried to send a voice transmission to Yinxue, thinking that the guy would ignore her, but unexpectedly got a surprising answer.

"You don't have to go, that little girl has already been restrained by Yinxue, and she is rushing here now."

Feng Jing was quite surprised: "Have you recognized the Lord?"

"Your sweetheart is really weird. Yinxue was just testing her, but in the end she was punished by heaven."

Hearing the word "Heaven's Punishment", Feng Jing's eyes flickered: "What does that mean?"

"Literally, the punishment from the heavens, the spiritual beings who intend to destroy Tsunaki, even Emperor Zun, will be punished by the heavens. It should not be hurt seriously, otherwise it is impossible to have the intention to answer my words. It is only heaven's punishment after all. It's God's punishment, it's enough to eat a pot, and now it's impossible for it to deny that little girl as master." Thinking that Yinxue, who always had a serious face, would be deflated, Suzaku felt very happy.

Feng Jing couldn't help but worry in her heart, what exactly did Yin Xue do to Yun Ying, and why was it so serious that she was punished by heaven?
But not to mention him, except for Huang Yudian, Yunying and Yinxue who came here did not know what was the reason.

After Cen Shuying, the fifth round of tests was about to begin. Yunying had just opened her eyes, and when she saw the person in the mirror clearly, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning from top to bottom, excruciating pain. Get out of the illusion.

At the moment she was thrown out, several pictures flashed in front of her very quickly. In addition to the face of the monk she saw just now, there was also a ghost cultivator with a broken arm, a demon cultivator who was blind, and a ghost cultivator who was blind. A beautiful female nun...

She didn't have time to see many of the remaining images clearly, so she was forced to open her eyes and return to reality.

On the altar, Yinxue also sat down and panted, the outline of the whole person was much darker, almost going to be extinguished immediately.

"What's going on?" Yunying asked.

Yinxue just clutched her chest and panted, stretched out her hand tremblingly, without any energy to speak.

Cui Zun said: "It was suddenly punished by heaven just now, and its spiritual power is rapidly draining right now. You should sign a contract with it quickly, otherwise it may disappear."

Yunying didn't understand the meaning of Heaven's Punishment, but she also saw that Yinxue's condition was very bad, so she quickly bit off the blood from her fingertips and turned it into an alliance pattern, which was printed on the back of Yinxue's trembling hand.

Yinxue didn't resist, and disappeared on the altar the moment her blood was branded on her.

At the same time, Yun Ying felt a gentle force in her dantian.

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