The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 832 Five-Color Spirit Pond

Su Minglang nodded, and Yun Ying invited several others to visit the Spiritual Marrow Pool.

Passing through the dense stalactite forest, when walking to the deepest point, Yunying saw a small pool.

The water in the pool swayed back and forth, shining with five-color auras. Just standing by the pool, I felt refreshed, and the aura in my body moved a little faster.

Feng Jing had already put the spirit essence back to the bottom of the pool, and now she was leaning on a stalactite as thick as Sui Shan's calf with folded arms, waiting for everyone: "It seems that I said it for too long, and I let it go in just one day." Coming back, it’s not a big deal that is difficult to solve.”

He said this intentionally to dispel the anger in everyone's hearts, and everyone knew it well. Chen Fengluan entered the pool to feel it carefully, and found that the speed of the spiritual flow was exactly the same as a few days ago, so he cupped his hands and thanked Feng Jing: "There is a brother Lao Zhuo. Hard work."

"It's not worth the trouble." Feng Jing smiled, "The Essence Essence is easy to put back. Press it on the ground, and it will run back to its original position. But it's easy to put it back, and it's easy to continue to be stolen. We have to think of a once and for all solution." That's the way."

He looked at Yunying while talking, and asked: "How about Junior Sister Yun, you can write a sealing talisman so that this spirit essence can never be taken out again, and then you can completely eliminate other people's crooked thoughts."

He seldom called Yunying "Junior Sister Yun", and he was pretending to be polite in front of everyone, which sounded a little funny to Yunying.

She shook her head: "I'm not good at talisman, maybe I can let Senior Brother Sheng do it."

Speaking of Sheng Kui, Feng Jing couldn't help looking at the ice jade chopsticks, and saw that he was in the library at the moment, with Yu Feiran beside him, it seemed that the two had successfully connected and were dismantling the gathering evil formation.

If it is Sheng Kui, it is indeed possible to draw a talisman that cannot be broken by all mortal realms.

Feng Jing looked at the other people, and they all agreed.

The behavior of the Bai family sisters seemed to them treasonous, but they didn't know if it would be an unsuccessful demonstration in the eyes of others. With these four people as the instigators, follow-up troubles may continue.Take this opportunity to seal the essence of the spirit here, so that no one can take it away, it is indeed once and for all.

Yunying sent Sheng Kui a message letter jade slip, and then planned to soak in the five-color spiritual marrow pool.

One of the purposes of her coming here is to hope that the abundant aura of the spirit marrow fluid can help her make up for her weaknesses, and then pass through the blood refinement realm safely.Unexpectedly, after entering the Haidong Secret Realm, things happened one after another. When she really came to the five-color spiritual marrow pool, the blood refining realm was a thing of the past, and she was faced with many new problems.

Fortunately, although the spirit marrow fluid could not solve these problems, it could provide her with abundant aura, so that she could try to move faster.

This time Yunying didn't continue to force those gray gums in the dantian out. Those things can swallow spiritual energy and evolve, and the devil knows if there will be any changes after they touch the spiritual marrow fluid. If it really causes serious consequences, give me A serious injury was caused here, and she was about to kneel in front of the Suzerain and apologize for her sins like the sisters of the Bai family.

The aura is abundant and soft, soaking in it is like soaking in a hot spring, and you will relax unconsciously.

Yinxue, who was sleeping in the middle of her dantian, also gradually woke up in such a soft breath, and said to Yunying, "Your dantian is really rich and colorful."

Yunying didn't answer his words, and just said: "Since I'm awake, I'll control myself to absorb less energy of chaos. I can't bear the three of you coming together."

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