The Journey of Cultivation of King Juan

Chapter 833 Poor Communication

Yunying compared Yinxue with Hongyu Mountain and Baiyu Cave, which made Yinxue very dissatisfied: "It's me and them, they are just dead things, but I have a spirit."

"Since there is a spirit, it should be more intimate, and it is better to absorb less."

Yinxue was slightly sullen, but she didn't want to get angry with her so soon, so she turned to ask: "What was the reason for the previous punishment from heaven, do you know?"

"How would I know." Yunying said casually, "I thought this was something you should explain to me."

Yinxue sighed: "I underestimated you. I have long seen that there are many secrets involved in you, but I didn't expect this secret to be so big."

Heaven's Punishment, Yinxue used to be Emperor Yusheng's cassock, so he naturally knew what kind of offense would be caused by Heaven's Punishment.

Only by seeing something that human beings shouldn't know, can't know, and if they know it, may rewrite the direction of the world, can they be punished by heaven.

Yunying is only in the mortal realm, although the Dharma body is different, Yinxue has never seen it before.Although the mysterious troop of the Mozu had impressed him deeply, they were not invincible after all, so Yinxue had treated Yunying as nothing from the very beginning.

Unexpectedly, for a moment of negligence, I charged myself such a high price.

Yun Ying was noncommittal to his words, and silently recalled the scenes she saw just before being expelled from the illusion.

The problem must have been with the fifth person, she was expelled before she even had time to see his face clearly, and the few people she saw behind could vaguely see their identities and dharma attributes. Five people can't see anything.

He looks like the most ordinary person, with no attributes, no body, and no power, and his face seems to be extremely ordinary, neither beautiful nor ugly, with plain lines, making people forget it at a glance. It is difficult to recall what kind of match those eyebrows and eyes are.

When things go wrong, there must be a demon. Among all people, only this person is different.Yun Ying believes that if there is anything that involves God's punishment.It must be only that person.

But who is he?Yunying thought over and over again, but she still couldn't imagine her relationship with him.

Since she couldn't figure it out, Yunying simply stopped digging into the dead end and asked Yinxue instead: "It's not just my problem, you should also take some responsibility yourself. Your test is very strange, some people have something to do with me, some people have nothing to do with me , and whether I know them or not, you can intercept an experience from them and let me experience it for myself. This is not the ability of ordinary illusions, and you must have other hidden secrets."

Yinxue remained silent, obviously not wanting to tell her this secret.

Seeing that he refused, Yun Ying didn't say anything more, but quietly said to Cui Zun: "Did you see the illusions I experienced?"

"No." Cui Zun said, "Otherwise I can help you analyze and analyze to some extent. Now my eyes are smeared, and I can only hope that this little brother can speak something truthful in the future."

Little brother?
Yunying raised her eyebrows, it seems that when she was being tested in the illusion, Cuizun and Yinxue had exchanges.

"Not to mention him, there is something I think I want to tell you." Yunying was as calm as possible, but a hint of a smile in her tone made Cui Zun realize that what she said must be closely related to herself.

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