Yun Ying thanked, took the jade slip, briefly described the matter, let go of the jade slip and asked her to go to Ling Shuangrui.

She also has such a high-level jade slip herself, and she came to Su Minglang to borrow it because she wanted to convey an attitude to him, telling him that she was going to do this.

Su Minglang is not a fool, he immediately understood what she meant, but he didn't say much.

Looking at Liu Guang going away, Yunying sighed silently.

After Ling Shuangrui found out about this, she was probably going to fly into a rage.She cared so much about Chupo Mountain, and worked hard, hoping to make many fellow disciples in the mountain get an equal status with others, hoping to win her own dignity.But the move of the Bai family sisters ruined everything.

This matter cannot be concealed, within three days after returning to the sect, rumors will spread like a storm.Even if the Bai family sisters are punished at that time, Chuposhan will still be implicated.

The most important thing is that Yun Ying is not sure whether Liu Changqing will still choose to protect the Bai family sisters under such circumstances.

She is almost sure that everyone on Chupo Mountain is Liu Changqing's tool, but every tool is indispensable, and it is not yet time for him to harvest, so he punishes the Bai family sisters and abolishes their cultivation. Because, expelling them from Mingyue Sect might not be acceptable to Liu Changqing.

If he is unwilling to punish, or even tries to cover up the Bai family sisters, the problem will be even more serious.

For one thing, it would prove that Chupo Mountain was deliberately covering up the charges, making the shadow of intoxication on everyone more obvious. Facing other people's pointing and pointing, the disciples on Chupo Mountain could no longer lift their heads.

Second, this matter will definitely cause suspicion and panic among many disciples on the mountain.In order to suppress this emotion, Liu Changqing may use some extreme measures.Yun Ying can't guess which direction things will develop for the time being, but no matter which direction it is, the consequences will be unbearable.

This is also an opportunity. If it can be handled well, more disciples may feel that there is a problem with Chupo Mountain.

Regarding these matters, Ling Shuangrui needed to make up his mind first.

After Yunying sent out the jade slips, she went back to the cave to look for Yang Yueling. Su Minglang looked at her back and sighed deeply.

The little junior sister is calm and composed at all times, and she is a good seedling of cultivation. If she was not accepted as a disciple by the old man of Chupo Mountain, but became a disciple of other mountain masters, then she would not have to go through these disgusting things now.

However, fate cannot be changed. Even if he knows that this matter is a disaster for Yunying, he has no right to say or do anything. He can only say something nice for her when the suzerain judges the matter. , and try to avoid the spread of rumors and unfavorable words to other disciples of Chupo Mountain, but even if he tries his best to do these things, the effect he can receive is limited.

Thinking of this, Su Minglang couldn't help being a little irritable, and suddenly stretched out his hand to brush in front of the four sisters, only to hear the rustling wind, Bai Yuchan, Bai Yujuan and Bai Yujiao all passed out, leaving only Bai Yujing still awake.

She looked at Su Minglang in horror, wanted to retreat, but couldn't move because her body was immobilized: "You, what do you want to do?"

"I found out when I was asking you just now that you behaved differently from them." Su Minglang said in a deep voice, "If it's just because you dare not reveal the truth in front of them, then now you can tell me everything you want to say. Me, I promise no one else will know what you said."

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