Chapter 837 is not defined
Bai Yujing didn't expect Su Minglang to do this, she was panicked and at a loss, she didn't know where she was showing her thoughts to let him see the clues.

Even though her heart was surging, she still didn't dare to explain her many thoughts so quickly.

Su Minglang could also guess what she was thinking, and said: "If you don't tell me now, I'm afraid you won't have the chance to talk about it later. I can probably see clearly the relationship between the four of you along the way. .”

"Among you, Bai Yuchan is the head, but this junior sister is quite arbitrary. She is younger than you, but she always bosses you around and is not polite. But seriously, you are no worse than her." , even if the talent is slightly inferior, but it is only slightly inferior. But because of this slight, you can only be driven by her, and she never feels ashamed at all, as if she treats you as a subordinate. You really don't have the slightest bit of resentment in your heart Is it? For the Bai family who condoned and even encouraged Bai Yuchan to act like this, I think your protection will not be as fierce as Bai Yuchan's."

Bai Yujing bit her lip and wanted to turn her head away, but she couldn't move because of the restraint.

Whether it was watching from the sidelines at the martial arts meeting in the previous year, or working together to find the Ten Thousand Flower Vine a few days ago, Su Minglang always made her feel bold and generous. It was only now that she realized that Su Minglang's subtleties were not in the slightest. Let others.

Su Minglang is still analyzing in detail: "Let me guess, whether your Bai family has always followed the law of the jungle, as long as the potential is high enough and the performance is good enough, even if they are young, they can still shout at the elders. And like you……"

Speaking of this, Su Minglang paused, "A person like you who is inferior can only take a backseat or even be driven by others."

After all, he was a bit more tactful, Bai Yujing bowed her head in silence for a moment, then grinned and said: "Yes, Bai's house is such a place. Everyone in it, including my biological parents, think so. Since childhood, Every time I cry like them, saying that I don’t like those two sisters, that I don’t want to practice with them, that they always bully me openly and secretly, my mother will always scold me and tell me not to say such stupid things. It’s really difficult to get along with each other, why do you only bully me and not Yujiao? There must be something wrong with me, my heart is too high... Am I really too high?”

Su Minglang moved his lips, but before he could speak, Bai Yujing regained her grief and indignation, and muttered to herself: "But if I hadn't been born in such a place, I wouldn't be who I am now."

Su Minglang looked at her face, there was unwillingness and resentment on her face, but more resignation and despair.

She has lost her will under the long-term oppression, and no longer believes that she has the possibility of being alone.

"Don't be so unambitious, you are still young, and it's not like your life will be ruined from then on." Su Minglang unconsciously relaxed his tone, although he knew that she was also the sinner who stole the essence and committed a big mistake, but he still couldn't bear it. I can't help sympathizing with her.

His tone at this time was the same as when he faced other juniors and juniors who had heart demons before: "You have to know that what you look like is a matter of your own decision, no one can contribute as much as you to yourself. Didn’t Junior Sister Yun tell you just now that the relationship between the family and the monks is one of support and reciprocation, once the limit is exceeded, it’s wrong.”

(End of this chapter)

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