Yun Ying coaxed Feng Jing for a long time before she finally calmed down.

He backed away from Yunying's arms, and asked with a blushing face, "Did I feel ashamed just now?"

"A little bit." Yunying smiled, "But in front of me, it doesn't matter how you lose face."

Feng Jing's face became more red, but she pursed her lips and smiled again: "I know."

"Okay, come back with me." Yunying pulled him up, "The cultivators waiting over there must be very worried about the two of us, and I'm afraid that you have nothing to do."

"You did such a shocking thing just now, they should only pay attention to you, how could they pay attention to me?"

Hearing these words, Yun Ying stopped and turned to look at Feng Jing.

Feng Jing blushed again: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Yunying smiled at him: "You have to trust them, they are not ungrateful people, you have helped a lot, no one will forget that."

Feng Jing nodded seriously, and then said something irrelevant.

"I remember you calling my name just now."

Yunying was taken aback, nodded and said, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Feng Jing said: "You call me Ah Feng!"

Yunying blinked: "Is it not possible?"

She thought to herself, could it be that the surname of the Phoenix family is Jifeng, so the name just now is wrong?
So, should it be called Ah Jing?
But this is too awkward.

And it's somewhat similar to my own name, so it's very likely to be called wrong in a hurry.

If only I could give him a word.

Seeing her serious expression, Feng Jing knew that he was thinking too far, and hurriedly said: "I didn't mean that, I meant... I really like it when you call it that."

Yunying didn't expect these words, she was startled, then nodded and said: "Since you like it, then I'll call it that from now on."

She just said it casually, but she didn't expect Feng Jing to be really ecstatic, which made Yunying laugh.

"How did it get to this point, I may not call your name often in the future!"

Feng Jing thought about it too, she was a little bit disappointed, but then she turned around and said with a smile: "If you don't call me by my name, I beg you to do so, that's fine too!"

Thinking about that scene, Yun Ying couldn't help frowning: "That's so meaty! You'd better spend more time thinking about serious things!"

The two said, stepped out of the purple cherry forest, and flew to the crowd.

Sure enough, everyone surrounded the two worriedly and asked Feng Jing what happened.

"Are you injured? Is it serious?"

Feng Jing was a little flattered by the concerns of these people, and didn't know which question to answer first.

It was Sheng Kui who could see his nervousness, and separated everyone with a smile.

"Even if Junior Brother Zhuo is injured, it's more secretive if you think about it. It's not easy to tell in front of everyone, so everyone should stop asking. Everyone should leave here as soon as possible."

When it said this, everyone remembered that the Yingchuan Ice Valley had turned into a sea of ​​magma, and countless thick sulfur smoke billowed into the sky.

There is no shortage of highly poisonous substances in the thick smoke. Right now they are far away, so they are safe, but if they stay for a while, the place will be swept away by the thick fog, and their lives may still be in danger.

Thinking about it this way, everyone immediately helped the old and the young to leave.

When passing through the purple cherry forest, a monk sighed in a low voice: "It's a pity, such a beautiful purple cherry forest will also be destroyed."

These words caught Yun Ying's attention, she looked up at the purple cherry forest, seeing that they were still blooming and falling, as if they had not been affected, she couldn't help but lower her head and think. (end of this chapter)

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