"You go first, I will go deep into the purple cherry forest."

She said to Feng Jing and the three beside her.

"What are you going to do?" Feng Jing immediately asked nervously.

Yunying smiled and said: "Naturally, I want to see the secret of this purple cherry forest. Don't you realize that the surrounding area is very hot because of the magma, but the purple cherry has never withered or dried up?"

After listening to her words, everyone looked around carefully and found that it was indeed the case, and they became a little curious.

"I'll accompany you too!" Feng Jing said immediately.

Yunying shook her head and smiled, "You'd better save your own life first, it was dangerous enough just now, if there are any bigger problems, you stay by my side, I'm afraid the injury will be more serious."

She said to Feng Jing alone through Feng Youyin: "If the Taiji seal is broken here, and you split up on the spot, how should I explain to Master Zhuo and the others?"

Hearing what she said, Feng Jing seemed to have already started planning to prepare for the future, and a turbulent sea suddenly appeared in her heart.

"You already have a plan?"

"Yes, but it's not comprehensive enough. For this kind of thing, we can only take it one step at a time. No matter how thorough the preparations are now, there will always be variables in the near future."

Even so, it was enough to shock Feng Jing.

He didn't expect that Yunying would take his words and his affairs so seriously, and immediately figured it out in his heart, and began to consider all aspects.

No one has ever valued him so highly.

Seeing that Feng Jing was about to cry again, Yunying was also very helpless, and said first: "Don't cry!"

Then he explained which direction the three of them were going, and he chased after him in a while.

When her gaze passed over Sui Shan, Yun Ying noticed that he was no longer in a daze as before, but instead entered a somewhat strange state.

Like distinguishing, like thinking, like pondering.

This kind of expression appeared on Sui Shan's rough face, which immediately made people feel that something was wrong.

But Yunying is also very tired now.

After all, there is a price to be paid for showing off and saving people. Even if Yun Ying's huge consumption can be made up for a little by comprehending the sword-wielding state, it cannot make up for everything after all.

Her mysterious power seemed to be exhausted after overuse, and she couldn't mobilize it at all.

So Yunying didn't care what Sui Shan was thinking, just nodded at him, and then headed towards the depths of the purple cherry forest.

Her mysterious power is not very useful, and her spiritual consciousness is also consumed a lot, but there are two people, Cui Zun and Yang Bo, who are helping to find the way, and they still have a clear mind.

Yang Bo quickly saw the problem.

"In this purple cherry forest, there are those who have achieved spiritual wisdom after the ninth level, but choose to disperse their spiritual consciousness and use all their cultivation to protect the trees in the entire forest."

This statement is very new, but Yunying remembers that she vaguely saw similar records somewhere.

After thinking about it, Yunying remembered that this kind of thing was mentioned in the jade slips that Peng Qing lent her.

Just like Cui Zun said, the spiritual trees will concentrate the energy of the world and provide them to the most promising one. Sometimes they will be nourished by the land, and the spiritual trees that break through the restrictions and give birth to spiritual wisdom will also be in some extreme situations. Choose to disperse your spiritual wisdom, and distribute your hard-earned cultivation base to other companions.

This kind of situation is mostly due to changes in the environment. For example, two great powers pass by here and fight to completely destroy the surroundings. If the young saplings cannot grow, the old tree will choose this way. (end of this chapter)

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