Cen Shuyue and Cen Shuying gradually went down the mountain. They were monks in the Meridian Realm, and they could go up to a height of three feet from the mountainside at most, and they were not allowed to go up any further.

But Yun Ying and Sheng Kui went straight to the top of the mountain, and came to the place where the talismans gathered.

It was a quaint house courtyard, with white walls and black tiles, and simple decoration, but because it was located above the spiritual vein, it revealed a faint fairy-like atmosphere.

Walking into the courtyard, one can see verdant flowers and plants in the courtyard, all of which are spiritual flowers and grasses of the sixth rank or above. All kinds of fragrances are mixed together. Breathing deeply into the lungs, I feel that the five internal organs are much cooler because of this.

Sheng Kui led Yun Ying to walk in the corridor, but he heard someone shouting in front of him: "Brother Sheng, I must have gained a lot from visiting Haidong's secret place!"

Sheng Kui and Yun Ying looked up at the same time, and saw a baby-faced monk sitting by the window in the main room, smiling and waving at Sheng Kui.

Seeing him, Sheng Kui smiled and cupped his hands in return: "Brother Nangong, long time no see, your cultivation has improved a lot!"

He immediately led Yun Ying into the main room, and saw many talisman cultivators gathered in one place in twos and threes, some of them were just sitting and discussing the Tao, and some were discussing each other with the shining talisman.

Nangong was alone, sitting by the window, as if he didn't care about anything.

Sheng Kui explained to Yun Ying: "This is a good friend of mine when I was traveling. His surname is Nangong, and his single name is Sun."

"You're the grandson! Don't be so hurtful every time, be careful that one day I'll put a Pyro-Explosive Talisman on your face while you're asleep!" Nan Gongsun rolled his eyes and said, turning Sheng Kui aside.

Sheng Kui said with a smile: "Then let the horse come over, my amulet may not be able to lose to you!"

Seeing the two of them back and forth bickering with each other, and Sheng Kui's jumping-off appearance completely different from usual, Yun Ying knew that the two of them really had a deep friendship.

Maybe Sheng Kui rushed here as soon as he left Haidong's secret place in such a hurry, because he had an agreement with Nan Gongsun long ago.

As she thought, she looked at Nangongsun more carefully.

Nan Gongsun also looked at Yunying with great interest.

Sheng Kui introduced this to him as his junior sister, and Nan Gongsun smiled and said, "It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River beat the waves ahead, Lao Sheng, your junior sister is much stronger than you!"

Sheng Kui laughed and said: "That's not true! Nangong, do you dare to bet with me that in five or six years, the title of the first female cultivator in a century, and even the title of the first monk in a century must be my little junior sister!"

As soon as this remark came out, not to mention Nangongsun, even Yunying was taken aback.

The number one female cultivator in a hundred years, Yunying has heard of this title.

A hundred years in the cultivation world is a great generation, and within a hundred years geniuses will emerge, and there will naturally be a ranking among them.

This ranking is by no means compiled by the meddlers themselves, but by those genius monks who compare and evaluate themselves-almost every 20 years there will be a big competition, and the ranking of the big competition is the ranking of the monks.

But this kind of big competition, only those who are above the Yuanyuan level are eligible to participate. A bone-forging level like Yunying, no matter how amazing and stunning, will not be invited to the Zhengxiu big competition.

Sheng Kui made such an assertion because in another five or six years, it will be the time when Zhengxiu Grand Competition will open again.

At the same time, he also believed that Yunying would break through Rongyuan and shine at the opening of the Grand Competition.

Yunying herself knew that she could do it, but she was still a little surprised that Sheng Kui praised the newcomer so unabashedly.

Nan Gongsun looked at Sheng Kui and Yun Ying in surprise, and thought for a long time, "It's not impossible."

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