Seeing that the two of them looked at her with such promising eyes, Yunying felt quite amused in her heart.

"Brother, you didn't come here to meet your old friend specifically to introduce me." She looked at Sheng Kui and said.

Sheng Kui laughed, and patted his forehead: "Look at me, I've paid too much attention to my junior sister these days, and I want to show off to everyone I see, so don't blame my junior sister!"

Nan Gongsun leaned against the window and said leisurely: "I can see that you have condensed the talisman seeds, and you told me before you came. I was surprised just now. I thought you were taken away!"

Sheng Kui spat: "You can't get rid of your poor tongue and low tongue!"

He said with a proud smile: "But this time, I did condense the talisman seed, and the key point is still related to my little junior sister. Just listen to me slowly."

He met Yunying in the gossip formation, got Yunying's jade slip, and according to the jade slip's instructions, met with Yu Yunzhang and Yu Feiran's siblings, and together they broke through many evil gathering formations, and then went to the underground cave to draw it alone. The five-element talisman completely prevented the five-color spirit essence crystal from being stolen.

Yun Ying listened at the side, hesitant to speak several times, but finally said: "Brother, did you forget about Brother Hua?"

"Which Brother Hua?" Sheng Kui was slightly at a loss.

Sure enough, I forgot.

Yunying smiled helplessly.

Compared with the radiant Yu Yunzhang siblings, Hua Yang with relatively ordinary aptitude is indeed easy to be forgotten.

But Yun Ying remembered that his body and exercises were very interesting.There are many petrification techniques, but there are almost none that are completely petrified like him.

Where did he find the exercises that fit so well with the dharma body?
If possible, she really wanted a drop of Hua Yang's blood.It's a pity that there is no chance in Haidong's secret territory.

Hope to have a chance to see him again in the future.

After Yun Ying finished thinking, Sheng Kui also thought of Hua Yang in a daze, and said: "Junior Brother Hua is a pretty good person, he works hard without complaint, and Junior Brother Yu likes him very much."

But you have completely forgotten Junior Brother Hua who worked hard.

Nan Gongsun also realized this, and looked at Sheng Kui mockingly: "It is said that you, Lao Sheng, value love and righteousness, but it seems that is not the case today, you have forgotten all the juniors who have been with you all the way!"

"I'm so excited! So excited!"

"Are you excited because of the peerless beauty of Junior Sister Yu?"

"What! It's because of the talisman, which condensed the talisman!"

Sheng Kui was out of breath, his face flushed.

Yunying thought in her heart that this fellow Taoist Nangong really has the ability to make the good-tempered Sheng Kui aggrieved to such an extent with just a few words.

However, it seemed that the two of them had always gotten along like this. When Sheng Kui blushed, Nan Gongsun immediately handed him tea, and Sheng Kui calmed down after drinking the tea.

It was only then that the two began to talk seriously about their comprehension of Fu Dao.

Yunying didn't bother, and listened quietly from the side. At first, she was still a little confused. What turning points are in the middle, why Wuhuo doesn't break Youjin, and Maomu doesn't help Wuhuo, it's really confusing.

But listening and listening, combined with thinking back and forth, I can hear a little trick.

Nan Gongsun talked about the Xin Geng Huasha Talisman he was researching, shook his head and said, "I'm still not sure whether to start with Geng Jin or Xin Jin."

"Singin, of course!"

Sheng Kui and Yun Ying said at the same time.

Nan Gongsun was startled and looked at Yunying.

Sheng Kui also looked at Yun Ying in surprise.

Yunying scolded herself for speaking too fast, and said with a smile to the two: "Forget about it for a while, please invite the two of you, Haihan."

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