Ning Wanwan held Tang San's hand instead, "No one knows what happened except the original party, but I heard that Uncle Tang got a treasure, Wuhun Palace asked Uncle Tang to hand over the treasure, but Uncle Tang refused.

I don't know if there is anyone from Haotianzong to rescue, but after the death of the previous Pope, Wuhundian led people to force Haotianzong.The previous suzerain passed away because of this, and your uncle inherited the position of suzerain. Afterwards, the Clear Sky School announced that it would close the sect and retire. No one knows the specific location of the Clear Sky School until now.

As for your mother, no one knows her origin, but judging from your Blue Silver Grass Wuhun, she should not be from any famous big family. If you want to know, you can only ask Uncle Tang. "

Tang San bowed his head in silence, he had never seen his mother since he was a child, his mother should have died in that battle.As for Haotianzong, he should have given up on his father, and didn't send anyone to rescue him back then, otherwise, as the heir, how could his father be nestled in a small village as a blacksmith.

Spirit Hall!
Haotian Sect!
Killing and seizing treasures is not new anywhere. How the outcome depends on one's own strength and the forces behind it. It is obvious that his father lost to the Wuhun Temple, so he took him to live in seclusion in the Holy Soul Village.

This is a personal enmity, and he will naturally take revenge after he improves his strength.

However, Tang San couldn't agree with the way of Haotian School. The most dignified sect in the world can't even protect its own heirs.

The sect and the disciples complement each other. The sect protects the disciples, and the disciples will give back to the sect after they grow up. If something happens to them, they will abandon the disciples. So what is there to cherish about such a sect?
Even though the Clear Sky School was not as strong as the Spirit Hall at the beginning, they could still unite with other sects to fight against the Spirit Hall. With so many forces on the mainland, there would always be some who would not accept the Spirit Hall.With everyone united, Wuhundian can really kill everyone.

Haotianzong's retreat actually fueled the arrogance of Wuhundian, and also gave Wuhundian time to go further.

"Third Brother, I'm not telling you this to increase your psychological burden." Ning Wanwan saw that Tang San remained silent, fearing that he would be cornered.

"Uncle Tang didn't tell you what happened back then, probably because he didn't want you to be blinded by hatred, and also to let you practice without distraction. You can only help Uncle Tang if you are strong enough, right?"

Tang San closed his eyes, put his forehead on Ning Wanwan's shoulder, and said in a muffled voice: "Wanwan, don't worry, I won't go into a dead end, but I feel a little sad. I am weak now, and I can't help Dad at all. I didn't even know my father was injured."

Ning Wanwan lightly patted Tang San on the back, comforting: "This situation will change, what we can do now is to improve our strength as soon as possible, now that the Soul Master Guild is restraining the Spirit Hall, we still have time."

Tang San restrained his emotions, raised his head, "Soul Master Guild?"

"The Soul Masters Guild was led by our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family..." Ning Wanwan explained the matter of the Soul Masters Guild to Tang San.

"It's indeed a good way. Even if the Spirit Hall senses the threat from the Soul Masters Guild, it won't dare to take it lightly." Tang San wondered if his idea of ​​rebuilding the Tang Sect should be put on the agenda in advance.

There is always a limit to what a person can do, and there is still power behind him to support him, especially if his enemy is a giant like Wuhundian.

But now he has to be busy practicing, and he has no one available, rebuilding the Tang Sect is not easy, we can only talk about it later.

The two talked again, Tang San got up and prepared to leave, and asked Ning Wanwan to rest.

Ning Wanwan knew that knowing so many things suddenly, Tang San was very confused, needed time and space, and didn't keep anyone, just told him to go directly to the disciples in the sect if he had anything to do.

After leaving Ning Wanwan's courtyard, Tang San didn't know where to go. He was a little dazed for a while, and just walked forward unconsciously, with various thoughts intertwined in his mind. When he recovered, he found that he was standing Outside the master's room.

Tang San raised his hand and wanted to knock on the door, but hesitated again and again, and still couldn't knock.

At this time, the door was opened from the inside, and the master stood inside, "Little San, why are you listless? What happened? Could it be that Sect Master Ning does not agree with you being with Wan Wan?"

Tang San shook his head silently.

The master stepped aside, "Forget it, let's talk first."

Tang San walked into the room without saying a word, found a chair at random and sat down.

The master closed the door, turned around and saw Tang San's preoccupied look, and he was not in a hurry to ask, anyway, Tang San would always say what he wanted to say.The master poured two cups of tea, put one of them in front of Tang San, and sat down opposite Tang San holding the cup himself.

The tea was still hot, and the water vapor was densely rising, Tang San stared at the wisp of smoke in a daze, before asking for a long time: "Teacher, do you know my father?"

The master paused, and sighed inaudibly, "Do you know your father's identity? I guessed it when I saw your other martial soul, but I couldn't be sure. It wasn't until six years ago when your father came to Notting College is looking for me."

Tang San suddenly raised his head to look at the master, and asked in surprise: "My father went to look for you?"

"He said he was going to leave, let me take good care of you, and gave me this." The master said, took out one thing from the stored soul guide, and handed it to Tang San.

"The highest token of Wuhun Temple?" Tang San recognized the thing in his hand, the token struck by black iron, with six patterns engraved on it.

The master once told him that this kind of token can only be owned by people above the elder level of the Wuhun Temple, and its power is second only to the Pope.

"It was only after I saw this token that I dared to confirm the identity of your father. He really looked like him at that time, making people unbelievable that he is the youngest Titled Douluo today." Thinking of the feeling at that time, the master still felt a little indescribable .

The former idol turned into a middle-aged man with vicissitudes of life and unkempt appearance, which made the master a little incompetent.

"This kind of token has only six pieces in total, and the six patterns on it represent the six titled Douluo, all of whom are top experts with spirit power over level 95.

Three of them are the three titled Douluo from Shangsanzong, they were awarded the status of honorary elders by the Wuhun Temple, and the other three are the elders of the Wuhun Palace. "

The master took a sip of tea and continued: "The sword above represents Luo Chenxin, the Sword Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School. This dragon shape represents the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon family, my father Thunder Douluo. And that The hammer represents the Clear Sky Douluo of the Clear Sky School.

This token is said to be for the three Titled Douluo, but it is actually kept by the suzerain or family head, only the Clear Sky School is kept by the most powerful Clear Sky Douluo, that is, your father.

Back then, when your father broke through to Title Douluo, he defeated several Title Douluo in the Spirit Hall with spirit power over level 95. Therefore, he became the strongest person in the Clear Sky School and was awarded the title: Haotian. "

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