Douluo: Forced to inherit the god position after rebirth

Chapter 98 Talking About Twin Martial Souls

Tang San clenched the token in his hand, "Teacher, why does my father have to leave? Even if he wants to leave, why won't he see me again before leaving?"

Dad gave such an important token to the teacher, and asked the teacher to take care of himself. This shows that Dad loves me, but why doesn't he want to tell himself?

The master put down the teacup in his hand, thought for a while and said: "Probably because I was reluctant to leave after seeing you. Wuhundian has been secretly looking for your father all these years. He should be afraid that you will be implicated if you stay by his side. Just asked me to take care of you. But your father is not indifferent to you."

As if thinking of something, the expression on the master's face became a little strange.

Tang San asked suspiciously: "Teacher, what do you mean?"

"Do you still remember that during the Shrek entrance examination, Zao Wou-ki wanted to fight against you children in person?" The master said with the corners of his mouth slightly raised,

"Although Wan Wan's words failed in the end, Zao Wou-ki was still taught a lesson by your father that night. As a result, Zhao Wou-ki gritted his teeth angrily when he saw you for a while."

Tang San stood up excitedly, "You mean Dad taught Teacher Zhao a lesson because of me? Dad is still watching me secretly?"

"You are his son, how could he really let you go." The master looked at Tang San whose emotions were so volatile, feeling a little sad, after all, he was still a boy, no matter how stable he was usually, he still longed for his father.

Tang San walked around the house several times before he calmed down and sat down again, "Teacher, do you know the news about my mother?"

The master shook his head, "Your father protected her very well. Few people in the entire continent know her origins. Little San, don't think so much. The most important thing for you now is to cultivate. Only when you are strong can you help your father, otherwise You can only worry on the sidelines."

"Wanwan also said that, teacher, I will work harder in the future." Tang San nodded firmly, and said: "By the way, teacher, I almost forgot to tell you. The Dragon family has newly established a soul master force called the Soul Master Guild.

Many neutral forces and forces suppressed by Wuhundian have joined the guild.The Soul Masters Guild has developed to a certain level, and it can appear in front of people in a fair and honest manner. After Wuhundian knew about it, it didn't dare to blatantly suppress it.

Wan Wan also asked me to ask you if you want to join the Soul Masters Guild, so that you can contact the master in a fair and honest manner. "

The master was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect that a group of stubborn old people in the family would let go of such a thing.

Immediately thinking of the person in Wuhundian, the master's face became uneasy, "There is no rush, let's talk about it later. If it's all right, you can go back and rest too."

Tang San saw the master's complexion was not good, thought he was tired, stood up and was about to leave, but suddenly thought of something, put down his raised foot again, "Teacher, I always wanted to ask, why didn't you and my father let me give it to you?" Why did the Clear Sky Hammer add a soul ring? To conceal my origin?"

The master asked without answering, "Little San, what do you think is the biggest advantage of twin martial souls?"

Tang San replied without hesitation: "Nine more spirit abilities than others, one spirit can have up to nine spirit rings, but I have two spirits, so I can have eighteen spirit rings."

The master shook his head, "This is not the most important thing. No matter how many spirits you have, you can only use one spirit at the same time. When using this spirit, you still only have nine spirit abilities. Nine soul skills, how can this reflect the rarity of twin martial souls."

Something flashed through Tang San's mind, but he didn't catch it in time, "Teacher, what do you mean?"

The master's eyes were shining brightly, "People who have twin martial souls, only cultivate one of them, and there will be no bottleneck in the cultivation of soul power.

The improvement of soul power can get more soul rings, and the acquisition of soul rings will increase the physical strength and various attributes, and the increase in physical strength and attributes can withstand the soul rings with a higher age.

If you add a spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer now, the maximum number of years you can withstand is only a few thousand years, and if you break through to Title Douluo, then add a spirit ring to the Clear Sky Hammer, what will happen? "

Tang San murmured: "The first spirit ring of the Clear Sky Hammer is at least ten thousand years old."

"That's right, your father and I just wanted to create a Clear Sky Hammer with all spirit rings over ten thousand years old." The more the master spoke, the more excited he got, he stood up and walked to Tang San's side, holding Tang San's shoulders with both hands.

"At that time, let alone facing one Title Douluo, with the dominance of the Clear Sky Hammer, even facing two Title Douluo at the same time is not a problem at all.

The higher the age of the soul ring, the greater the power of the obtained soul skills, and the higher the various attributes added. When you really do it, you will become an invincible existence among soul masters of the same level! "

Tang San's eyes also became brighter and brighter following the master's words, he already had a deep understanding of the strength of the Clear Sky Hammer.Back then in the Star Dou Great Forest, he killed the Man Faced Demon Spider with the Clear Sky Hammer.

The master calmed down slowly, and said in a deep voice: "This idea is good, but there is still a problem lying in front of us. If this problem cannot be solved, then what I just said can only be an assumption."

"What's the problem?" Tang San asked, as long as he could become stronger, no matter how difficult it was, he would try it.

"The Clear Sky Hammer and the Blue Silver Grass are very different, and they focus on different directions. When you add a soul ring to the Clear Sky Hammer, it is likely to conflict with the Blue Silver Grass' soul ring."

The master withdrew his hands behind his back, paced and said: "Among the existing records that can be read, you are the third person with twin martial souls.

The first soul master with twin spirits, when adding the second spirit to the third spirit ring, the two spirits collided and exploded to death.The second person with twin martial souls succeeded and became a strong man standing at the top of the soul master.

I have been researching for these years, how to make your two spirits not conflict when adding spirit rings, but unfortunately there is no obvious progress. "

Tang San thought of the training the master had given him in the past, and asked: "Teacher, you let me exercise and soak in medicinal baths to strengthen my body? After I added the spirit ring to the Blue Silver Grass, I could clearly feel the various aspects of my body. Addition of item properties.

Ordinary soul masters only need to bear the attribute bonuses brought by nine soul rings, but I have to bear the attribute bonuses brought by eighteen soul rings. If my body is not strong enough to bear these bonuses, I will explode and die ? "

The master nodded, "Little San, you are right, extremes are the opposite, increasing attributes is a good thing, but if it is too much for the body to bear, it will become a death talisman.

Only if your body is strong enough can you bear more soul rings, so you must not relax your physical training in the future. If you have the opportunity, you can look for natural treasures to strengthen your body and take them.

If there is really no other way in the end, then use spirit bones to disperse the unbearable attributes of the body. "

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