Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 34 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 34 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine
Li Zeyu smiled without any sense of distance, Yang Wei naturally wouldn't say no to meeting his first love.

"Okay, sit down."

Yang Wei took Li Zeyu to a seat and sat down.


"How are you recently?"

Yang Wei just felt that this body should still have feelings for Li Zeyu, the moment he saw him, but it was a different feeling from Feng Minghan.

Yang Wei got himself a glass of plain water, and then made Li Zeyu the mashed taro half sugar he had ordered.

He is a policeman who needs training and cannot eat too much sugar.

"This cup is free."

At the end, Yang Wei added this sentence.


"Xiao Wei, I heard that you have a boyfriend, don't you?"

Li Zeyu took the milk tea and looked at Yang Wei opposite, who was still beautiful, with the same face as in memory, Li Zeyu felt mixed feelings.

If he hadn't wanted to go abroad at the beginning, how could he and Yang Wei be separated.


After a while, Yang Wei hummed from his nasal cavity.

It turned out to be true.

Li Zeyu felt lonely in his heart.

For a long while, there was a long silence in the air.

"So, can we be friends?"

Li Zeyu raised his head, his eyes were bright, and he looked at Yang Wei.

Different from his profession, Li Zeyu has a pair of black and white innocent puppy eyes with clear outlines, he is a standard Chinese handsome man.

However, years of years and professional training in recent years have slowly stained his eyes with determination, but only when facing Yang Wei, he is not aggressive at all.


The words fall.

"of course can."

Yang Wei agreed quickly.

After all, even though they were separated at the beginning, she still remembers the sweetness between the two of them to this day.


"Didn't you always work in a foreign police station? Why did you suddenly return to China?"

Yang Wei touched the cup in his hand and exchanged greetings.

"A few years ago, there was a major international financial fraud case that shocked the world. The murderer has not been solved yet. According to the investigation, the murderer should be a person from China."

"It just so happened that I was from Huaguo, so the leader directly transferred me to the country."

Li Zeyu answered [-].

But at the beginning, he agreed to the leader so quickly, not entirely because of the case, but because of Yang Wei.

But today, after a long time no see, Yang Wei really has a new boyfriend.

But what else can he say, the girl he once loved so deeply, now he can only wish her happiness.

"It's getting late, Wei Wei, I need to go back to the police station to handle the case."

"If there is such a use for me in the future, just ask."

Li Zeyu stood up, picked up the milk tea and prepared to leave.

But when he finally left, he said something like this to Yang Wei.

"it is good."

Yang Wei nodded.


Saying goodbye to Yang Wei, today is the end of the day, Yang Wei started to tidy up her milk tea shop.

Because the first love is beautiful, but now I need it first, and the one I am facing is Feng Minghan, the current boyfriend and scum.

She needs not to love Feng Minghan first.


In the bustling city A, the lights are feasting, and everyone is full of the popularity of a big city.

But on the other side of City A, it is infinitely lonely, desolate and dangerous.

On the border of China, there is an abandoned factory on the border with neighboring countries.

Now, Feng Minghan has successfully planted the bomb in the field outside the abandoned factory.

The surroundings are very quiet, but through the dark night where you can't see your fingers, you can still hear a few footsteps.

"Hurry up, be honest!"


A man's voice, accompanied by the dull muffled sound of the next foot kicking the flesh.

A black car parked outside the factory.

And Feng Minghan was in the factory at the moment, watching his subordinates bring a large sack to him, with no expression on his face.

"Did someone bring it?"

Suddenly, his subordinate brought a bench for Feng Minghan, and he sat down on the occasion, looking condescendingly at the objects struggling in the sack in front of him.

"Bring it, Mr. Feng, this kid actually dared to keep the evidence of our money laundering. Fortunately, I found out, otherwise all the evidence would be in the hands of the police now."

Among the group of people, the tall and strong man replied to Feng Minghan. As he spoke, he tore off the rope of the sack, revealing the people inside.

is a man.

A relatively thin man, but the difference is that the man's left hand was congenitally deformed, with only three fingers.

"Little Ma, this guy is easy for us to catch. He really doesn't know what to do. He dares to betray our Boss Ken.""


As he said that, the tall and strong man kicked the dying pony again angrily. In an instant, the pony collapsed to the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood.


Feng Minghan blinked his eyes twice, raised his hand to organize his subordinates to continue.

He walked forward slowly, and the shiny black leather shoes stopped in front of the pony.

"You, is there anything else you want to say?"

Feng Minghan looked at the pony on the ground word by word. This was a colleague who used to work with him, but now he looked as weak as an ant.

Because, after he got the evidence of his own money laundering, he turned to collude with the police and persuaded himself to surrender.

Joke, I got so much money, stop, dreaming?
Although, it was he who felt that he was useless first, and put his share of the money into his own bag, and Xiao Ma began to realize that something was wrong, and instead collected evidence of money laundering.

But it is wrong to betray yourself.

"I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person, Feng Minghan."

"I've been with you for so long. We've been working under Ken. I don't mind if you take my share of the money, but why do you have to put me to death?"

At this moment, Xiao Ma never thought that it was because he exposed the evidence of Ken's money laundering. He wanted justice and could not accept that the boss he had worked so hard for for so long turned out to be an international financial fraudster.

However, he did not die in the hands of Ken, but Feng Minghan, who had been with him for so many years, wanted to put himself to death.


"you know too much."

After listening to Xiao Ma's words, Feng Minghan smiled slightly.

Want to ask why is it.

Because, he is Ken.

Ken, who once created a major international financial fraud case and has fled safely in China until now.

Ken, is the name he uses to facilitate his work internationally.

However, Xiao Ma didn't know that his personality in front of him was always the same as him, Ken's subordinates.

"It's these things that send you to heaven."

"In your next life, remember, don't meddle too much."

"let's go."

Feng Minghan got a stack of documents handed over by his subordinates, all of which were evidence collected by Xiao Ma.

He opened it and found that he had indeed collected some small evidence, but there was not much evidence, all of which were his previous transfer records of small funds that he did not know the origin of.

Although the real evidence of money laundering is with him, if this thing goes out, it will always cause some small troubles for him.

After Feng Minghan finished reading it, he took the stack of documents and left. Only Xiao Ma was left at the scene, Xiao Ma, who was tied up and lived in the factory.

(End of this chapter)

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