Fast Time Travel: Love Brain Crawl All For Me

Chapter 35 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine

Chapter 35 Rescue: The Anti-PUA Heroine




Feng Minghan was sitting in the car with no expression on his face at the moment, and he put the stack of documents in his arms.

Now, he has contacted his subordinates abroad, and now, he is trying to figure out how to get these things into their hands.

Only in their hands can he truly rest assured.

But now, Feng Minghan held a remote control in his other hand.

That's right, it was the remote control of the bomb he had planted earlier in the morning.

Used to blow up ponies.



A shocking explosion resounded across the border.

With such a loud explosion, Feng Minghan only slightly frowned.

"Okay, I'm done, go back to City A."

How could the pony survive such a huge explosion.

So Feng Minghan let his subordinates drive away in peace.

Back in City A, he is the vice president of his state-owned enterprise, Mr. Feng. No one knows that he is an international fraudster who shocked the world, Ken.


The black car was driving on the deserted border, in the dark night, only a slowly driving car was seen driving from the border to the city.

But at this moment, the abandoned factory.

A man with blood on his face was lying on the grass outside the factory.

After a long time, his hair was wet with sweat and blood, he slowly raised his head and opened his eyes.

His eyes were full of hatred.

Feng Minghan was the elder brother he trusted the most. He even remembered all the kindness Feng Minghan had treated him. He was once his favorite elder brother who let go of all guards.

But now, such a good brother wants to blow himself up.


But unexpectedly, his pony did not die.

From the very beginning, he hid a shard of glass in his palm, in order to prevent them from tying him up.

As for the scene where Feng Minghan planted a bomb at the factory gate, they all thought he was kicked and passed out, but in fact, he witnessed everything with his own eyes.

He knew there was a bomb here, and it happened that he was also a highly educated elite.

At this moment, he used his right hand to desperately cover the most dangerous part of the bomb. He could only gamble like this this time.

But this time, he was right.

Now, he left a life, and a blown right hand.


Ken, Feng Minghan, wait for me, my pony, I'm not dead!

City A.

Feng Minghan asked this group of men to get off the car when they were about to enter City A.

He never leaves any gaps in what he does.

Now, he drove back by himself.

He was thinking about Yang Wei.

After not seeing him for so long, Yang Wei must have missed himself to death.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Feng Minghan's lips, and he stepped on the gas pedal faster.


But at this moment, Yang Wei is sending messages to his first love, Li Zeyu.

Of course, the phone number she used was another number with Feng Minghan on her back.

It was Li Zeyu who sent him the message first.

He said happy birthday to her.

Yang Wei thought for a while, and then remembered that tomorrow is her birthday, her 23rd birthday.

It turned out that Li Zeyu still remembered.


Thinking of Li Zeyu, Yang Wei felt a little bit of sweetness in his heart.

In fact, if she and Li Zeyu hadn't broken up at the beginning, it happened that Li Zeyu had to go abroad to go to the police academy. Now, she would definitely not be with Feng Minghan.

Yang Wei looked at the birthday wishes from Li Zeyu, although his heart was a little warm, but he still did not forget to delete all the chat records.

Coincidentally, just after Yang Wei finished deleting the message, Feng Minghan had already arrived home.


However, just after arriving home, Feng Minghan came to Yang Wei's room and couldn't wait to give her a warm hug.

The moment Feng Minghan hugged Yang Wei, it seemed that something empty in Feng Minghan's heart was suddenly filled.

"Miss me?"

This is the question Feng Minghan has always wanted to ask.

They hadn't seen each other for almost a whole day.


Yang Wei really couldn't tell such a disgusting lie about thinking about him, but she could only coax him.

After finishing the words, Feng Minghan remembered what he and Yang Wei hadn't finished last time.

But this time, it wasn't for any children. On the contrary, he didn't like children and didn't want children urgently.

He is just innocent and wants to touch Yang Wei——

The moment the two came into contact again, Yang Wei's breathing stagnated for an instant.

But at this moment, she is not afraid, because she has a perfect excuse...

Now, Feng Minghan's hands were running down Yang Wei's slender waist.

That's right, she's visiting relatives.

"These days are my menstrual period, have you forgotten?"

Yang Wei's voice was very calm.

But in fact, she is already happy in her heart now.



Feng Minghan retreated speechlessly, but in the end, he let Yang Wei go.

Yang Wei took advantage of the situation and sat down beside the bed.

And Feng Minghan went straight to bed and asked Yang Wei to come over.

He hugged her to keep her warm.


"Wei Wei, tomorrow is your 23rd birthday."

Suddenly, Yang Wei was trying to get used to having Feng Minghan hug her, but Feng Minghan was lying behind him and spoke suddenly.

"Tomorrow? Yes."

Yang Wei was a little surprised that Feng Minghan still remembered his birthday.

Therefore, Yang Wei felt that her love brain value of 70.00% had faintly increased again. After all, she still loves Feng Minghan now.

Girls always love to be impressed by the various details that boys remember about themselves.


"Tomorrow, I will book a banquet for you. We have been together for so long, and I haven't brought you to meet my friends yet."

Although Yang Wei's back was facing Feng Minghan, Feng Minghan was very tall, and his head could just be buried in Yang Wei's hair from this angle, which was the unique warm fragrance of Yang Wei's body.


As soon as these words came out, Yang Wei was even more surprised.

Feng Minghan even hosted a birthday party for himself?Not only does he remember his own birthday, but he also introduces himself to his friends?

Suddenly, Yang Wei's thoughts drifted to this place.

But, think about it.

"I'm sorry, the host moved himself, and the love brain value has increased by one percent. The current value is 70.00% five!"


Actually, Feng Minghan didn't do anything now, he just said a few light words.

But sometimes, girls in love always love self-fantasy.

Self-fantasy is actually a way of PUA.

It's just that this method is a more dangerous self-PUA. See, I want to increase the value a bit after thinking about it.


"okay, I get it."

Yang Wei said.

After finishing speaking, Feng Minghan hugged Yang Wei even tighter, it could be seen that he didn't intend to leave tonight.

Yang Wei also tried to fall asleep in his arms.

She always goes to bed early.

But now, Feng Minghan didn't sleep, he was thinking about something in his head.

In fact, tomorrow's birthday party is not just a birthday greeting party for Yang Wei.

More importantly, it is safest for him to pass today's documents to his subordinates in this way.

That's right, he wanted to cover up his real movements in the name of a banquet at the banquet.

It was his real purpose to cover up his tendency to pass the documents out without anyone noticing.


(End of this chapter)

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