Chapter 121: Exploring the Mansion (18)

Everyone stared at her in unison, she lowered her head and pretended to wipe away her tears with an idea.

An old lady walked up to her and asked again: "Xiaoying, why did you come out? Did your aunt hit you again?"

"Auntie said, let me get out...don't let me come back again..."

Xiong Qingqing secretly pinched his back, shed tears in the moment of pain, and ran away aggrieved.

"Hey, the Zuo family's continuation is really outrageous, what kind of force has the little girl become?"

"That girl's body is covered in blood, I don't know what's going on!"

"I just heard that it said about drugging and selling her younger brother. Xiaoying is probably not a good girl, she probably sold her younger brother!"

"We have to stay away from their house in the future."

"It's just...they let their children hide away. This family is not a good thing."

"Actually, this old left man is pretty good. It's a pity that she married such a stepmother. What a good girl Xiaoying used to be. She became like this because she was forced by this family."


The neighbors stood there and chatted, Xiong Qingqing hid in the corner of the alley for a while, and waited for them to leave before quietly returning to the door of the house and locking the door again.

In this way, even if the original owner's parents wake up at that time, there will be no trouble for a while.

At this time, it was already dark, and there were fewer people in the originally lively street, only the Western Building Street was still crowded with people.

She deliberately passed the coffin shop to take a look, the shopkeeper and Liu Laizi were locking the door, fearing that they would find out, she hurriedly hid.
In the theater building, since Xiong Qingqing left, Xu Lingze quickly returned to the room and covered the blanket.

When Boss Chun and Zhang Bai entered the door, he rubbed his eyes and glanced at them.

"Lele woke up? How did you sleep?" Boss Chun asked with a smile.

"Well, I slept well."

Xu Lingze also smiled, Boss Chun handed over a water glass, he quickly took it, and said thank you.

"This child..."

"Boss Chun, I heard that you only come on stage a few times a month now. You used to open every day. What's the matter now? The business in the theater is good, so you're not interested in money?" Zhang Bai asked jokingly.

Boss Chun sighed, "What, now that I'm old, how can I have the energy to sing every day?"

"I don't think you are old. Chatting with you, I always feel that we are the same age. How do you say it? It's called..." Zhang Bai thought for a while, "It's called... the invincible beauty of time."

Boss Chun lowered his head slightly, and his face also turned red.

"Beauty has nothing to do with age. Different age groups have different beauty. For example, a girl in her teens and twenties has a youthful and bright beauty. In her thirties, she has an intellectual beauty, and in her 40s, she has an elegant beauty." Beauty, 50 years old and 60 years old, is a beauty that has suffered from vicissitudes of life and wisdom, even if she is seventy or eighty, she is still a beauty." Zhang Bai said.

When Xu Lingze heard this, he couldn't help admiring Zhang Bai, this guy has a knack for seductiveness.

Knowing that Boss Chun cared that he was older than him, he analyzed such a paragraph in a long speech, which hit his heart directly.

"I'm not a beauty, I'm just a rough guy." Boss Chun joked.

"If Boss Lian Chun is considered a rough guy, then we people will feel ashamed. The charm of Boss Chun can't even be compared with women. I have never seen the temperament of you in any woman. .”

Zhang Bai looked at Boss Chun affectionately, his eyes were deep, coupled with that handsome face, it was enough to make Boss Chun's heart flutter.

No wonder, it didn't take long to get to know Boss Chun already.

"I... you guys sit down first, I, I'll make it easier for you."

Boss Chun got up and left the house, seeing his blushing face, he knew that he was already full of spring.

Xu Lingze couldn't help giving a thumbs up, Zhang Bai picked up the water glass, and said in a low voice, "You should learn more, you will be able to use it sooner or later."

"I... I can't learn."

Recalling that when Xu Lingze was in the campus rules scene, Xu Lingze also tried to express his affection to Xiong Qingqing for the mission, but Xiong Qingqing's reaction has proved that his ability in this aspect is really not good.

Zhang Bai took a sip of water, "It's not difficult to learn. At the beginning, I thought I couldn't learn it by myself. Later, after working with that guy, Old Xiong, for a long time, I gradually became aware of it and grasped some of the essence."

"But... Boss Chun is a man after all, I really can't do it..."

He is still very resistant to this type of "provocation".

"What's the matter, it's just to complete the task, you don't know that guy, Old Bear, he really can get started, no matter men, women, young or old, I was not as good as you at that time, I couldn't even watch it. " Zhang Bai said, and put the water glass back.


I didn't expect Xiong Qingqing's uncle to be so good at this aspect, why Xiong Qingqing doesn't seem to be enlightened?
Xu Lingze was holding the water glass all the time. As soon as he put down the water glass, Boss Chun returned to the room.

"It's getting dark outside, you should go home first, or your parents should be in a hurry." Boss Chun said with a smile.

"Boss Chun, I..."

Xu Lingze didn't want to leave at first, but seeing Zhang Bai's eyes, he stood up and prepared to leave first.

"Then I'll go first."

Boss Chun grabbed another handful of candies from the drawer, called him to his side, and put all the candies into his pocket.

"When you are free in the future, come and play with me." Boss Chun said.

"it is good."

Xu Lingze nodded, walked to the door and waved back to them.

Not far from the theater building, he met Liu Laizi and shopkeeper Zhou of the coffin shop.

Shopkeeper Zhou also noticed him and asked, "Boy Le, why are you here?"

"Ah, I'm playing here..."

"You boy, it's so late, you're still wandering around in the street, go, I'll take you home."

Shopkeeper Zhou stepped forward to hold his hand, but he quickly avoided, "No, I'll go home by myself, it's not far away, I'll go first."

"Hey! This kid!"

Shopkeeper Zhou looked at "Zuo Le"'s back, and asked Lame Liu suspiciously: "Old Liu, do you feel that this Le boy is different from before?"

"What's different? Isn't it just a doll?"

"In the past, this Le boy was not good at speaking, but now he is fine, hey, what a strange thing."

"What's so strange about this? When a child grows up, he will heal naturally. Let's go quickly. Let's eat a bowl of noodles first, and then go back to our respective homes."
Xu Lingze found Xiong Qingqing at the door of the coffin shop. Xiong Qingqing tried the lock of the coffin shop, and turned around to find a child standing behind her, staring straight at her.

"Ah! I'm startled!"

(End of this chapter)

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