Chapter 122: Exploring the Mansion (19)

"Have you got the key? What's going on at home, have you been tricked?" Xu Lingze asked.

Xiong Qingqing sighed, put away the keys and turned around, the light at the door of the coffin shop was dim, and Xu Lingze could see that she was covered in blood.

"How is this going?"

"Oh, don't mention it, the original owner's stepmother is simply a lunatic, not only has great strength, but also has a solid body. She drank a sip of water, was not drugged at all, and waited for me at home in good spirits, and almost beat me to death." Xiong Qingqing complained.

"Huh? Then you were injured?"

Xu Lingze stepped forward anxiously, wanting to check on Xiong Qingqing's condition.

"I'm fine. The blood on my body is from the original owner's stepmother. I took advantage of her not paying attention and smashed the vase on her head." Xiong Qingqing explained.

"It's good that you're fine, so you knocked the original owner's stepmother unconscious?" Xu Lingze asked.

"Well, she was almost knocked unconscious by me. I dragged her into the house and came out quickly. Oh? Why did you come to me? Shouldn't you be guarding Boss Chun?"

"It's okay, it's getting late, Boss Chun let me go, anyway, Uncle Zhang is watching over there, nothing can happen."

Xiong Qingqing rubbed his shriveled belly, since he still had money in his pocket, he suggested, "Let's go eat something, I don't have any strength now."

"it is good."

The two came to a wonton stand. Xiong Qingqing ordered three bowls of wontons, and Xu Lingze ordered one.

"You eat three bowls of wonton by yourself, don't forget, you are not Xiong Qingqing, you are Zuo Ying, can you eat so much?" Xu Lingze said.

"I think it's okay, but it's only three bowls."

Xiong Qingqing took a bite of a small wonton, and within a short while ate a whole bowl, even drinking the soup.

"The original owner's body is too weak. Even the little stepmother can't hold her back. The key to getting stronger is to eat well and drink well. Eat more to gain strength."

Xiong Qingqing picked up the second bowl of wontons while talking, took a sip of the soup first, then picked up the spoon, and continued to take one bite at a time.

Xu Lingze was a little afraid of being hot, and he ate a little slowly. He thought for a while and said, "I still have to go back to Fengchun after eating, and explain to Uncle Zhang that you go with me and do me a favor. Your clothes No, go back and get another one."

"Okay." Xiong Qingqing nodded in agreement, and asked again: "If Uncle Zhang has been guarding Boss Chun, if he is not the one who wants to kill Boss Chun, will Boss Chun not die? By then... What is our mission?"

Xu Lingze nodded, "Well, I'm also thinking about this issue, so I can't let Uncle Zhang guard Boss Chun all the time. We are not in a hurry when Fengchun closes late."

"I want to know if Uncle Zhang killed Boss Chun. It's actually very simple. Let Uncle Zhang not see Boss Chun at night. If Boss Chun dies the next morning, Uncle Zhang didn't kill him." Xiong Qingqing analyzed .

"But...what if Uncle Zhang was the one who wanted to kill Boss Chun? We can't forcefully reverse what Uncle Zhang is going to do. In short, we just need to help Empress Zushan find out the cause of Boss Chun's death."

"Ah?" The spoon in Xiong Qingqing's hand froze in mid-air, "If Uncle Zhang really killed him, Empress Zu Shan wouldn't take revenge on Uncle Zhang, would she?"

Xu Lingze sighed softly, and frowned, "Probably not... If that's really the case, we have to stop Uncle Zhang."

"What did Uncle Zhang say?" Xiong Qingqing asked again.

"If Boss Chun is a strange story, then Uncle Zhang will not be merciful. If not, then Uncle Zhang will not kill innocent people indiscriminately." Xu Lingze replied.

Xiong Qingqing put the wonton in the spoon into his mouth, and frowned, "This task is really troublesome... It's best that Boss Chun's death has nothing to do with Uncle Zhang, and we can find out who did it. .”

"Well, it will be dark in a while, we'd better talk to Uncle Zhang clearly." Xu Lingze said.

Xiong Qingqing raised his eyebrows, and suddenly remembered something, so he asked, "Uncle Zhang, when will this mission end?"

"I forgot to ask, let's ask together later."
In Boss Chun's room, Zhang Bai was chatting and drinking tea with Boss Chun. The two chatted from Tiannan to Haibei. Zhang Bai's chatting skills were superb, and the scene would not cool down at all.

"Cough...Boss Chun, the food is here." The waiter knocked on the door.

"come in."

The waiter in the shop brought some porridge and side dishes. In order to maintain his throat, Boss Chun seldom eats greasy food.

"Boss Chun, do you have guests here? How about I ask the kitchen to cook some more dishes?" the waiter asked.

"Okay, you go."

After the waiter left, Boss Chun stood up and took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet.

"I don't have any good wine here, I'm afraid the young master won't get used to it."

"There is no distinction between good and bad wine, it depends on who you mainly drink with."

Boss Chun smiled charmingly. After putting the wine on the table, he turned around and went to the cupboard to get the glass.

Zhang Bai lit a cigarette, looked around the room for a week, and finally landed on the record player in the room.

"The food hasn't arrived yet, why don't we play a song?"

"it is good."

Boss Chun put down the wine glass, then turned around and fiddled with the record player.

Zhang Bai pressed the cigarette butt in his hand into the ashtray, stood up slowly, and walked to the record player.

Boss Chun glanced at him quietly, "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, I'm just asking you if there are any good songs here."

"Just some dance music."

The music on the record player started, Zhang Bai moved closer, and asked with a smile, "Boss Chun can still dance?"

"I've only seen the things coming from outside, I don't know how to..."

"How about I teach you?"

Boss Chun didn't speak, Zhang Bai stretched out his hand towards him, and led him slowly to the center of the living room.

There's only a small vacant lot here, but that's enough.

Boss Chun looked up at Zhang Bai affectionately, but Zhang Bai didn't look down at him, but taught him the dance steps seriously.

Not long after the two danced, the door of the room was knocked again.

Although the knock on the door was disappointing, Zhang Bai only smiled like a gentleman, and then let go of him.

"I didn't expect this dish to be fried so quickly."

Boss Chun also smiled softly, took a deep breath, and calmed down his excited heart.

"who is it?"

"Hello, I'm here to find our young master."

Boss Chun opened the door and saw a beautiful young girl standing outside.


Boss Chun let the door open, Zhang Bai saw Xiong Qingqing, immediately understood what was going on, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Master said, I want you to go home, I have something important to tell you." Xiong Qingqing replied.

"Important matter? What's the matter? Don't you just want me to go on a blind date? If you tell the master, just say I won't go." Zhang Bai said coldly.

"Ah... But, young master, you should go back to the master by yourself, I'm just in charge of delivering the message."

Zhang Bai was silent for a few seconds, and finally stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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