Chapter 152 Infinite Strange Talk (20)

"Cough cough..."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he just took a sip of coffee, and almost choked when he heard Chen Zhijun's question.

"Slow down, don't worry." Chen Zhijun handed him a tissue and asked, "So why did she go out first?"

"Uh...she said she was going to rinse her mouth." Xiong Qingqing replied.

Chen Zhijun let out a "puchi" laugh, "She even told you this? You gave her ecstasy!"

"I didn't, she wanted to say it herself!" Xiong Qingqing looked away helplessly.

Xu Lingze let out a long breath, "Don't discuss this, what about today? What's going on with her today? Why did she suddenly go to the bathroom on the first floor of the library?"

"She said she was lying in the dormitory, didn't even eat dinner, and was in the bathroom as soon as she woke up. When she was in a daze, she felt that she walked to the bathroom by herself, and then her head broke away from her body and bit someone. The guy who was bitten was that idiot Jiang Ruixi." Xiong Qingqing said.

"In this way, both Lin Wei and Yan Jie went to different bathrooms uncontrollably. The strange talk behind them should be the bloody hand. Now we are facing two bloody hands." Wang Bingqiao explain.

"By the way, Yan Jie said that last night in the bathroom on the first floor of the teaching building, she saw the palm of the bloody hand. It was a black hole." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Is it... Seeing that palm, will you be controlled by strange stories like Lin Wei and Yan Jie?" Xu Lingze guessed.

"It should be." Wang Bingqiao agreed.

"Then, that singing voice, I guess it's Lin Wei. When I saw Lin Wei, the corners of Lin Wei's mouth were cracked, and his lips were a little swollen, obviously he was fine in the daytime. Bing Qiao, look at the bathroom he entered, Was his mouth normal before he went in?" Chen Zhijun asked.

Wang Bingqiao thought for a while, "Yes."

"Well, this proves that Lin Wei had a problem with his mouth after he entered the bathroom." Chen Zhijun continued to say with a smile on his face, "So, I dare to guess. The one we saw The hand, the palm of the hand is Lin Wei's mouth, and the wound on Lin Wei's mouth was caused by Xiong Qingqing's slap on the bench."

"Uh... makes sense." Xiong Qingqing nodded.

"I always feel that this statement seems a bit far-fetched..." Xu Lingze said.

"It's not far-fetched, it's not far-fetched at all, really! And when I was in the bathroom, Lin Wei pinched himself. It seemed that he pinched either his chin or his mouth!" Chen Zhijun said.

"We still have to ask Lin Wei about this before we can make a decision." Xu Lingze said, looking at Chen Zhijun, "Tomorrow morning, the two of us will go to Lin Wei together and find a way to find out what's going on."

"Okay." Chen Zhijun immediately agreed.
On the way back to the dormitory, the four met Jiang Ruixi near the door of the dormitory.

"Oh? Jiang Ruixi, why are you standing here? Don't you think it's cold?" Chen Zhijun asked with a smile.

Jiang Ruixi ignored it, but looked at Xiong Qingqing.

"Xiong Qingqing, I have something to tell you."

Xiong Qingqing glanced at him, nodded, "OK."

"Then let's go back first!" Chen Zhijun said with a smile.

"Well, you go first."

After the three of them left, Xiong Qingqing asked, "What do you want from me?"

Jiang Ruixi looked around, "It's not convenient to talk here, let's go to the cafe."

"Ah? You make a long story short, and you'll finish it in a while."

Xiong Qingqing just came back from the cafe, she didn't want to make another trip.

"'s really inconvenient for people to come and go here. You, with your skill, shouldn't be afraid of me, right? I'll invite you and coffee. You can order whatever you want."

Jiang Ruixi's eyes were quite pleading, Xiong Qingqing sighed and agreed.

"OK then."
Back at the cafe again, Xiong Qingqing was a little sleepy.

Jiang Ruixi called the waiter and asked, "What do you want to drink?"

"Anything, anything."

"Then, let's have two cups of mocha, and two light black forest cakes."

Xiong Qingqing is actually not interested in coffee, and drinking coffee at this time will more or less affect her sleep quality.

She glanced at Jiang Ruixi, saw that he hadn't said anything yet, and asked directly, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

Jiang Ruixi rubbed her trousers with both hands, "You, did you already know that there is a problem with the bathroom?"

Xiong Qingqing didn't rush to answer, but glanced at his pants.

Jiang Ruixi quickly said: "Don't worry, I, I have no recording or video recording."

"Well, I already knew."

Xiong Qingqing unabashedly answered his question just now, Jiang Ruixi scratched his head, the wound on his shoulder was still aching.

"Well, it's no wonder you haven't let me in. I thought you were deliberately against me." Jiang Ruixi said.

"I don't have the leisure to oppose you. Do you have any other questions? I'm going back to rest." Xiong Qingqing said.


Just as Jiang Ruixi was about to speak, the waiter came over with two cups of coffee.

"Student, your coffee and light forest are 340 yuan in total."

The waiter put the meal on the table and took out the payment code.

Jiang Ruixi turned around after paying the money, Xiong Qingqing had already shown off a big mouthful of the cake, glanced at him and said vaguely: "Well, you continue."

Jiang Ruixi touched her wound worriedly, "Is there any problem with my wound?"

"No problem, don't worry, trauma."

Xiong Qingqing thought, since it has been confirmed that Yan Jie bit it, there should be no problem.

"Do you know what that is?" Jiang Ruixi asked.

"Those things have nothing to do with you, and you don't have to be afraid, as long as you don't go into that bathroom casually. Just like what I said at the time, you will be fine if you are obedient." Xiong Qingqing picked up the cake and added: "That's right , keep your mouth shut, don't talk nonsense, if I really want to deal with you, nine lives are not enough for you."

Jiang Ruixi was obviously shocked by her words, he was stunned for two seconds and said, "I understand."

"Well, it's good to understand, thank you for the cake."

"You're welcome, thank you for saving me today. I, I treated you too much before, I didn't expect you to save me."

"You're welcome, if you eat your cake today, we'll settle it."

Jiang Ruixi smiled and nodded, "Okay. That...Qingqing, are you sure my injury is okay?"

"What did the doctor say? Didn't they give you a series of examination packages?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"The doctor said it was a trauma, and told me not to get water on the wound."

"That's fine, trust the science!"

Jiang Ruixi was stunned, what did she just say?Believe in science?
Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"Hello? Director? Please help me cut the scene of Yan Jie and Lin Wei making out last night."

"Is Xiong Qingqing a girl? Why do you feel like a strong man? Uh...Qingze CP fans bypass, I will knock Qiao Ze CP."

"Chen Zhijun and I thought about it together! I also think there is something wrong with Lin Wei's flying hand! It must be different from the first flying hand!"

"Oh my god, it's scary! Isn't it better than watching a movie?"

"Chen Zhijun is a veteran in love! Zhuang Qiao handles it with ease!"

(End of this chapter)

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