Chapter 153 Infinite Strange Talk (21)

After returning to the dormitory, Chen Zhijun took a shower first.

When he came out, Xu Lingze was leaning on a chair, wondering what he was thinking.

"Hey, why are you so preoccupied?" Chen Zhijun asked.

Xu Lingze looked at him and said solemnly, "We can't wait for tomorrow. Today, we have to let Lin Wei spit out everything we know."

Chen Zhijun sat down opposite him, "Indeed, the time can't be too long, the longer the time, the greater the chance of accidents."

"There are only two people in our dormitory, why not call Lin Wei over tonight." Xu Lingze said.

"Okay, I'll call."

Chen Zhijun opened the address book and sent a message to Lin Wei.

"Lin Wei, I can save you about the bloody hands. If you don't want to die, come to 108 right now, and you won't wait when it's too late."

"Lin Wei's temper is twitchy, so he may hesitate for a while. I'll take a shower first."

Xu Lingze stretched his waist, stood up and prepared to take a bath.

"That's right, you go first, I'll play a game."

At the same time that Chen Zhijun opened the game interface, Xu Lingze also opened the bathroom door, and suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Chen Zhijun, it's me."

Hearing Lin Wei's voice, the two looked at each other and smiled.

Chen Zhijun opened the door, and when Lin Wei entered the room and saw Xu Lingze, he shrank his neck slightly with an unnatural expression.

"It's okay, Xu Lingze also knows everything about you, you don't have to keep it in front of us." Chen Zhijun said, pulling out a chair from the side, "Sit down."

Lin Wei scratched his ears and sat down timidly.

Chen Zhijun gave him a contemptuous look, unexpectedly even this kind of person has a girlfriend, is Yan Jie blind?

"You... You said you could save me, is that true?" Lin Wei asked.

"If you don't believe me, you can leave! No one is stopping you!" Chen Zhijun said angrily.

"Lin Wei, do you think there is anyone in this world who can save you? Will anyone believe what you say? What kind of bloody hand that can fly, once word spreads, you will be treated as a psychopath, and everyone you know will Laughing at you. Believe us, it is your only choice." Xu Lingze said.

Lin Wei took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, I trust you."

Chen Zhijun sneered, "No, no one begged you to trust us. Now we are the ones who are going to save you. You'd better figure out this relationship."

"Okay... You guys, help me, I thank you, let me do anything! I really can't stand it..."

Lin Wei choked up as he spoke.

Chen Zhijun gave a "tsk" and patted the table, "Are you still a man? You are more ink-stained than women, if you cry again, get out."

Lin Wei quickly wiped away his tears, "Okay... I, I, I, I won't cry..."

"Tell me, what happened last night and tonight." Xu Lingze asked.

"Yesterday, last night, Yan Jie and I were on a date in the bathroom. She, she went out first and yelled. I ran out immediately and saw a bloody hand on the mirror. I was so scared that I ran out quickly. That hand The bloody hand flew out from the mirror and grabbed my trouser leg, I, I was very scared, and when I went out, I met Xiong Qingqing from our class."

Lin Wei said, thinking of what happened last night, he was in a trance.

"What about tonight? Why did you go back to that place?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"I don't know. I was in the dormitory. I... I walked out unconsciously and went back to the bathroom. In a daze, my hands disappeared, and my facial features also disappeared. I... I seemed to be chasing You and Wang Bingqiao are still singing! I can't remember what I was singing..." Lin Wei said.

"How do you know that your facial features are missing?" Chen Zhijun asked, his tone was a bit like interrogating a prisoner.

"I, I guessed, because I couldn't see anything at the time. I wanted to shout but found that I couldn't open my mouth, and my mouth didn't feel, as if it didn't exist." Lin Wei said.

Xu Lingze and Chen Zhijun looked at each other, Lin Wei was suddenly agitated and grabbed Xu Lingze's hand.

"Xu Lingze, can you really save me? I beg you to save me, I have only one child in our family... I, my parents still expect me to provide for them! I can't die..."

Lin Wei cried again, and Chen Zhijun was upset, and kicked his chair leg.

"Keep your voice down! Do you want the whole world to know? Shut up!" Chen Zhijun said.

Lin Wei covered his mouth and wept uncontrollably. Seeing him like this, Xu Lingze couldn't help sighing.

After a while, Lin Wei calmed down a lot, took a piece of paper from the table, and wiped away his tears and snot.

"Later, when I was in a daze, it seemed that someone had beaten me. When I woke up again, I found myself still in the bathroom. I was so scared that my heart was pounding, and I hurried back to the dormitory."

Lin Wei said, looked up at Chen Zhijun, lowered his head and continued: "I know that there is no one in the dormitory, and I was also afraid, afraid that others would know my secret, and then you went, and you all know what happened afterwards .”

Xu Lingze thought for a while, and then asked: "The hand you saw last night, did you see the back of the hand or the palm?"

"I can see the back of the hand and the palm of the hand, and there seems to be a black hole in the palm of the hand!"

The scene fell into silence, and Lin Wei kept his head down after speaking, wanting to cry but not daring to cry, he was extremely useless.

After a moment of silence, Chen Zhijun said: "You go back first, we will call you if you have any questions."

"No, what if that thing finds me again at night?" Lin Wei suddenly panicked, and looked at Xu Lingze for help.

"Be careful, nothing will happen, you can go back." Xu Lingze comforted.

"Yes, but I'm afraid, there are only two people in your dormitory, can I move in and live with you?" Lin Wei begged.

"You have a good idea! Go back quickly! If you don't leave, we will leave you alone!" Chen Zhijun said coldly.

There were only the two of them in the dormitory. How could such a burdensome person like him be recruited in such a convenient environment?

Lin Wei was so frightened that he quickly stood up, "Okay, I, I, I'll go back, I'll go back now."

After he left, Chen Zhijun leaned back on the chair and said, "It seems that Lin Weifei's hand not only has a singing mouth, but also his facial features."

Xu Lingze frowned, "Isn't it very simple for him to find you? In that classroom, the strange talk led into an existence similar to an enchantment. If there were only the two of you, your smell would be very obvious. How long did you Was it just found?"

Chen Zhijun nodded and shook his head again, "He has been singing, the rhythm of that singing is very slow, and he found us after singing several times. It seems that he did not rely on his sense of smell."

"He just suspects that he doesn't have five senses. According to him, he just can't see them, and then he can't shout out. Perhaps, not all five senses are missing." Xu Lingze said.

"Oh my god, what kind of hobby is this weird talk..."

(End of this chapter)

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