Chapter 154 Infinite Strange Talk (22)

After Xu Lingze took a shower, he went to bed and got ready to sleep.

"I turned off the lights!"

Chen Zhijun picked up the remote control and was about to turn off the lights when Xu Lingze sat up suddenly.

"and many more!"

"what happened?"

Xu Lingze took out a note from under the pillow, "It seems to be a rule."

[Soul Eater Canteen Survival Rules]

[The rules for this scene will be officially launched tomorrow, please keep the following rules in mind. 】

[Rule [-]: Love is born from the heart, please dress neatly and go to the cafeteria to eat. 】

[Rule [-]: If you can see them, don't let them find out. 】

[Rule [-]: Their hearts are full of doubts, but their curiosity often kills others.When they ask questions, don't ignore them, and answer them with irrelevant words. 】

[Rule [-]: Sometimes they are cute and sneak into your side. When you find that the people around you are no longer the people you are familiar with, please be sure not to expose them. ] (The last sentence is marked in red)

[Rule [-]: They like all the smoke, maybe they will smell the smoke and float somewhere else. 】

[Rule [-]: They cannot be killed, cannot be driven away, please keep calm when encountering them. 】

After quickly reading all the rules, Xu Lingze handed the paper to Chen Zhijun.

Chen Zhijun quickly took it, and complained helplessly: "Damn... the cafeteria! The smoke! There are 600 people in the school, what should I do?"

Xu Lingze edited the rules into a message, sent it into the group, and attached a sentence.

"This is the rule about the black monster in the cafeteria."

Chen Zhijun returned the paper to Xu Lingze, and when he opened it again, the words on it were gradually disappearing.

"Tomorrow morning, the world of rules will be in operation. Now it is really two rules colliding. From [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] in the evening, many students will go to the cafeteria. There are only four of us, so we can't take care of it. Today is The four of us can see them, and starting tomorrow, more students will face them." Chen Zhijun said.

"We have to make a careful plan, and it's best to resolve this strange talk before tomorrow's hour." Xu Lingze said.

Chen Zhijun smiled and stretched his waist, "It seems that I won't be able to sleep tonight, so call the two of them?"


At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Zhijun subconsciously thought it was Lin Wei, and asked angrily, "Who is it?"

"Zhijun, it's me, Jiang Ruixi."


Chen Zhijun got out of bed and opened the door, looked at Jiang Ruixi and asked suspiciously: "What's the matter, buddy, what's the matter?"

Jiang Ruixi carried two bags of fruit and snacks in his hand, and put them on the table, "I bought some food today, this one is for you, and the other bag, please give it to Xiong Qingqing for me."

"Why don't you give it to her yourself?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"I... I don't know her very well. It's better for you to leave it to her. I'll leave the things here. I'll go first. "

Jiang Ruixi turned to leave, but Chen Zhijun stopped him.

"Hey, wait a minute, Ruixi, do you have a cigarette?"

"Yes." Jiang Ruixi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and asked, "Is it enough? If not, I still have some in my dormitory. I'll bring you one."

"Okay, how much is it, I'll transfer it to you." Chen Zhijun took out his phone.

"No need, just over 1000." Jiang Ruixi said.

"Ah? Well, then I'll go get it with you."

Chen Zhijun followed Jiang Ruixi out of the dormitory, Xu Lingze took out his mobile phone, and sent a message among the group of four.

"Gather in our dormitory around eleven o'clock tonight."

"Got it." Wang Bingqiao replied.

Xu Lingze waited for a while, but Xiong Qingqing still didn't reply to the message, so he dialed the phone directly, but there was no answer after several rings.

"Girl, are you falling asleep now?"

He muttered something, and dialed Xiong Qingqing's watch with his mobile phone.

Xiong Qingqing was immediately awakened by the shock, and answered the phone in a daze.

"Didn't you drink coffee? Why did you fall asleep so early?"

"Ah uh..."

Xiong Qingqing yawned from the other end of the phone, and Xu Lingze said again: "Don't go to sleep for now, and read the news in the group."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Lingze looked at Xiong Qingqing's number on the phone screen and chuckled.

This so-called counterfeit watch is not only of good quality and full of functions, but also can make calls in various time and space time without barriers, and does not change the phone number. It is by no means as simple as an ordinary counterfeit watch.

It seems that it is the special care of Uncle Xiong Zheyu.

After a while, Chen Zhijun returned to the dormitory with a cigarette.

"Bingqiao and Qingqing have a lot of people in their dormitories, and we can't start until their roommates are asleep. It's only past ten o'clock, so let's sleep for a while and get up together until eleven o'clock." Chen Zhijun suggested.

"Okay, otherwise I don't have much energy."
At eleven o'clock, Xiong Qingqing's watch vibrated on time, she immediately opened her eyes and turned off the alarm clock.

In the dormitory, Sun Yinghua was still playing with her mobile phone, not intending to sleep at all.

Zhou Yueying once mentioned that Sun Yinghua didn't go to bed until nearly three o'clock in the morning every night.

Xiong Qingqing went to the bathroom first, returned to the bed and carefully put the pillow under the quilt, pretending to be someone, and turned on the call button after entering the space.

"Xu Lingze, get me."

Xu Lingze took her out from the space, and after a while Chen Zhijun also took Wang Bingqiao over.

Xiong Qingqing looked at the two big pockets of snacks on the table and said in surprise: "Wow, you guys bought so many delicious ones!"

"Jiang Ruixi bought this for you. I think he seems to have fallen. He probably fell in love with your mystery and Kong Wuli." Chen Zhijun laughed.

Xiong Qingqing took out a bottle of green plum juice, "What? Mysterious, powerful with Kong Wu...but let's pull it down. He just wants to thank me for saving his life. If it wasn't for me, he would have to be scared if he didn't get bitten to death by a dead man's head." Half dead."

Chen Zhijun smiled meaningfully, "Well, as long as we don't cause trouble for us, it's fine."

"Let's get down to business, do you want to solve the strange talk in the cafeteria tonight?" Wang Bingqiao asked.

"Yes, Chen Zhijun borrowed a cigarette. We want to use the rule that monsters like smoking to attract them. Even if we can't completely wipe them out tonight, at least we can find out the truth." Xu Lingze said.

Wang Bingqiao nodded, "There are more than 500 people in the school, and they have to go to the cafeteria every day. As long as the rules start to operate, someone will definitely suffer."

Chen Zhijun also nodded, "The rules say that the scene starts tomorrow, that is, after twelve o'clock in the morning, and we have about six or seven hours before the cafeteria opens tomorrow morning."

Xiong Qingqing took a sip of green plum juice, "That cigarette is not enough. Before the cafeteria closes in the morning, we may find a way to make some other noise."

Chen Zhijun patted her on the shoulder, "I like this!"

Xu Lingze drew a picture with a pen and paper, "This is all the surveillance cameras in the school. We must find a way to avoid the surveillance. As long as we use the space, we can create an alibi."

(End of this chapter)

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