Chapter 216 Infinite Strange Talk (84)

After listening to Lu Yanci's words, Xiong Qingqing scratched his head.

"Just because of this, you want to arrest me to be your girlfriend? Brother, even if I can help you for a while, I won't be able to help you forever. I'm leaving at the end of the month."

Lu Yanci was startled, and felt flustered for a moment, and then started from the heart, sending cold air to the whole body.


"Well, we won't stay here for a long time, so you still have to solve your own affairs. Perhaps, you should find someone you like, and let her help you resist those unnecessary pursuits."

Lu Yanci took a deep breath, clenched his fist secretly, and asked again: "You guys, can't you stay?"

Xiong Qingqing shook his head, "No, we can't decide whether we will stay or not. If possible, I want to go back to the beginning and live an ordinary life with my family, classmates and friends. Words, we are People from two worlds."

Lu Yan could not accept it, and suddenly staggered a step, Xiong Qingqing quickly supported him, but was pulled into his arms inadvertently.

"Qingqing, you are my only girl friend, I...I really don't want you to go..."

Xiong Qingqing let out a long sigh of relief, and patted him on the back, "I will always remember you."



Lu Yanci let her go with some reluctance, "After you leave, will we have a chance to meet again?"

"Maybe. By the way, you can remember my number. This number may be able to communicate across time and space."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he told him the number of his watch.


"Is your side the same as this side?" Lu Yanci asked.

"There are similarities and differences. They are basically the same, but the direction is different." Xiong Qingqing replied.

"You and Xu Lingze belong to the same world?"

After returning to the dormitory, Wang Bingqiao couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked, "Qingqing, why have you been out for so long?"

"Lu Yanci was in a bad mood. I went to comfort him. I must have been shocked by Su Linhan's incident. I didn't expect that someone would do so many things for him, but he didn't know it at all." Xiong Qingqing said.

"You're right in describing it. Lu Yanci is a disaster, but I haven't seen what's so good about him." Wang Bingqiao said.

Xiong Qingqing shrugged, "I didn't see it either, it's just a little boy who hasn't grown up yet."

"About these things, I don't seem to understand. I don't understand why Zhuang Qiao likes Shang Ling, why I like it for so long, and why I suddenly like Chen Zhijun. I like it and I like it, but I don't know how to like myself." Wang Bingqiao said.

"Well, with this spare time, why not eat something delicious. By the way, Bing Qiao, have you ever experienced convenience stores in the last days?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"The Doomsday Convenience Store should be a compulsory course for beginners. Only after passing the baptism of the Doomsday Convenience Store can one officially become a task force." Wang Bingqiao replied.

"Then... At that time, you and Chen Zhijun, who was the decision maker and who was the executor?" Xiong Qingqing asked again.

"I am the decision maker, and he is the executor. At that time, the two of us didn't know each other. It was a tacit understanding to pass through the convenience store in the end of the world." Wang Bingqiao said.



The two fell asleep while chatting. What Wang Bingqiao didn't expect was that Xiong Qingqing was so good at chatting, and it didn't make her feel bored at all.

The next morning, Wang Bingqiao woke up first, got out of bed after getting dressed, opened the curtains and looked out the window.

Xiong Qingqing also woke up immediately, and sighed, "Oh, why is it going to rain again?"

"The weather doesn't seem to be good these two days." Wang Bingqiao said, and then asked: "Did you dream last night?"

Hearing this, Xiong Qingqing pinched his body to make sure he was still awake, shook his head and said, "No, it seems not, probably not. What about you?"

"Me neither." Wang Bingqiao replied.

"I don't know which unlucky guy was caught by the strange talk and fell into a fantasy dream last night." Xiong Qingqing said, took out the phone from under the pillow, and sent a message in the group.

"Chen Zhijun, Xu Lingze, did you have a dream last night?"

Male dormitory 108, Chen Zhijun was woken up by the sound of the mobile phone, looked at Xu Lingze who opened his eyes, and asked, "Ah Ze, did you dream last night?"

"Nope, what about you?"

"Me neither."

After speaking, Chen Zhijun replied a message in the group.

"Neither of us was dreaming."

Immediately afterwards, he turned off the chat software and opened the school's forum. He wanted to check if something happened, but ended up with a shocking meal.

"My God! What's going on here? The campus male god and his cousin embraced affectionately by the pond, the male god wept, and the cousin was helpless. Is blood relationship preventing love, or is love making up lies!"

After Chen Zhijun finished reading, Xu Lingze frowned and said, "What's going on? Did Lu Yanci and Xiong Qingqing embrace each other affectionately?"

"Hmm." Chen Zhijun nodded, opened the photos in the forum, and said, "Looking at the shooting angle, it should be taken from the girls' dormitory building, probably on the fourth floor. This blurry enough."

Xu Lingze got up, took off his pajamas and got dressed.

Chen Zhijun looked at the phone and muttered: "What's the situation with these two people? Lu Yanci won't confess his love to Xiong Qingqing, will he?"

"Mostly because of Su Linhan's incident, Lu Yanci was hit a bit." Xu Lingze said.

"Well, it's possible, maybe I want Xiong Qingqing to be her girlfriend, so that I can declare to the outside world that I have the owner."

Chen Zhijun also sat up while speaking, put down his phone and began to change clothes.

Xu Lingze got out of bed and opened the curtains, "It looks like it's going to rain again outside."

"By the way, why was Yin Feng not found by Su Linhan the night before, but after dinner the next day? He went back to sleep after class in the afternoon?" Chen Zhijun asked.

"It seems to be." Xu Lingze replied.

Chen Zhijun picked up the phone again, and suddenly smiled, "Looks like Lu Yanci woke up too, all the posts from last night have been deleted."

"If there were such rumors, it would still be Xiong Qingqing who was poked at the spine. Lu Yanci is so popular," Xu Lingze said.

"By the way, have you heard? Our school is going to have a transfer student again. It is said that he is a star in this time and space. I have seen the photos. He is very beautiful and his acting skills are passable." Chen Zhijun said.

"Really? When will you come?" Xu Lingze asked.

"It seems to be today. It's a pity. If something happened to our class, maybe we could be in the same class as this big beauty. Thinking about it, I feel very good." Chen Zhijun said with a smile.
Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"Hahahaha, is it true love separated by blood? This group of students can really come up with a name! I laughed so hard!"

"Ahhhhhh! This live broadcast is really eye-catching, is there another beauty coming?"

"No matter what, Bing Qiao Bing Qiao, you are the most shining!"

"It would be great if I were Xiong Qingqing, so that I can feel the embrace of Yan Li's younger brother."

"Xiong Qingqing is so happy..."

(End of this chapter)

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