Chapter 217 Infinite Strange Talk (85)

After breakfast, the four of them started their tenth day of class at Qiyun No. [-] Middle School.

After the bell rang for the first class, everyone knew that Yue Siyu hadn't come.

The head teacher, Mr. Liu, was late, and the students in the class also started chatting.

"I didn't expect Yue Siyu to leave so soon."

"That's right, I heard that I was frightened by what happened to Su Linhan."

"What's the matter? Which school hasn't had this kind of thing? It shouldn't be..."

"Who knows..."

"Oh? Tell me, will Xiao Ran come to our class?"

"No, we just had an accident in our class, so Xiao Ran probably doesn't want to come."

"Not necessarily, there are two seats vacant in our class now, maybe he will really come to our class!"

"I don't want to be in the same class as her. I don't like the plays she plays at all."


It was not until the end of get out of class that Teacher Liu and three teachers from the teaching office brought a girl into the door.

"Students, from now on, Xiao Ran will be a classmate of our class, Xiao Ran, please introduce yourself too," said the head teacher.

"Hi everyone, my name is Xiao Ran. Please take care of me in the future." After Xiao Ran finished speaking, he smiled and brushed the broken hair on his sideburns. There was a lot of discussion in the class.

"Wow, this is a big star, so beautiful!"

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I could still be classmates with big stars."

"Tch, what's the matter? I think she looks just average, not as good-looking as Kao Bingqiao in our class."

"That's right, it's just about dressing well."

"However, she really has a temperament, I seem to be best friends with a big star..."

"Come on, can someone ask you to be a best friend?"

"I've seen her before. Our family's brand has asked her to endorse her. Her nose was not so high before."


Listening to these discussions, Xiao Ran didn't care at all, but turned her head gently and looked at Teacher Liu.

"Teacher, where am I sitting?"

"There are two vacancies in our class now, you can choose, you can sit anywhere."

Teacher Liu said, pointing to the empty seat in the middle.

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Xiao Ran nodded to Teacher Liu, then walked to Yue Siyu's seat and sat down.

"Students, Xiao Ran's identity is a bit special. I hope you don't take photos and videos at random, and pay attention to protecting the privacy of our classmate Xiao. Also, classmate Xiao has fallen behind a lot in homework due to filming. I hope you will try your best to help help her."

After Mr. Liu gave instructions, he looked in Xu Lingze's direction and said, "Student Xiao, our class is among the best in Qiyun No. 1 Middle School. Xu Lingze is the No. 2 age of our last mock exam, and Wang Bingqiao is No. 3. [-], Shang Ling is No.[-], you can ask them if you don’t understand.”

Xiao Ran turned his head to take a look, and couldn't match the names of the three of them for the time being, so he asked, "Excuse me... who is Xu Lingze?"

Xu Lingze was chatting with Lu Yanyan on his mobile phone. After briefly raising his hand, he continued to play the game with his head down.

Although Xiao Ran was dissatisfied with this attitude, he didn't say anything, and turned around as if nothing had happened.

Teacher Liu looked at the time and said, "Students are sorry, this class will be regarded as a self-study class, and I will take the next self-study class."

"Mr. Liu, it's all my problem. I wasted everyone's time. I heard that there is a coffee shop in our school. How about this? I'll treat everyone to coffee in the afternoon." Xiao Ran said.

As soon as this remark came out, the students applauded one after another, and Teacher Liu nodded in satisfaction.

After a while, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Xiong Qingqing ran directly to the bathroom, Xu Lingze also turned off the game, and received a message from Lu Yanci.

"Where are you going to eat at noon? Call me later."

"it is good."

After Teacher Liu left, many students gathered around Xiao Ran and introduced themselves.

Chen Zhijun walked behind Xu Lingze, patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "What do you think of this big star?"

Xu Lingze didn't pay attention all the time, and only looked up when he heard him ask this question, just as Xiao Ran also turned his head, and after two seconds of eye contact, Xiao Ran smiled at him, and then turned back.

"Oh, how is it?" Chen Zhijun asked again.

"It's not bad, it's pretty good-looking, but I also think it's really not as good as Wang Bingqiao." Xu Lingze said.

Chen Zhijun nodded, "But Wang Bingqiao..."

"What's wrong with me?"

Before she finished speaking, Wang Bingqiao raised her head and stared at him coldly.

"'s nothing, I just think, you're so pretty, really." Chen Zhijun said with a smile.

Wang Bingqiao didn't speak, and took out the next day's textbook from the desk.
At noon, Xu Lingze stood up and walked out while sending a message to Lu Yanci, inviting him to a cafeteria for dinner. At this moment, Xiao Ran suddenly came to him and asked, "Xu Lingze, where do you usually go to study by yourself at night? Teacher I didn’t understand some of the lessons I taught today, so I want to ask you for advice.”

Xu Lingze put away his mobile phone and said, "I'm sorry, I don't go to evening self-study at night. There are still many students in our class who are also studying well. You can ask them."

"Then... can I add you as a friend?" Xiao Ran asked again.

Xiong Qingqing and Chen Zhijun were like two spectators, watching them while waiting. Wang Bingqiao took a step first and left the classroom. Seeing this, Xiong Qingqing also followed.

"it is good."

Xu Lingze took out her phone again, scanned her friend code, and left the classroom without looking back.

Xiao Ran wanted to say something more, but he had already left, leaving her alone.

Looking at his back, Xiao Ran smiled. Although this guy is not a gentleman, it is rare for him to study so well.

Xiao Ran has a talent for acting since he was a child, but he knows nothing about studies, so he always pays special attention to those with excellent academic performance.

It's the first time she's seen someone like Xu Lingze who is good at studying, doesn't have a nerdy temperament, and is so handsome.

"Student Xiao, you just came to school and you are not familiar with the situation, why don't I take you to the cafeteria."

When she was in a daze, Shang Ling came behind her.

Xiao Ran turned to look at him and asked, "Are you..."

"My name is Shang Ling."

"Oh, you are the No.3 in the whole grade that Teacher Liu said?"

Hearing the word "third", Shang Ling felt a little uncomfortable, but still nodded with a smile.

"it's me."

"Thank you, Shang, let's go together."
Barrage sharing in the live broadcast room:
"What big beauty? The first day you come here, you're going to hook up with our younger brother Lingze. Is it green tea?"

"As expected of a big beauty, she is so beautiful and has a temperament! Why don't I have a star classmate..."

"Xiong Qingqing and Chen Zhijun are making fun of me, they are only a bucket of popcorn away!"

"Quick, quick! I want to see Brother Yanli!"

"Who happened to have an accident yesterday? Why are the protagonists so calm? They just went to class for half a day without caring?"

(End of this chapter)

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