After four o'clock, three bells rang in the garden


After a while, the five children lined up and returned to the dormitory.

These children are all about the same age, the youngest is three or four years old, and the older one is five or six years old.

Seeing that there were two more people in the dormitory, the children just glanced at them and were not surprised.

It stands to reason that children of this age are just playing, but these children are extraordinarily calm and don't say a word.

"No wonder Mr. You said that the children here are withdrawn." Xiong Qingqing whispered.

Xu Lingze glanced at them, and when they came back, they sat down on the bed and played with toys by themselves.

"It stands to reason that children of this age shouldn't be like this, but they are extraordinarily calm. Even if their parents are not around, as long as they eat, drink and play, they shouldn't be so withdrawn." Xiong Qingqing added.

Xu Lingze nodded, lowered his voice and said, "It's possible that these children have been here for a long time, so they have developed such a habit."

"The orphanage is too inhumane to raise the children up like this," Xiong Qingqing said.

"You see, each of them almost only has one or two toys, but they never get tired of it, not as if they are playing, but as if they are passing the time." Xu Lingze said.

Xiong Qingqing thought for a while, "If you feel this way, these three-, four-, five-, and six-year-old children have souls that do not conform to common sense. Do you think they are the same as us, but they are not the age shown on the outside?"

"I don't know either, but it should be clear after more contact." Xu Lingze said.

"Didn't Teacher You say that we can go to the playground? Why don't we go and have a look." Xiong Qingqing suggested.

"it is good."

Xu Lingze put the things of the two into the cabinet, locked it with a lock, and then went out the door.

Before the two went out, they passed the beds of those children without even raising their eyelids.

After leaving the dormitory, Xiong Qingqing took a deep breath.

"This place is so depressing... These children are not like children at all, and they don't know what inhuman treatment they have received." Xiong Qingqing complained.

"It's really depressing. I didn't feel it at first." Xu Lingze said.

The two wandered around in the playground and returned to the staff wall.

Xu Lingze was stunned suddenly, his pupils shrank slightly, and there was fear in his eyes.

Xiong Qingqing looked up, also startled in his heart, unconsciously clenched Xu Lingze's hand.

"Who is this person? Wang Xueming... There was no such person just now, where did Teacher You go?" Xiong Qingqing asked in surprise.

Xu Lingze took a closer look at the newly added photo, and said, "This photo seems to have been hung here for a long time, and no one has ever touched it. Look, if someone wants to change this photo, then this The dust next to it will definitely leave traces, but it didn’t. Judging from the weathering and sun exposure, this photo is not a new one, which proves that it is not a new employee.”

"Uh..." Xiong Qingqing squeezed Xu Lingze's hand even harder, and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it doesn't matter what kind of monsters and ghosts, we still have space and weapons."

"Well, by the way, we have also upgraded the space this time. The equipment inside is all configured by Chen Zhijun. I glanced at the list and everything is complete." Xu Lingze said.

Xiong Qingqing was instantly relieved, "This time the space is upgraded, we will no longer have chest tightness and shortness of breath after staying for 5 minutes."

"Well, let's go first."

After Xu Lingze finished speaking, he took Xiong Qingqing's hand and continued walking forward.

A gust of wind blew through the photos on the photo wall behind him, as if the people on them also moved.
The playground in Leshanyuan is in a small open space behind the cafeteria. There are only a few fitness equipment and an old rusty slide. The surrounding grass has grown nearly one meter high.

"It seems that few people come to this place, and no one tidies up the grass." Xiong Qingqing said.

Xu Lingze walked to a piece of equipment, "Well, the dust on it is also very thick. It's true that no one has been here for a long time."

"Do you think... Miss You really disappeared? Or is it just that the photo has been changed, and we will see her again in the future? If Teacher You just disappeared, the things she said to us before are like last words .” Xiong Qingqing said.

"We can take what she said as a rule for the time being," Xu Lingze said.

"That's all there is now."

【Survival Rules of Horrified Leshan Garden】【Mr. You Oral Version】

[Rule [-], there are five teachers and an aunt in the cafeteria in Leshanyuan. The aunt in the cafeteria is surnamed Peng. She doesn't like to talk very much, so try not to disturb her. 】

[Rule [-], the dean will read at night, don't go near the dean's room. 】

[Rule [-], the children in Leshanyuan are a little withdrawn, and they can go to the playground behind when they want to play. 】

[Rule [-], after five o'clock in the afternoon, you can no longer go to the playground, and you must obediently listen to the teacher. 】

[Rule [-], Leshan Park is a bit remote, occasionally small animals will come in, if you see them, you can pretend not to see them, and they will leave soon. 】

[Rule [-], every day at dawn, check to see if your things are still there. Some children are very naughty and like to take other people's things. 】

Xiong Qingqing repeated the six rules. Xu Lingze smiled gratifiedly after listening, and said, "Qingqing, your memory is much better. You can memorize them all after listening to them once. Before, you had to recite them repeatedly to memorize them."

Xiong Qingqing scratched his head, "Actually, I also discovered the pattern. Sometimes I want to remember something, but my mind is confused and absent-minded. As long as I calm down and stop thinking about it, I can remember it."

Xu Lingze smiled again, "Your symptoms are a bit like ADHD."

"When I was young, my parents often said that I have ADHD. You say the same now. I don't really have ADHD, do I?"

Seeing that Xiong Qingqing really believed his words, Xu Lingze rubbed his nose, resisting the urge to laugh out loud, and said, "Well, you should pay more attention and learn to concentrate in the future."

"Ah good!"

Xiong Qingqing nodded, and asked: "Then the rules I just said, shouldn't be wrong?"

"No, the summary is perfect." Xu Lingze said.

Xiong Qingqing nodded again, smiled and said: "If you say there is no problem, then it must be no problem."

"What? You don't believe in yourself so much?" Xu Lingze asked.

"Well... sometimes it happens. Of course, it's also possible that your memory is too good, so if I don't confirm with you, I will feel uneasy. Compared with myself, I trust you more." Xiong Qingqing said.

Xu Lingze patted her head, "In the future, you can be more confident, and if you are not sure, you can ask again. If you always feel that you have made a mistake, you will fall into self-entanglement."

"You are so right." Xiong Qingqing gave a thumbs up after speaking.

"Seeing your action, I suddenly thought of Chen Zhijun." Xu Lingze said.

"Well, I was taken by him, and now I like to give thumbs up."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he glanced at his watch again.

The time now is 35:[-], and before [-]:[-], they have to leave the playground according to the rules dictated by Mr. You.

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