Just as he was about to leave, Xiong Qingqing found a rabbit toy in the grass, pointed at it and said, "Xu Lingze, look at that."

Xu Lingze looked over, "What's wrong?"

"Is that toy exactly the same as the toy held by the little girl in the corner? When the little girl entered the door, I immediately saw a doll rabbit in her arms, with a pair of blood-red eyes, which looked very strange." Xiong Qingqing explain.

Xu Lingze thought about it carefully, shook his head and said, "It's really similar, but it's not exactly the same. I remember that the rabbit ears that the little girl was holding were pink inside, and this one is pure white."

"I don't think there are many toys for those children. This little rabbit is quite new. How could it be left here?" Xiong Qingqing was puzzled.

Xu Lingze walked in, "This is the weirdest place."

"I also think that the rabbit's eyes look too piercing." Xiong Qingqing said, holding Xu Lingze's hand.

"It's not this. We just analyzed that this place hasn't been visited for a long time, but this little rabbit is still very new, as if it was just thrown here. Your analysis is also very reasonable. Those children don't have many toys. Why? Will a brand new doll be left here?" Xu Lingze analyzed.

"Maybe... that child forgot, and he will come to pick it up tomorrow." Xiong Qingqing guessed, but his confidence was lacking.

Xu Lingze turned to look at her, and said with a smile, "You also think it's impossible, don't you?"

Xiong Qingqing nodded slightly, "It's almost time, let's go first."
As they expected, Le Shan Yuan had no food to eat at night.

Those young children have been playing quietly without saying a word.

Xu Lingze and Xiong Qingqing returned to the dormitory, sat down on the bed, and waited boredly for the dark.

Xiong Qingqing yawned, rubbed his eyes, and said softly: "A child's body is prone to sleepiness. Xu Lingze, I have become like this, and I can no longer protect you."


Xu Lingze responded, remembering how Xiong Qingqing fought bloody battles when he was in Qiyun No. [-] Middle School.

If she had to fight until that point regardless of her life, he would rather Xiong Qingqing ignore him.

Xiong Qingqing looked up at him, frowned and said, "You just say yes and it's over? I'm so weak now, you have to protect me, do you hear me?"

Xu Lingze smiled, "Okay."

"That's about the same." Xiong Qingqing yawned again and leaned into Xu Lingze's arms.

Xu Lingze's body stiffened, and he asked, "Do you want to sleep?"

"Well, I'll sleep for a while."

Xiong Qingqing closed his eyes, breathing slowly and evenly.

After a while, Xu Lingze's stiff body relaxed a lot, and he lowered his head to look at the person in his arms.

Seeing Xiong Qingqing's eyelashes trembling slightly, and the soft halo on his fair face, the urge to pinch rose again in his heart, he just stretched out his hand, thought for a while and then put it down.

If he woke her up by pinching her face at this time, it might make her go crazy.

I didn't expect Xiong Qingqing to be so cute when she was a child. It would be great if I could get to know her earlier.

Thinking of this, Xu Lingze stretched out his hand again, and just as he was about to touch her face, there was movement outside the window.

I saw a dozen older children carrying their schoolbags into the room, sat down on the bed, took out their homework from their schoolbags, and just lay down on the soft bed to write.

Like those little friends, they didn't say a word.

Xu Lingze sighed lightly, it seemed that he couldn't get anything out of them if he wanted to.
The night gradually invaded, engulfing the last halo of the sky.

The incandescent lamp in the dormitory suddenly lit up, releasing a not-so-bright light.

Xiong Qingqing groaned, turned over, and buried his head in Xu Lingze's clothes.

Xu Lingze glanced around, and when his eyes turned to the opposite side, the little boy who was about his age on the opposite bed put down his pen and smiled at him.

He paused for a second, then responded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, the little boy put away his homework and walked towards their bed.

Xu Lingze didn't know what he wanted to do, so he subconsciously blocked Xiong Qingqing with his arms.

"Hi, are you new here today?"

The little boy smiled again, with a simple and honest smile, revealing a mouthful of crooked teeth.


Xu Lingze nodded and didn't say much.

"This is your sister? What's your name?" the little boy asked again.

"My name is An Liang, and her name is Annie." Xu Lingze replied.

The little boy looked down at Xiong Qingqing, "Your sister is so beautiful, like a little princess. I also have a sister, but she is gone."

Speaking of this, the little boy's eyes were stained with sadness.

"What's your name, how long have you been here?" Xu Lingze asked.

The little boy sorted out his mood, and introduced himself: "My name is Li Lei, and I came the day before yesterday. The children here hardly speak, and I have no friends. An Liang, why don't we play together in the future?"

"Uh...Okay." Xu Lingze agreed.

"Are you hungry? At noon today, I hid a piece of bread, and I can give you half of it." Li Lei whispered.

Xu Lingze waved his hand, "No need, we're not hungry."

"Alright then. By the way, An Liang, what year are you in? How old are you this year?" Li Lei asked again.His eyes were bright, as if he had a lot to say.

"I'm 13 years old and I'm in the second grade of junior high school this year." Xu Lingze said.

"You're in the same grade as me! Great!"

Li Lei raised his volume excitedly, his voice was a little abrupt.

Xu Lingze glanced over like other beds. Although they spoke loudly, the children still didn't respond.

"Li Lei, how many children are there in Leshan Garden?" Xu Lingze asked.

"About fifty or sixty? I don't know, I haven't counted them." After Li Lei finished speaking, he asked again: "Why were you sent to the orphanage? Where are your parents?"

"I...our parents don't have time to take care of us." Xu Lingze replied.

"Don't lie to me, if your parents are still here, how could you be sent here? Are your parents dead?" Li Lei said.

"Uh... um..."

Xu Lingze lowered his head, and Li Lei comforted, "Actually, it's nothing. We'll be good friends from now on, and your sister is also there. We can depend on each other for life."


Xu Lingze didn't know how to answer, he didn't expect that this person who met for the first time wanted to entrust his life to him!Is this going too fast?
"Why, you don't believe me?" Li Lei asked.

"No, I just felt it suddenly. Why do you think I can live with you?" Xu Lingze asked back.

"Because you talked to me! Those people ignored me. I've been dumb for the past two days. I'm so tired." Li Lei said.

"Li Lei, do you know why these people don't talk?" Xu Lingze asked.

"I don't know, I think they are like fools."

After Li Lei finished speaking, the children all looked at him with fierce expressions on their faces.

Sensing the eyes of the people behind him, Li Lei quickly turned around and apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm just talking casually."

Xu Lingze became vigilant, it seems that these guys are not turning a blind eye to everything and turning a deaf ear to it.Their reactions were quick, and their movements were surprisingly synchronized, as if they had discussed it.

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