Xu Lingze sat down again very calmly, and seeing him take his seat, the disappointment in Jiang Ao's heart disappeared instantly.

"I heard all the content of your quarrel in the room. First of all, what I didn't expect was that a girl from a good family would say such dirty words. I have never said those words." Xu Lingze said.

Hearing this, Jiang Ao's red and swollen face became even redder, and he clutched the hem of the skirt tightly with both hands, feeling very ashamed.

Xu Lingze glanced at her, and Jiang Ao lowered his head almost the moment the two looked at each other.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, let me tell you what you think. You are paranoid that Jiang Qi did these things, and she asked to watch the surveillance together, but you refused. If it is poisoning food and drinks, we just You just need to see if Jiang Qi entered the kitchen, but why don’t you agree? Because you don’t need to look, even if Jiang Qi didn’t enter the kitchen, you would think she jumped from the second floor and sneaked into the kitchen through the window , right?" Xu Lingze asked.

Jiang Ao still lowered his head and said softly: "I...I didn't..."

Xu Lingze chuckled, "Look, you're subconsciously contradicting me, but you haven't thought about it at all."


Jiang Ao bit his lower lip, thinking that the young master of the Leng family is indeed extremely smart, and he has only a shallow friendship with him, so he can guess what he is thinking in his heart.

"Then think about it now, if you check the surveillance and prove that Jiang Qi has never entered the kitchen, what will you think?" Xu Lingze asked.


Jiang Ao didn't know how to answer, Xu Lingze answered for her directly: "You would think that Jiang Qi used other methods, right?"

After a few seconds, Jiang Ao nodded and responded, "Mmm..."

"You think Jiang Qi has been poisoned. Assuming that this magical poison really exists, where did Jiang Qi get it? As far as I know, Jiang Qi has no friends. Because of you, she is often bullied at school." The bullying of classmates. Your mother and father never gave her pocket money. The only one who will help her is Shang Guanglei. But Shang Guanglei is your cousin and your mother's nephew. I guess Shang Guang Lei won't help her get any poison, and based on her experience and experience, she probably doesn't know the existence of this poison, let alone where to buy it. The most important thing is that she has no money at all." Xu Lingze added.

Jiang Ao calmed down and thought carefully about what he said, pulling at the hem of the skirt with fingers restlessly.

Indeed, Jiang Qi had no money and no friends at all, even if there was such a powerful poison, she would not be able to get it.

She sighed slightly, and then she realized that the young master knew everything, and she was like a clown in front of him.

"I don't know what environment you lived in since childhood, but I have roughly figured out your character, you..."

Xu Lingze continued to speak, and before he finished speaking, Jiang Ao stood up and said anxiously: "Master, I, I know I'm not good, I'm too impatient and indiscriminate, I will correct it in the future. "

"Don't get excited, listen to me." Xu Lingze said.


Jiang Ao sat down, his breathing became much faster.

"Although your temper is very hasty, you are also arrogant, arrogant and self-willed, but I can feel that deep down in your heart, you should be kind." Xu Lingze said.

Jiang Ao's heart fell to the bottom, and slowly sublimated. The young master of the Leng family made such an evaluation of herself, and she didn't know whether it was good or bad for a moment.

"You're not a bad girl, it's your growing environment that spoiled you too much. I hope you can control your temper in the future and stop blaming those innocent people for no reason. Jiang Qi is also your sister no matter what, the blood between you Thicker than water. Even if you don't like her, you shouldn't use such vicious words to scold her. Even Shang Guanglei didn't escape when you were in a hurry. You can think back carefully, what Jiang Qi has done since childhood I'm sorry for you, what did Shang Guanglei do to you, and how did they offend you? Also, your father doesn't like Jiang Qi's mother, it's their business, it has nothing to do with you. They are all dead, and you still mention it over and over again, disregarding the relationship between sisters and your own quality, you have been stepping on the bones of the dead and whipping the corpses, I think such behavior is really despicable and immoral." Xu Lingze said.

Jiang Ao clenched his fists and clenched his teeth.

She is not good enough, but when others speak out her shortcomings so bluntly, she is really ashamed and a little angry.

"Jiang Ao, I have met many ladies from wealthy families since I was a child. Not all of them are well-educated and gentle, and there are also some rich ladies who are a bit domineering, but they still have the most basic qualities of being a human being, and you do not." Xu Lingze said.

"In the heart of the young master, it turns out that I am so unbearable."

Jiang Ao sneered, and wiped away the tears she didn't know when she fell with his sleeve.

Xu Lingze sighed, "You have to be clear, I'm not blaming you, I just wish you well, I hope you will get better and better, read more, gain more knowledge, and use more brains to change the status quo."

Jiang Ao raised his head slowly, feeling inexplicably moved.

"I know your mother has always doted on you. Because of Jiang Qi's mother, if there is any conflict between you and Jiang Qi, your father will stand by your side. But the grievances of the previous generation should not affect this generation. Your sister, as well as your cousin, are your relatives, you can't make things worse just because your sister has been swallowing her anger. To be honest, I hope you can apologize to your sister for what you have done for so many years. " Xu Lingze said.

"Apologize? I... I want to apologize to her?" Jiang Ao felt a little unbelievable.

"I didn't force you, Second Miss, everything is up to you. Of course, whether you apologize or not, it won't affect your marriage with me." Xu Lingze said.

Jiang Ao nodded, "I have written down what Eldest Young Master said, and I will think about it carefully."

Xu Lingze stood up, took out a box of medicine from his pocket, and put it on the table.

"Girls should be very concerned about their appearance, right? This medicine is very effective. If you believe me, use it. If you think I've poisoned you, throw it away. I don't care anyway." Xu Lingze said.

"Young master... thank you." Jiang Ao said.

"One more thing, I hope you can be yourself in front of me, I don't want to see you acting pretentiously in front of me, if you are tired, I will be tired too." Xu Lingze said.

"I, I will seriously correct myself." Jiang Ao said.

Xu Lingze smiled, "I hope so. The second lady has a good rest, and I won't bother you."

After he left, Jiang Ao sat on the spot motionless, his heart felt as if struck by lightning, all the pain in his body was not as painful as hers.

Talking dirty, paranoid, quick-tempered, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, blaming the innocent, disregarding sisterhood, disregarding one's own qualities, stepping on the bones of the dead and whipping corpses, lacking the most basic qualities of being a human being, ignorant, and brainless.

It turned out that she was such a person.

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