In Xiong Qingqing's room, Shang Guanglei finally calmed down "Jiang Qi", allowing Xiong Qingqing's consciousness to take over again.

Panting heavily, she slowly calmed down her emotions, and couldn't help frowning.

" hurts..."

Xiong Qingqing looked down at the wound, then secretly glanced at Shang Guanglei, feeling a little sorry for him.

"You sit down first."

After Shang Guanglei finished speaking, he wanted to ask Xiong Qingqing directly for the medicine box, but thinking of Leng Zongming's presence, he said, "Third Young Master, please avoid it for a while, I have something to say to Sister Qi."

"If you have anything to say, just say it directly. I am the fiance of the young lady! Do I still have to avoid it?" Leng Zongming said.

Xiong Qingqing stood up, walked to the hiding place, took advantage of Leng Zongming's inattention, took out the medicine box in the space, and whispered: "Forget it, don't pay attention to him."

"Why are you ignoring me?" Leng Zongming asked loudly.

Xiong Qingqing sighed softly, but he didn't expect this guy's ears to be quite useful, so he said helplessly, "Fix your door! It took me a long time to fix it, but if you don't know how to fix it, don't fix it."

"Who said I can't fix it! I can fix it in minutes!"

After Leng Zongming finished speaking, he repaired the door seriously.

"Why don't you go to my room and give you medicine?" Shang Guanglei suggested.

"Why?" Xiong Qingqing was puzzled.

Shang Guanglei glanced at Leng Zongming and said, "You should try not to let too many people know about your injury."

"It's okay, he was there when I was injured, he saw it all, so don't worry about it," Xiong Qingqing said.

"Really? Then...that's fine."

After Shang Guanglei finished speaking, he opened the medicine box and took out alcohol cotton balls, hemostatic medicine and some bandages.

Xiong Qingqing took off his sleeve, Leng Zongming turned his head and just saw this scene, but he didn't pay much attention to it, turned around and continued to repair the door.

At this time, Shang Guanglei's cell phone rang, and he answered the call with a bad expression on his face.

"Really? Well, I see, I'll be there right away."

Shang Guanglei hung up the phone, looked at Xiong Qingqing and said, "I'll go out first, and I'll change your dressing when I come back."

"What's so urgent?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"A cooperative merchant has come. Now my aunt and uncle are both injured, and sister Ao can't handle it like that. I still need me to negotiate with them." Shang Guanglei said.

"Well, you go." Xiong Qingqing said.

"I go first."

Shang Guanglei hurried out the door, and then Leng Zongming stood up and went into the bathroom.

Xiong Qingqing looked at his injury, thought for a while and decided to solve it by himself, so he picked up the alcohol cotton ball.


The moment the alcohol touched the wound, Xiong Qingqing stopped immediately, frowning and gritted his teeth for a while to continue disinfection.

Leng Zongming came out of the bathroom. At this time, he had washed his hands, showed it to Xiong Qingqing, and said, "Let me help you."

"Would you? Forget it, I don't believe you." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Why?" Leng Zongming looked disappointed, pursed his lips, and muttered, "Am I so unworthy of your trust?"

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have lost consciousness yesterday, and I wouldn't have lost my ring. This is all a good thing you did. Why should I trust you?" Xiong Qingqing said.

"But...but I have no bad intentions, I just want to try it. You just trust me once, okay...I really know how to treat wounds! I broke my knee before, and I didn't dare to tell my family. I just made it myself You see, both ends of your wound have penetrated, and you can barely deal with the front wound by yourself, but you can't see the rear wound at all, why don't you leave it to me." Leng Zongming said.

"No, I can look in the mirror, and after a while your elder brother and Shang Guanglei will be back." Xiong Qingqing said.

"But I've washed my hands..." Leng Zongming still pouted, walked up to Xiong Qingqing step by step, and said, "I know, you were surprised because you left the door of the castle yesterday." The guy is up, now I can't control you, you just trust me once? I want to make friends with you."

"Friend? You don't have a word of truth in your mouth, why should I make friends with you?"

Xiong Qingqing continued to wipe the blood stains with alcohol cotton balls while talking.

"I'm not lying! I'm telling the truth!" Leng Zongming said.

"Then tell me, what is the grudge between you and your brother?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

Leng Zongming was stunned, "Then let me tell you, can you not tell that guy? It's... the guy who lives in my brother's body?"

"Why?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"I'm afraid my brother will hear me." Leng Zongming said.

Xiong Qingqing was startled, "You mean...your brother's consciousness is in a lucid state? Are you sure?"

Leng Zongming looked troubled, and after thinking about it for a while, he nodded very seriously.

"Brother, like Jiang Qi, is by your side." Leng Zongming said.

"You...don't fool me, why on earth did you say that?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Because I have seen the materials compiled by my brother, he..." Leng Zongming hesitated to speak, and sighed, "Forget it, I don't want to say anything, and you also pretend that I haven't said anything."

After all, he naturally sat behind Xiong Qingqing, picked up the alcohol cotton ball, and helped her treat the wound.

"You are like this every time. You only speak half of what you say. I really can't believe you. Originally, I wanted to let Lao Xu talk to you about you and your brother, and see if we can help Busy, now it seems that there is no need." Xiong Qingqing said.

"If he comes to talk to me, I won't say anything." Leng Zongming said firmly.

"Oh..." Xiong Qingqing was helpless, "Then you don't want to say anything, and we can ignore everything, but I hope you don't destroy our mission."

Leng Zongming didn't reply, and carefully sterilized her. After a while, he picked up the medicine powder on the side and read the instructions on it.

"Is it okay to use this hemostatic medicine?" Leng Zongming asked.

"That's it." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Okay, it might hurt, so bear with it."

After Leng Zongming finished speaking, he opened the powder and sprinkled it on her wound little by little.

Xiong Qingqing clenched his teeth and closed his eyes tightly, but the severe pain he imagined did not come, it was just a labor pain.

She looked back, Leng Zongming's expression was very serious, and said: "This kind of medicinal powder needs to be used in small quantities for many times, and all of it will be covered on the wound at once, which will make the wound unable to breathe, and will not be able to contact the air, making it more difficult to heal. .”

"I didn't expect you to understand this." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Well, the second brother was always injured in the past, and I gave him medicine, and he told me these things." Leng Zongming said.

"You still have a second brother?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"My second brother and my eldest brother are twins. They look exactly the same, and the closest people in the family always make mistakes. Only I can recognize who is the eldest brother and who is the second brother at a glance." Leng Zongming said.

"Then, where's your second brother?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Second brother, he has passed away. It was a long time ago, when I was only seven years old, and now I am 25 years old." Leng Zongming said.

", did your second brother encounter an accident?" Xiong Qingqing asked again.

"Well, he accidentally fell from the upper floors, and his flesh was bloody. Now that I think about the scene at that time, I still feel horrible." Leng Zongming replied.

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