Chapter 426 Desperate Castle (50)

"Leng Zongyao" looked at Leng Zongming expressionlessly, then slowly turned his gaze over to Xiong Qingqing.

"What did he tell you?" Leng Zongyao asked.

"Don't blame him. He didn't say anything. I guessed it myself. But it seems that I guessed it right." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Oh... nonsense, your imagination is good." Leng Zongyao said.

"Alright Leng Zonghui, stop acting in front of me."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he put away the air slingshot.

The air slingshot needs two hands to launch, and her injured arm is almost unable to hold it at this moment.

Seeing this, Leng Zongyao thought he had a chance, and immediately rushed towards Leng Zongming.

Xiong Qingqing took out the universal whip, endured the excruciating pain, and rushed forward quickly.

At the same time, she switched the shape of the universal whip, changed the shape of the whip to a stick, and mercilessly pierced the tip of the stick into Leng Zonghui's shoulder, and kept approaching, finally nailing him to the wall.

"Do you think you can handle me? You are too naive. I am a professional when dealing with people like you," Xiong Qingqing said.

Leng Zongming got up in a panic and hid behind Xiong Qingqing, but when he saw that Leng Zonghui was injured, his mood changed from fear to worry in an instant.

"Second brother...Second brother! Are you okay!" Leng Zongming asked.

Xiong Qingqing turned to look at him, and said in disbelief: "Are you crazy? He is the murderer of your elder brother. Why do you care about him? Don't forget, he just wanted to use you as a shield."

"Second brother..." Leng Zongming didn't listen to a word, wrinkled his nose, and burst into tears.

Leng Zonghui took a deep breath and said in pain, "Xiao Ming, are you just watching her hurt me?"

"Leng Zongming, don't listen to him, he will kill you!"

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he took another half step forward and pushed the universal stick a little deeper.


Leng Zonghui cried out in pain, and Leng Zongming immediately stepped forward and pushed Xiong Qingqing away when he saw this.

Xiong Qingqing's injury was not serious. She was trying to hold on just now, but now she was directly pushed against the wall by him. The wound was severely injured again, and the blood slowly soaked through her clothes.

"Leng Zongming, your uncle..."

Xiong Qingqing complained feebly, standing up little by little while leaning on the wall.

"Don't come here!" Leng Zongming stood in front of Leng Zonghui, crying, "He's my brother! I won't allow you to hurt him!"

"Since you say that, I'm sorry, I want to protect the person I want to protect."

Xiong Qingqing took a few steps back, took out the air slingshot again, frowned and gritted his teeth and pulled the bow away, aiming at the two "brotherly love".

"Xiao Ming, save me..." Leng Zonghui said.

"Leng Zongming, why do you believe him! He is the one who killed your big brother! He is a beast! Don't you always want us to reveal his true colors? Why do you want to? You really let me down." Xiong Qingqing explain.

"But he is my elder brother. I don't want him to die. I have already lost one elder brother. I can't lose another elder brother. If you want to kill him, then kill me first!" Leng Zongming was very serious. Made up my mind.

"Xiao Ming, don't be afraid, she doesn't dare to kill you at all, you just need to stand in front of me." Leng Zonghui's voice was a little weak.

Xiong Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "Xiao Ming, I don't want to kill him, I just want to control him. Killing him will do me no good. You are a smart person, you should understand what I mean. As long as we can Controlling him will allow my partner to come back, and all we have to do is complete the mission."

"Xiao Ming, don't believe her words, if you believe her, I will die!" Leng Zonghui said.

"Shut up! You murderer, he is your brother, you just have the heart to use him like this!" Xiong Qingqing couldn't help getting angry, then looked at Leng Zongming and said, "Leng Zongming, I didn't harm you, and I didn't hurt you. There is no reason to harm you, but he is different! As long as you are here, as long as you are still alive, you are a threat to his successful inheritance of the family business, and he will get rid of you one day!"

"No, I won't! You are my only younger brother, and the person I love most is you!" Leng Zonghui hurriedly argued.

Leng Zongming hesitated for a moment, his eyes rested on Xiong Qingqing's bleeding shoulder, and asked, "Can you guarantee that you won't hurt my second brother?"

"Of course, if I hurt him, my partner will suffer too. Just look at my situation." Xiong Qingqing said.

"Okay." Leng Zongming nodded.

"Xiao Ming, do you want me to die?" Leng Zonghui shouted.

"Second brother, trust me, you won't die."

After Leng Zongming finished speaking, he walked aside.

Now, Leng Zonghui was the only one left where the air slingshot was aiming.

"Xiong Qingqing! Kill me if you have the ability!" Leng Zonghui said.

Xiong Qingqing put away the slingshot in his hand, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked in front of Leng Zonghui.

Leng Zonghui raised his leg, and wanted to kick her away, but he didn't expect the weak girl in front of him to react so quickly, she just dodged sideways, and grabbed his hand again.

Without daring to delay for a second, Xiong Qingqing took off the ring and put it on Leng Zonghui's hand.

"Xu Lingze, come back to me quickly!"

Xiong Qingqing said, holding Leng Zonghui's arm with the remaining strength, but his reaction was extremely strong, and he was struggling desperately.

"Leng Zongming, come and help!" Xiong Qingqing shouted.

"Xiao Ming, what's the difference between you and me when you treat me like this!" Leng Zonghui shouted.

"Come and help!" Xiong Qingqing called again.

Leng Zongming stepped forward, helped her suppress Leng Zonghui, and said, "Second brother, don't resist, I won't let you die."

"You don't want me to die, but you want to report me, right?" Leng Zonghui asked.


Leng Zongming hesitated to speak, and Leng Zonghui said again: "You report on me, it is no different from killing me!"

"Xu Lingze, wake up! Xu Lingze!"

Xiong Qingqing continued to call, this fashionable Guanglei entered the door, and was stunned in place when he saw the scene in front of him.

"What... what's going on?" Shang Guanglei asked.

Xiong Qingqing didn't have the time to explain to him, and shouted again: "Xu Lingze, come back quickly!"

Leng Zonghui's consciousness gradually became blurred, and he gradually stopped struggling.

When Xu Lingze woke up, he saw himself nailed to the wall with a universal stick, and said, "I didn't expect your revenge to come so soon..."

"Are you back?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

"Well, I'm back." Xu Lingze replied.

Xiong Qingqing let out a long sigh of relief, pulled out the universal stick on his body, and put it into the space.

" hurts..."

Xu Lingze frowned tightly. Sure enough, the injuries caused by the universal stick were more painful than ordinary injuries. No wonder Xiong Qingqing complained repeatedly.

"Are you okay?" Leng Zongming asked.

"No..." Xu Lingze resisted the pain and responded, and slowly sat down against the wall.

"You, who are you?" Leng Zongming asked again.

"Don't worry, your brother's consciousness has been hidden." Xiong Qingqing said.

(End of this chapter)

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