Now, both Xu Lingze and Xiong Qingqing were injured gloriously, and the one who hurt them was each other.

When Shang Guanglei was bandaging Xiong Qingqing, Xiong Qingqing grinned in pain and kept screaming for pain, while Xu Lingze who was being bandaged by Leng Zongming on the other side remained silent.

"Xu Lingze, how are you? I didn't lie to you, did I? Does it really hurt?" Xiong Qingqing asked.

Xu Lingze clenched his teeth and said, "Fortunately..."

"Don't hold on, your ability to endure pain is less than one-tenth of mine. I feel the pain. You must be dying of pain, right?" Xiong Qingqing said.

"No, I'm not in great pain either." Xu Lingze said.

Seeing his sweaty appearance, Leng Zongming exposed his lies, "Your face is pale, and you sweat so much, how could it not hurt? Xiong Qingqing, you are too hard on yourself."


Xiong Qingqing didn't refute. If she wasn't cruel, Xu Lingze wouldn't be able to come back.

"Qingqing, are you okay?" Shang Guanglei asked.

"It's okay." Xiong Qingqing said.

Shang Guanglei sighed, "Didn't you promise me to protect Sister Qi's body? How could you be hurt like this?"

Xiong Qingqing glanced at Leng Zongming, and said, "It's all that guy's fault. He pushed me, causing me to hit the wall, and the wound burst open."

Leng Zongming looked guilty, "I'm sorry..."

While Xiong Qingqing was talking to them, Xu Lingze took out a painkiller from the medicine box and quietly put it in his mouth.

Leng Zongming noticed this scene and couldn't help snickering.

After bandaging the wound, Xiong Qingqing walked to the medicine box and sat down, took a look at the painkiller, and said, "Hey, Xu Lingze, didn't you say it doesn't hurt? Why do you need to take painkiller? This medicine is obviously missing a lot." grain!"

Xu Lingze didn't expect that Xiong Qingqing, who is usually careless, would notice these details, and argued: "I, I just want to complete the task better."

"Tch... the dead duck has a hard mouth."

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, he squeezed out a pill and ate it generously.

Leng Zongming sat down on the bed and asked, "Qingqing, have you already guessed that my second brother's consciousness is always there?"

"Through your words and your reaction, we have already guessed that there is a conflict between you and your brother. In addition, the situation of Rule [-] has not been verified on Xu Lingze, so we have always been on guard." Xiong Qingqing said.

"I have to say that your brother hid himself very well and only showed up at the critical moment." Xu Lingze said.

Xu Lingze recalled the situation at that time. When he walked into Xiong Qingqing's room, he realized that the sound of footsteps was not right. Soon his consciousness became blurred and he lost control of his body.

They originally guessed that this rule was only for Xiong Qingqing, but after Leng Zongming reminded him, he knew that this rule was not that simple.Fortunately, the tacit understanding between him and Xiong Qingqing was deep enough, and she immediately guessed that his abnormality was a manifestation of Rule [-].

"Well, your second brother is indeed a sinister and cunning guy." Xiong Qingqing said.

In fact, she received a text message from Xiong Zheyu early this morning, and the text message was sent directly to her watch. In order not to be noticed, she did not share it with Xu Lingze.

Xiong Zheyu said that there is no connection between Hall [-] and "Leng Zongyao", but with the ability of "Leng Zongyao", it is not difficult to find relevant information about Hall [-].Or maybe, in this time and space, someone who knew about Hall No. [-] told him the conditions for selecting a host for Hall No. [-]. He found this loophole and became Xu Lingze's host.

"What rules?" Shang Guanglei was puzzled.

"Based on the power of this strange talk, we analyzed a rule to avoid danger." Xu Lingze said.

Shang Guanglei nodded, and did not continue to ask questions. He just wanted to restore the tranquility of the castle and sister Qi to normal.

Xiong Qingqing touched his empty stomach and said, "I'm hungry, do you have anything to eat today?"

"The food has already been prepared, let's go down to eat together." Shang Guanglei said.

"Shang Guanglei, do you have time after dinner?" Xu Lingze asked.

"It should be fine, what's the matter?" Shang Guanglei said.

"We want to see Qiu Mo's relics. We have reached this point, and the matter should be settled," Xu Lingze said.

"it is good."

Shang Guanglei took a deep breath, and asked again: "Are you sure to get rid of the strange talk?"

"There should be." Xu Lingze replied.

Xiong Qingqing stood up holding his wound, and said: "Let's go eat first, I'm going to starve to death. You too, you have to eat well."

"You're so hurt that you still want to eat? When I'm sick, I don't want to eat at all." Leng Zongming said.

"People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. If you want to live, you must eat!" Xiong Qingqing said.

Shang Guanglei smiled, "I'm hungry too, let's go down to eat first."


When he arrived at the restaurant, Shang Guanglei didn't take the lead in sitting down to eat, but instead went to the kitchen maid and asked, "Did Miss Second eat?"

"No, the second lady said she won't eat today." The maid replied.

"Cook some of her favorite food in a while, and send it to her room." Shang Guanglei said.

"Okay." The maid nodded.

"Okay, you go out first, the guests are going to eat. Also, don't forget to deliver meals to the doctors and nurses." Shang Guanglei said.

"Well, the meals for the doctor and nurse have been delivered," said the maid.

After the maid left, Xiong Qingqing let herself go, and started eating with big mouthfuls.

Seeing her eating, Leng Zongming smiled and imitated her.

Shang Guanglei looked at Xu Lingze and asked, "Brother Xu, are you going back after completing the mission here?"

"Well, our deadline is only three days." Xu Lingze said.

"Three days, then...does that mean there is only one night left?" Leng Zongming was stunned.

Shang Guanglei was also surprised, and asked, "What do you all know? Are you really sure?"

"Almost." Xiong Qingqing replied.

"Almost? How can it be almost? An accident will almost happen! If the strange talk cannot be eliminated, what about my aunt, uncle, and two younger sisters?" Shang Guanglei said anxiously.

"Don't worry, we will leave tomorrow afternoon, and we will do our best tonight," Xiong Qingqing said.

"You are all injured, what if you can't deal with Guai Tan?" Shang Guanglei said.

"It's okay, I will make a move." Leng Zongming raised his hand.

Xiong Qingqing swallowed the food in his mouth, and said solemnly: "It's okay, I will do my best."

" go all out, so what about my sister Qi? Her hands are almost useless." Shang Guanglei helplessly supported his forehead, and sighed a long time.

"It's useless to be anxious, we are also very anxious, but things must be done in an orderly manner, step by step, and not messy." Xu Lingze said.

"But...but there is too little time..." Shang Guanglei said.

Xiong Qingqing pursed his lips. They still had some rules that they hadn't encountered, and they didn't understand the meaning behind them.

Tonight should be the night of the full moon, and I don't know what will happen then, so Shang Guanglei should be anxious now.

"Eat fast, eat fast, check when you're full!"

After Xiong Qingqing finished speaking, she lowered her head and started to eat voraciously.

Seeing her like this, the despair in Shang Guanglei's heart increased.

"Yes, yes, eat quickly!"

Leng Zongming agreed, picked up the fork and put the rolled pasta into his mouth. (end of this chapter)

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