Leng Zongming stayed at the entrance, and the other three continued to walk forward.

The road under our feet is very flat, and the air is filled with the smell of mud and rust.

Jiang Ao hugged Shang Guanglei's arm tightly, and whispered, "Cousin, I'm so scared...you get closer to me, I'm afraid that something will come out suddenly in the dark."

"Do you regret following here?" Shang Guanglei asked.

"No, I don't regret it, I... I will be strong."

After Jiang Ao finished speaking, he looked at Xu Lingze in front of him.

Holding a flashlight, Xu Lingze kept observing carefully, not paying attention to what they were talking about.

Shang Guanglei noticed her gaze and secretly smiled.This girl seems to show signs of empathy.But that's good too, Leng Zongyao himself is far behind Xu Lingze.

Soon, Xu Lingze discovered a crack in the wall. From the analysis of the location, this corresponds to the bottom of Jiang Qi's room.

Seeing him stop, Shang Guanglei asked, "What's wrong?"

"I found it." Xu Lingze said.

"What?" Jiang Ao didn't quite understand.

"Here is the entrance."

After Xu Lingze finished speaking, he pushed hard against the crack, and there was indeed a secret room behind the wall.

Candles were lit in the secret room, someone should have been there.

Jiang Ao tightly grasped Shang Guanglei's arm, and felt that his steps were getting heavier and heavier. Every time he took a step, he had to do a psychological construction.

"Be careful, Steward Tao should be here, maybe there will be some monsters." Xu Lingze remembered the monster that liked red wine that Xiong Qingqing met that night. At that time, they guessed that the monster might be the guardian of the treasure.


Jiang Ao leaned directly into Shang Guanglei's arms, shaking with fright.

Shang Guanglei was also a little apprehensive after hearing Xu Lingze's words, but he still gently stroked Jiang Ao's arm, and comforted him softly: "It's okay, it's okay, my cousin will protect you."

Xu Lingze stopped suddenly, glanced at the stone door behind him, checked it, walked to the stone door, and closed the door again.

"Why are you closing the door?" Jiang Ao asked in a trembling voice.

"Close the door so that the monster and Steward Tao don't escape," Xu Lingze said.

"Ah? Then we are in danger?" Jiang Ao said in panic.

"Didn't we just come to find the monster and Butler Tao? You promised to come down, and it's too late to regret it now." Xu Lingze said.

Jiang Ao really regretted it very much, and said: "Why don't you send me up first, and then come down."

"No. I don't have much time, and maybe we have been exposed long ago, and now we may fall short if we go back." Xu Lingze said.

Shang Guanglei took a deep breath and said, "Sister Ao, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"I will protect you too, don't worry, if there is a situation, you two can just hide behind me." Xu Lingze said.

"Okay...okay..." Jiang Ao was still very timid, and told her intuitively that this basement must not be simple, otherwise she could not have been ignorant of the existence of the basement, and her father must be hiding something on purpose.

Xu Lingze took the lead and continued to walk forward. When he got to the front, he found a statue with the height of two people.

The statue stands on a regular hexagonal altar, with a stone pillar at each corner, and strange runes are carved on the stone pillar.

There was a man kneeling in the center of the altar. Judging from his back, he should be Steward Tao.

Xu Lingze looked around the altar, and saw that there were many stone statues carved on the stone wall here, most of them had hideous faces, like evil spirits.

"Butler Tao?"

Shang Guanglei called, butler Tao raised his head, and with just a slight movement, Jiang Ao was so frightened that he buried his head in Shang Guanglei's arms.

Xu Lingze took out the air slingshot from the space, opened the space and was almost escaped by "Jiang Qi".Fortunately, the air slingshot was at the edge, and he closed the space in time so that she would not escape.

Butler Tao turned around, looked at the three people behind him, smiled suddenly, and said, "I let you find out."

"What are you doing here at night?" Shang Guanglei asked in an interrogator's tone.

"Me? I am here, worshiping the gods here."

After Tao Butler finished speaking, he stood up suddenly.Immediately afterwards, a "person" dressed in shabby purple clothes, blue all over, with a long tongue sticking out and two shofar braids appeared behind him. It was the guy who knocked on the window at night!

Shang Guanglei and Jiang Ao were stunned for a moment, their heartbeats continued to speed up, and they broke out in a cold sweat.

Xu Lingze didn't dare to be careless, holding the air slingshot in his hand, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.It would be great if Xiong Qingqing was here at this time, and he wouldn't be so flustered.At this moment, he felt remorse in his heart, it was his misjudgment that caused Xiong Qingqing to be controlled by the strange talk, and then infected with possession.

"This is...Qiu Mo." Xu Lingze said.

Shang Guanglei was startled, could this be Aunt Qiu?He carefully looked at the "woman" behind Butler Tao, and found that this guy was indeed somewhat similar to Sister Qi!

"Aunt Qiu, that's right, it's Aunt Qiu!"

Jiang Ao said a little excitedly, and hid behind Shang Guanglei.She had seen Aunt Qiu outside the window in her room, and all of this was indeed true!She clearly remembered that when Aunt Qiu died, she was wearing a purple dress, which was once her childhood nightmare.

"Jiang Youshang has been plotting all his life and has been guarding the things here. He didn't expect to be stabbed in the back by you and ruin everything." Xu Lingze said.

"You, what do you mean?" Jiang Ao asked.

"Xu Lingze, what is uncle plotting?" Shang Guanglei asked.

"Do you think, how can a butler come in and out of the master's study and enter the master's secret room at will? Moreover, the master has not discovered the secret of the butler for so many years. It is almost impossible. I guess it was Jiang Youyou's idea that Qiu Mo became a strange story. Butler Tao is just his lackey." Xu Lingze said.

"Ah?" Shang Guanglei was puzzled.

"I just saw Qiu Mo appearing behind Steward Tao, and I suddenly figured out a problem, that is, Qiu Mo became a strange story, not relying on her own resentment, because she has now become Steward Tao's accomplice, and the one who planned all this in the first place was not a little butler, but the owner of this ancient castle." Xu Lingze continued to analyze.

"You... what are you talking about? What do you mean?" Jiang Ao didn't understand at all.

Shang Guanglei frowned, and said, "You mean, it's my uncle who made Aunt Qiu a weird story?"

"Yes." Xu Lingze said.

Shang Guanglei looked at Tao Butler again, and Tao Butler smiled coldly, "That's right, I was indeed Jiang Shangshang's running dog back then."

"So, my uncle was tricked by this housekeeper again. Now the ghost story has harmed my uncle and aunt, and also the entire Jiang family, all because Butler Tao is behind the scenes?" Shang Guanglei said.

Xu Lingze nodded, looked at Butler Tao and said, "Butler Tao, is there anything I missed in my analysis?"

"No, what you said is right. You can only blame Jiang Youyou himself for trusting me too much," Tao Butler said.

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