The fear in Jiang Ao's heart was replaced by anger, and he scolded: "Bastard bastard, stinky slave! You take our family's money and do such a thing, it is extremely shameless!"

"I'm shameless? What about Jiangshang? Jiangshang is a vicious scum!" Tao Butler said.

"It's obvious that you are ungrateful to the Lord!" Jiang Ao said.

Butler Tao sneered, "Second Miss, a person as stupid as you is really rare in the world."

"What are you talking about! You stinky slave, you..."

Jiang Ao wanted to continue cursing, but when he saw Qiu Mo approaching quietly, his eyes turned white with fright, and he quickly shut his mouth.

"Jiang Shangshang, your father, he is the ungrateful villain! If it weren't for the Qiu family, he would be nothing and would not have achieved what he is today! He killed Mo Mo, abused his daughter, and turned Mo Mo into a monster! Compared with him, I am much kinder." Tao Butler said angrily.

"So, you're going to use the ghost story instead to harm everyone in the Jiang family and avenge Aunt Qiu?" Shang Guanglei asked.

Butler Tao smiled, "That's right, I just want you to die, those of you who have hurt Mo Mo and Xiao Qi, all of you will die!"

"What about you?" Xu Lingze asked.

Steward Tao was stunned for a moment, and slowly moved his gaze away from Jiang Ao.

"Didn't you hurt them? You knew early on that Jiang Youyou killed Qiu Mo, but all these years, you have been his lackey, working for him in order to earn more money. You clearly know that Jiang Qi has been being abused, but you never helped her, but just watched. What are these things?" Xu Lingze said.

"What do you know! It is for this day that I have endured for so many years!" Tao Butler said.

"No, your so-called revenge is all based on Jiang Qi's pain. Now Jiang Qi has become a strange story. You did it. At this time, you stand here and say that all this is for their revenge. I don't believe it." Xu Lingze said.

"I don't believe it!" Shang Guanglei said suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, "When my uncle punished sister Qi, many times I wanted to deliver food to sister Qi, but it was because of your obstruction that I failed! You don't care about sister Qi's life or death at all! Don't use such an excuse for a sanctimonious thing!" Shang Guanglei said.

"If my guess is correct, you also want the property of the Qiu family, right? This house, these valuable paintings, porcelain, antiques, and this mysterious power." Xu Lingze said.

Butler Tao breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "So what? These things are mine! They should be mine! I should be the one who should marry silently!"

"What do you have? Why marry Qiu Mo?" Xu Lingze said.

"That's right, you are not good enough for Aunt Qiu." Shang Guanglei echoed.

"Exactly!" Jiang Ao said.

"She promised me silently, she said it! She promised me! She said she likes me too! She said that she is used to my presence, used to relying on me, used to me being in this house, and has been silently accompanying her. She said that as long as I am here, she will feel at ease!" Tao Butler said.

"Isn't it someone else that Qiu Mo likes? How could she like you?" Xu Lingze said.

"She doesn't like that person at all! She doesn't like Jiangshui either! One is a coward and the other is a devil. She doesn't like either. I am the only one who treats her best! The only person in this world who truly loves her is me!" Steward Tao roared.

"Qiu Mo thinks of you as his elder brother, right?" Xu Lingze shook his head helplessly, "I'm not interested in who Qiu Mo likes, but I don't think she likes you. Because as long as there is such a little clue between her and you, Jiang Youyou can't accept it, let alone treat you as a cronies. Also, I'm curious, Jiang Youyou trusted you so much, how did you do it? You were also involved in Qiu Mo's death, right?"

"You're talking nonsense! I... because I promised Jiang Youyou that I wouldn't tell what he did. He has always been diligent and tight-lipped, so he trusts me." Tao Butler said.

"I don't believe it, you are lying." Shang Guanglei said.

Butler Tao looked at him viciously, "What are you? You Shang family are just silverfish from the Jiang family!"

"Qiu Mo's death, what did you do? What did you do when Jiang Youyou grabbed her by the neck and held her in the bathtub?" Xu Lingze pressed.

"It's this time, and you're still hiding it, is it useful?" Shang Guanglei said.

"Oh, that's right, it was me. I was the one who reported the incident between Momo and that man, haha...Jiang Youyou really believed it, but you can't blame me. Who made her betray me?" Tao Butler said.

"You're disgusting..." Shang Guanglei said.

"What about you? From the Shang family, you won't forget what you did to Xiaoqi, right? I was outside the door that day, and I saw what you did. Xiaoqi and Momo are really similar, more and more similar, too similar..." Butler Tao said with a smile.

"You..." Shang Guanglei's teeth itch with hatred, "You are shameless!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Guanglei let go of Jiang Ao in his arms, and rushed towards Butler Tao.

Butler Tao hurriedly dodged and shouted, "Mo Mo, kill him!"

Qiu Mofei stepped forward and grabbed Shang Guanglei's neck. The moment he touched her, Shang Guanglei had lost the ability to resist, and his body was completely unable to move.

Holding the air slingshot, Xu Lingze fired an air bomb at Qiu Mo. Qiu Mo let out a painful cry and let go of Shang Guanglei.

When Xu Lingze drew the bow for the second time, Qiu Mo turned his head, looked at Butler Tao, and stopped motionless in mid-air.

"Momo, what are you doing? Kill them!" Tao Butler said.

"Brother Tao, I don't want to do weird talk anymore." Qiu Mo said suddenly.

Butler Tao's eyes froze. He didn't expect such Qiu Mo to be able to speak!And her tone was so normal and flat, as if she was really standing in front of him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, took out a piece of rolled up old kraft paper with a charm on it from his pocket, and said, "I order you to act immediately and kill these people."

Qiu Mo's eyes lost their luster again, and looked at Xu Lingze and the others.

Jiang Ao was so frightened that he trembled all over, and immediately sat down on the ground, and it seemed that the fall was not light.

Xu Lingze realized that to deal with Qiu Mo, the first thing to do was Butler Tao, so he pointed the air slingshot in his hand at him, endured the severe pain in his arm, and shot an air bomb at him.


Butler Tao was sent flying two meters away by the air bomb, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Tell Qiu Mo not to move, or you will die before us, and... your plan will come to nothing." Xu Lingze said.

Butler Tao spat out a mouthful of blood, still holding the kraft paper tightly in his hand.

Xu Lingze slowed down his breathing. The thing in his hand should be the treasure map that Hall [-] was looking for.

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