Chapter 117 A New Beginning

Name: Fang Chang
Race: Netherland Soul Chaser Spider

Soul Power: 117392

Evolution point: 87650
HP: 97300/97300
Strength: 29620
Attack: 30483
Defense: 43000
Speed: 34110
(Affected by "Domination" skill bonus)
Fang Chang glanced at his current panel, and couldn't help showing a hint of relief in his heart. After coming to this world for several years, his strength finally surpassed that of the Titan giant ape back then.

Of course, this is talking about catching up on the panel. In terms of actual combat power, with the addition of a lot of skills, I am afraid that he has already had the power to fight against the titan great ape.

And at the bottom of the panel, there is still a large string of subtitles at this time. Facing the dual pressure of Heavenly Tribulation and the Deep Sea Demon Whale King just now, Fang Chang didn't have the chance to read these subtitles, but now he finally has the chance.

"Successfully evolved into a Netherland soul-seeking spider, and obtained the talent skill "Resurrection""

Resurrection: Use this skill, when you suffer fatal damage, you can be resurrected once after death, and the state will be fully restored after resurrection.

Cooldown: 30 days

In fact, he had already guessed the content of this subtitle quite closely. At this time, he just wanted to see if there were any restrictions on the "resurrection" skill.

30 days... Fang Chang looked at the "cooling time" and thought for a while. This cooling time seems a bit long, but when he thinks about the strength of this skill, it seems that such a cooling time is justifiable.

read on...

『The talent skill "Swallow" is upgraded to "Super Swallow", the efficiency of devouring is improved, and the ability to devour the soul of human soul masters is obtained. 』


Fang Chang was overjoyed when he saw this subtitle, the higher the soul power, the more difficult it is to improve.

According to the effect of the devouring skill in the past, with his current soul power, the effect of devouring ordinary ten thousand-year-old soul beasts is very small, and only devouring soul beasts with a soul power close to 10 years will have a more obvious improvement.

There are only so many soul beasts of this level in the entire Douluo Continent. Even if the entire continent is turned upside down, it will be difficult to gather enough high-level soul beasts to upgrade him to a million-year soul power.

And if he decided to settle for the second best and choose to devour a large number of weaker spirit beasts, it would definitely delay a lot of time. By then, Tang San might have already become a god.

But now, the devouring skill has been upgraded, which gives him more room to operate.

It's just that I don't know to what extent the devouring effect has been improved, and what's going on with the martial soul that can devour human soul masters.

These things still need him to try again next time.

『The talent skill "hardening" has been upgraded to "long-lasting hardening", the limit on the number of uses has been removed, and the duration has increased. 』

Good guy, no wonder this skill didn't enter the CD just now, it turned out to be like this.

The skill "hardening" has saved Fang Chang countless times, even today it is still a trump card in his hand.

The effect of doubling the defense ability in a short period of time is already domineering. If it is superimposed with other skills, it can even temporarily make Fang Chang's defense ability surpass that of the deep sea demon whale king in a normal state.

But such a skill has many restrictions. Not only can it only be used once a day, but it only lasts for 3 minutes each time, which is really a headache.

Fortunately, this skill has also been upgraded and has become "long-lasting", so the long-term combat endurance will also be doubled.

"The talent skill "Shadow Clone" has been upgraded, and now each clone can inherit the full attack effect of the main body, and the clone will only dissipate after being attacked three times"

This... can be regarded as a very practical upgrade, to a large extent, it just made up for the problem of Fang Chang's emphasis on defense and lack of attack ability.

Moreover, after the number of attacks that the clone can withstand increases, it will also bring more confusion to the opponent, and I believe it will perform well in actual combat.

"The talent skill "Control" is upgraded, and the range of skill influence is expanded, and part of the soul power of soul beasts of the same race within the range of skill influence can be blessed to oneself."

Looking at this subtitle, Fang Chang couldn't hide his excitement!This is the serious rule in his heart!
The previous "dominant" skill can only greatly increase the attributes of the nearby soul beasts of the same race, including myself, but its own bonus effect is not so obvious.

But now after his "dominant" skill has been upgraded, he can actually bless him with part of the soul power of nearby soul beasts of the same race.

In this way, if there are enough and strong enough subordinates under him, wouldn't it make his soul power multiply and skyrocket?
If it is used as a "fit" in coordination, it may even increase his strength to an unimaginable level in a short time.

The subtitles stopped abruptly here, and the two skills "telepathy" and "blessing" have not been upgraded.

But even so, the harvest of this evolution is enough to satisfy Fang Chang. Not only did he obtain a powerful life-saving means such as "resurrection", several original signature skills have also become more powerful after upgrading.

After reading the subtitles, Fang Chang set off again, but this time he did not return directly to the sunken ship, but turned on the "stealth" state to wander around, looking for the captured members of the evil orca clan.

He wanted to try the effect of the upgraded "Super Devourer" now.

The second is that he doesn't intend to let these surviving demon killer whales go. After all, they are also the top sea spirit beast race in the sea. If something is missed this time, no one is sure whether they will revive in the future.

Based on their hatred for the sea spiders, they will definitely choose revenge at that time. In order to prevent this from happening, it is better to cut the grass and root out the roots.

What's more, he had promised Xiao Jin's two younger sisters to evolve into Neptune Spiders long ago, but because he wanted to save the evolution points for his own evolution, he had never been able to fulfill it.

After he evolved into the Netherland Soul Chasing Spider, the remaining evolution points were only more than 7000 points, and he was still a little short of evolution for the two sea spiders. This little bit just happened to be found from the evil killer whale.

Thinking of this, Fang Chang immediately activated the "Hunting Instinct" skill, targeting the "Evil Killer Whale".

Soon, the vision of a total of eleven remaining evil killer whales appeared in his eyes.

Six of the evil killer whales are currently fighting the sea spiders that surrounded them, while the other five have escaped from the sea spiders by some unknown means, or are hiding in the hidden reef, or have swum far away. place.

Although they escaped by luck, they still couldn't escape Fang Chang's pursuit. At this time, Fang Chang quietly approached a hidden reef, where the nearest evil killer whale was hiding.

Until he walked up to this evil killer whale, it didn't notice it at all, and was swallowed by Fang Chang who suddenly appeared, and then Fang Chang rushed to the next place.

I have to say that the skill "Hunting Instinct" is used to do this kind of thing like cutting grass and roots without poking needles.

It would be nice to be able to specify surnames and even search for kinship for humans.

(End of this chapter)

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