Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 118 The Rapidly Expanding Sea Spider

Chapter 118 The Rapidly Expanding Sea Spider

The soul power of this evil killer whale reached more than 7000 years. After Fang Chang ate it, his soul power rose for about 3000 years, reaching the threshold of 12 years.

Calculated in this way, the conversion efficiency of the upgraded "Super Devourer" has reached about one-fifth of the level, which is nearly double that of the original.

Fang Chang is already very satisfied with this increase. From the perspective of conversion efficiency, the change may not be large, but it has changed from one-tenth to one-fifth.

But if you think about it from another angle, this can almost halve the time it takes him to grow into a million-year soul beast, which is enough to surprise him.

After devouring the evil orca, Fang Chang continued on his journey, chasing the remaining four evil orca clansmen.

With his current strength, it would be a piece of cake to deal with these evil killer whales who were fleeing alone, and he succeeded in destroying them all soon.

Only then did he return to the sunken ship, and the members of the Sea Spider Clan had just wiped out the other evil killer whales, and met Fang Chang before the sunken ship.

After this battle, the sea spiders only lost less than ten members, but in exchange for the extinction of the evil killer whales.

Such a record is unique even in the entire history of sea spirit beasts, not to mention that they just participated in the destruction of the demon spirit great white shark family not long ago.

After these two battles, the originally unknown sea spider has grown into the new overlord of this sea area. As long as the Deep Sea Demon Whale King does not come out, he is almost invincible in this sea area.

Fang Chang looked at Xiao Jin's two younger sisters who had returned from the big victory and seemed to be begging him for a reward, and took half a step forward, with two shield-like spider legs resting on their heads respectively.

Immediately afterwards, two strange energy fluctuations emanated from the two shield-like spider legs, and these two waves of energy flowed into the heads of the two spiders respectively along the spider legs.

At this time, their bodies also undergone the same changes as Xiaojin did back then. The length of their bodies was nearly doubled, their spider legs became stronger, and their colors became more beautiful.

Seeing the changes of the two younger sisters, Xiao Jin pursed her lips, rubbing Fang Chang with a spider leg as if dissatisfied.It's like explaining that she came first, and it seems to be talking about me, what about me?
As the biggest hero in this battle besides Fang Chang himself, Xiao Jin should be rewarded naturally.

If it wasn't for her to fuse with him, Fang Chang might really be unable to withstand the last move of the evil orca king, and it would be impossible to deal with so many members of the evil orca clan at the same time and still gain an advantage.

But she has been evolved once before, and now Fang Chang's "blessing" skill can only be evolved once for each clansman, Fang Chang really doesn't know how to reward her.

At that moment, he could only turn his head and say something into Xiao Jin's ear, "Rewarding you at night will definitely be more than giving them."

Xiao Jin blushed when he heard this, and walked away with a coquettish snort.

After that, the sea spider clan entered a period of steady development, and the number of the clan grew rapidly, especially in a few days after a few months, sixty or seventy little spiders were born one after another.

These newborn little spiders are also amazing, most of them are Sea Emperor Spiders, occasionally a few are commanding evil spiders with the ability to breathe underwater, and among the batch of little spiders born on the last day, there are even a few A soul-chasing spider from Netherland.

With the addition of this group of small spiders with a high starting point and high bloodline, the overall strength of the sea spider family has been greatly increased in an instant.

What's more important is that these newborn little spiders actually have Fang Chang's "swallowing" ability, but the effect is not as strong as his.

Sea spirit beasts are no different than land spirit beasts. Some of them are particularly capable of giving birth. They can lay tens of thousands of eggs in one litter, and several litters a year.

But the soul beasts hatched from these eggs have a low starting point, and the probability of dying is extremely high. Most of them become food for other sea soul beasts before they grow up.Often even out of tens of thousands of soul beasts, there may not be a single soul beast that is more than a thousand years old.

There are also a small number of races like the deep sea demon whales. The number of their clansmen is extremely rare, but the quality is extremely high, and almost every one of them can grow into a giant.

The sea spider family can be regarded as a relatively compromised existence. Generally, a female spider can lay [-] to [-] eggs a year, but the probability of premature death is over [-]%, and usually only two or three eggs can grow to a certain level. number of years.

This is considered to be relatively weak in breeding ability among sea soul beasts.It is precisely because of this that the number of sea spiders has always been small, and their influence is extremely limited.

But the appearance of Fang Chang has completely reversed this situation. The potential of each of these newborn sea spiders is comparable to races like the Great White Shark and the Demon Killer Whale.

Coupled with the fact that they have the ability to "swallow", their growth speed is naturally far from that of ordinary sea spirit beasts, which invisibly greatly reduces the risks encountered during the growth process.

With the birth of these little guys, Fang Chang's next plan can finally be implemented, and the core of this plan is to hunt and kill sea spirit beasts in large numbers to feed these little guys.

It just so happens that most sea soul beasts are based on populations, and they often encounter large groups of sea soul beasts, so Fang Chang's target is easy to find.

After another half a year, except for a few races that bowed their heads to the sea spiders in this sea area, most of the other sea soul beasts were attacked to varying degrees.

Through wantonly hunting and killing other races, Fang Chang's soul power has grown to more than 17 years, and most of his descendants have also grown to more than 1000 years, initially forming a not weak combat power.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Chang copied the pattern in the Star Dou Great Forest to these little spiders.Divide them into small teams and train them to cooperate in hunting.

One must know that the potential of this batch of descendants is higher than that of the batch in the Star Dou Great Forest, and the number is also several times larger.Now that they work together, even a sea soul beast with a soul power of 5 to [-] years is hard to parry.

And Fang Chang has also become the "big capitalist" he dreamed of. Now he waits for these heirs to lead other sea spider tribe members out to hunt every day, and then divides part of the food they bring back.

Under such operation, even if he didn't go out to devour other soul beasts, the growth rate of soul power didn't drop at all.

And this sea area seems to have become a hunting ground for the sea spiders, except for the small territory occupied by the Deep Sea Demon Whale King, it is almost completely ruled by them.

At this time, Fang Chang finally started his second plan, dealing with Sea God Island.

That night, he sneaked into Sea God Island with his "stealth" skill, captured two soul sage-level sea soul masters who were patrolling along the coast, and used "super devour" on them to swallow their martial souls.

And the two who had been devoured by their spirits were completely useless without any spirit power, and he randomly threw them on two hidden reefs far away from Sea God Island.

On the second night, Fang Chang visited again and took away another soul emperor and two soul kings.

The mysterious disappearance of soul masters occurred on the island one after another, which aroused the high vigilance of the Shanghai soul masters on Sea God Island.They strengthened the protection of Sea God Island and sent more sea soul masters to patrol day and night.

But this not only did not play any role, but instead gave Fang Chang more choices of targets.

Soul Emperor, Soul Sage, Contra... more and more sea soul masters mysteriously disappeared on Sea God Island, and the level of the missing was even higher and higher, Sea God Island couldn't sit still any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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