Chapter 25 Du Hongxue (Please collect! Please recommend)
Fang Chang walked through the dense forest quickly, and used the "Xiang Leap" skill to jump over obstacles when encountering obstacles, which was chic and comfortable.

He had originally planned to hide in the bushes to find a chance to defeat those people one by one, and then use their corpses as bait to attract nearby spirit beasts.

But that fat man didn't have eyes, and he insisted on hitting the muzzle of the gun. Fang Chang couldn't hold back for a moment, so he attacked him first...

Just when he relaxed his guard a little, a slender black shadow suddenly chased after him.

That black shadow was like a small flat snake slithering on the ground, it twisted its body, and ran in front of Fang Chang within a few turns.

Fang Chang's spider legs thrust into the ground, abruptly stopping the forward figure.

The black shadow also froze, and gradually spread around under Fang Chang's gaze, and then turned into a beautiful woman with a fiery figure while wriggling.

Name: Du Hongxue
Race: human

Soul Power: Level 39 Soul Venerable

Martial Soul: Shadow Spider
Fang Chang checked the person's information for the first time, and when he saw that the other party's Wuhun was actually a kind of spider, he subconsciously froze for half a second.

Look at her now...

Du Hongxue still maintains the state of being possessed by the martial spirit at this moment, and his figure is a bit hotter than usual, with eight sharp spider legs about one meter long on his back, and two more rows of vertical spider legs on his forehead small eyes.

Her appearance can be regarded as what she wants, and in addition to wearing an extremely cool fiery red dress, the extra wildness after the soul beast possessed is the feeling that her DNA has moved.

It's no wonder that Bai Yu gave up Xue Wu for her when he was young and ignorant.

"Hmph, what a powerful guy I was, it turned out to be an ordinary..." Du Hongxue stared at Fang Chang and blinked a few times.

She was going to say it was an ordinary Man-faced Demon Spider, but... how the hell is this ordinary!
The thing facing her now, at first glance, does look like a Man-faced Demon Spider, yes, it is similar in size and general appearance, and there is a unique "human face" of the Man-faced Demon Spider on its lower abdomen.

But its front pair of spider legs became flat, like a shield, and the armor on its body was not like an exoskeleton like ordinary Man-faced Demon Spider, but more like metal growing from its body.

Mutated soul beast?A word came to her mind.

Just like martial spirits may mutate, in the Star Dou Great Forest, spirit beasts also have a very low probability of mutating.

The result of this mutation may be to evolve in a good direction, or to degenerate in a bad direction.

But generally speaking, it was decided when the soul beast was born.

Of course, Fang Chang does not belong to this situation. He just got a little bit of luck and just got a "system" that can decide the direction of evolution by himself.

The two seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, they just looked at each other, and they didn't intend to strike first.

For this female soul master with a soul power of level 39, Fang Chang still has some fears.

Generally speaking, a soul sect in his early forties is capable of single-handedly killing an ordinary 5000 to 6000 year soul beast.

A level 39 like her, and a background in such a powerful force as the Spirit Hall, can already pose a considerable threat to him, so he must be dealt with cautiously.

As for Du Hongxue, she is different from those human soul masters of the academy, under the training mechanism of the Spirit Hall, she also has a lot of actual combat experience.

Facing this extremely cunning guy who was probably a mutated soul beast, she chose the safest way to stop it first, and then clean it up together when her companions came.

In addition to this, she also thought of another layer. She was fortunate to have been guided by the Pope in the main hall of the Wuhun Temple before, and she knew her somewhat.

The current Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall usually likes to collect these rare mutated soul beasts, especially this one is a spider...

It's best to find a way to catch her alive. If the Pope is happy for a while, he might accept her as a disciple, and her status in the palace will be very different.

Regarding her thoughts, Fang Chang guessed half right.

As early as when he was in the tent, he had already judged by his breath that there should be five people in this group, and now that one was injured by him, there were still four left.

The woman in front of her was able to use the weird soul skill just now to get on her way, and she caught up with him first and stopped him, and the others should be coming soon.

It's just that she is already so troublesome, and it will be even more dangerous to delay, Fang Chang quickly came to such a conclusion in his mind.

He glanced at the surrounding environment, and then sprinted out in another direction, neither confronting Du Hongxue head-on, nor wasting himself here.

Du Hongxue frowned. She had seen many cunning soul beasts, but this was the first time she had encountered one as smart as this "Man Faced Demon Spider".

She glanced at the direction in which Fang Chang was fleeing, and drew an arrow pointing in that direction on the tree with the knife she carried with her, and turned into a shadow again to chase after him.

Not long after she left, two figures, a man and a woman, also chased here.

Bai Yu supported the tree with one hand, and put one hand on his waist, panting heavily, Xue Wu sensibly stepped forward to hold his arm and made him stand upright.

He consumed too much today, and he hasn't been able to slow down until now.

In fact, he is still somewhat grateful to the Man Faced Demon Spider, if it wasn't for it, he might have to confess today.

"Thank you Xue Wu." He glanced over the mark Du Hongxue left on the tree, and gave Xue Wu a grateful look.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, pointed in the direction where Fang Chang was escaping, put his arms around Xue Wu's waist, and led her to rush out again, "Let's continue to chase."

"Damn it, why don't those two bastards come!"

In the distance, Du Hongxue looked at Fang Chang, who had changed direction and ran away again, and he was out of breath. This guy seemed to be sure that she wouldn't dare to move it, and just played her around in the forest like that.

What was even more exasperating was that my two companions didn't know what they were up to, but they didn't catch up after so long.

She gritted her silver teeth, left a mark on the tree again, turned into a shadow and chased Fang Chang out again.

After almost a few hundred meters, the shadow she turned into was back to human form again, but this time she didn't hold back her hand, and a ball of black light in her hand shot straight at Fang Chang.

The speed of the black light was extremely fast, just as the front foot was out of the hand, the back foot had already hit Fang Chang.

The lower right side of Fang Chang's abdomen was hit by the black light, and the fast-moving spider body suddenly lost its balance, and was thrown into the air and hit an old tree.

Just an ordinary attack actually reduced Fang Chang's health bar by almost one-tenth.

This woman's black light actually had some penetrating effects, which just restrained him.

And at this critical juncture, Bai Yu and Xue Wu finally came belatedly and blocked Fang Chang under the old tree.

(End of this chapter)

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