Chapter 26
Name: Bai Yu

Race: human

Soul Power: Level 37 Soul Venerable

Martial Soul: Flying Feather Sword

Name: Xue Wu

Race: human

Soul Power: Level 30 Soul Master (the third spirit ring has not been absorbed)
Martial Soul: Snow Rabbit

The sudden appearance of these two people greatly increased Fang Chang's pressure, coupled with the fact that Du Hongxue restrained himself in attacking him, Fang Chang had a headache for a while.

He wanted to continue running away, but now these three people blocked his retreat in three directions, and he couldn't guarantee that he could successfully break through before the others reacted.

But if it was a fight, it would be difficult for him to face Du Hongxue alone, and his chances of winning against three at the same time would be extremely slim.

After all, it is still too weak...

Without giving Fang Chang a chance to continue thinking, the three people in Wuhundian leaned towards him tacitly at the same time.

"Don't kill it, catch the alive ones." Du Hongxue said to Bai Yu and Xue Wu while walking, her voice was uncontrollable and directly reached Fang Chang's ears.

Fang Chang and the two people in the Wuhun Hall were stunned for a moment at the same time.

Bai Yu and Xue Wu nodded. Among the five of them, although Bai Yu was the oldest, everyone called him the boss.

But in fact, the second child, Du Hongxue, has always been the strongest among the five. Coupled with her relatively strong temperament, and some indescribable reasons, even the eldest, Bai Yu, has to give her three points.

The size of the fist determines the right to speak. This sentence is the same truth no matter where it is placed.

Fang Chang subconsciously took half a step back when he heard this, and leaned against the ancient tree behind him.

Catch it alive... She doesn't have any evil thoughts about me, does she?I'm just a weak, pitiful and helpless little spider!
However, since they want to catch the living, they must be careful when they start. This is definitely good news for him now.

The three of them got closer and closer, and they were almost stuck together, and Fang Chang's chance of breaking through became smaller and smaller.

At this time, he finally moved, and a poisonous net with a diameter of five or six meters was suddenly spit out from Fang Chang's mouth, and flew towards the three people on the opposite side.

He has been waiting for this opportunity. There are only two usages left of the drug net today, and each time must be carefully calculated to maximize the effect.

But the three people in Wuhundian all knew the habits of the Man-faced Demon Spider to some extent, and they had long been on guard against it.

In Bai Yu's hand, the Wuhun long sword was raised horizontally above his head, and he squatted down slightly, blocking the left side of the poisonous net.

Du Hongxue turned around, the eight spider legs on his back were all spread out, blocking the right side of the poisonous web.

Xue Wu knelt down on the spot and hid behind the two of them.

The poisonous net rushed past, but was blocked by Bai Yu and Du Hongxue, and after losing power, it slowly fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Fang Chang didn't expect to be able to deal with these three people with this poisonous net, and his goal has been achieved.

Taking advantage of the moment when the poisonous net blocked them, Fang Chang's "Xiang Leap" skill was activated, leaping over the three of them to the distance, and the eight spider legs ran desperately.

Du Hongxue was the first to come to his senses, cursed inwardly, rubbed out a ball of black light with his left and right hands and threw it towards Fang Chang.

The black light flashed past, Fang Chang uttered two beeps in pain, and the blood bar fell down two more squares.

But he still didn't stop, on the contrary, he ran faster.

"Keep chasing." Du Hongxue dropped a sentence, and once again turned into a black shadow and chased after Fang Chang.

Bai Yu and Xue Wu looked at each other, they could see some helplessness in each other's eyes, but they had no choice but to chase her out.

The purpose of Fang Chang's running this time is very obvious. He already knows that the combat power of the two sides is very different, and he will not have the advantage in a head-on confrontation, so he has planned to put the battle location at home - his underground lair.

Fang Chang ran out for about half a mile, and when the black shadow was about to catch up with him, he suddenly slammed into a haystack on the ground.

The haystack was forced and his body collapsed inward, revealing a hole leading directly to the ground.

The black shadow rushed half a meter away, bent back strangely, and changed back to Du Hongxue's body at the entrance of the cave.

She glanced at the cave which was just enough for one person to pass through, and gestured "go down" to Bai Yu and Xue Wu who had just arrived, and then turned into a black shadow and went into the cave again.

Fang Chang didn't hesitate in the room below the cave, carefully avoiding the traps in the room and entering the passage leading to another room.

Du Hongxue's transformed black shadow chased the tunnel for a short distance and stopped suddenly, and transformed into her original appearance at the dividing point between light and darkness, stomping her feet angrily.

This move is exactly her third soul skill Shadow Escape Technique, which allows her to transform into a shadow and move quickly, and also ignore most of the terrain and attacks during the movement, which can be described as quite domineering.

But this trick has a very obvious flaw, that is, it must be used in places where shadows can be produced.

And one of the conditions for shadows to be produced is to have light, which just doesn't meet this condition in this dark and deep underground passage.

Outside the passage, the trap set by Fang Chang also caused some trouble to the two people behind, and the three of them lost Fang Chang at the same time.

Fang Chang came out from the other side of the passage, seeing that the three did not catch up, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The ambush and pursuit of these people today made him a little angry, and the location of his lair had been exposed, these people from the Wuhun Temple could be killed but not kept.

Thinking of this, he went on the road again, this time he went in the direction of the open area where the people from the Wuhun Temple had pitched their tents.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and it was late at night during their pursuit. The two tents on the edge of the open field were completely dark, and the other was lit with flickering lights.

"Third brother, I'm so miserable. It's not good for the god-damned man-faced spider to hurt me. I have to... woo woo woo."

The fat fourth child in the lighted tent was already awake, clutching the skinny third's thigh and crying, tears and snot all over his body.

"Enough is enough. You have been crying all night. It's useless to keep your stuff anyway. If it's gone, it's gone." people.

"You! You! You!" The fat fourth child was already sad, but he couldn't bear it when he said that.

But in his anger, he pulled the wound that had just healed and struggled to bleed again, and severe pain rushed to his head.

Suddenly something hit one side of their tent, making a "bang" sound, and then shook.

The thin third boy gestured to the fat fourth boy not to speak, and moved his head to the only small opening in the tent, intending to take a look outside to check the situation.

Just as his head stretched out, a sharp spider leg pierced through the small opening in the darkness, right into his face.

The skinny third child didn't even have time to scream, so he fell backwards.

"Third, who is outside, you are... ah!"

As soon as the fat fourth child turned his head, he saw the hollow face of the thin fourth child, and screamed strangely in fright.

Before his voice fell, a hole was cut on the other side of the tent.

Outside, a purple-black "Man-faced Demon Spider" looked like a ghost wandering in the middle of the night. Eight scarlet eyes looked in through the broken hole, staring straight at him.

(End of this chapter)

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