Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 50 Encountering Crisis Again

Chapter 50 Encountering Crisis Again (Please recommend a ticket)
Fang Chang raised his head and looked vigilantly at the forest on the right. From that direction, he felt that something was approaching quickly.

Immediately afterwards, his gaze turned to the left again, and there seemed to be something on this side as well.

Soul beasts all have some innate ability to perceive danger, but their strengths and weaknesses are different. Fang Chang's innate ability has become more sensitive after several evolutions.

Although he still can't judge whether it is a human or a spirit beast, it is very likely that it is aimed at him.

He subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide nearby, but there was only the mud pond besides the trees.

By the way, the mud pond!
Without thinking too much, he jumped into the mud pond in front of him, and the two skills "Hidden" and "Underwater Breathing" that he had just acquired were activated at the same time.

Looking from the shore, you can only see a series of bubbles rising in the mud pond at first, then the bubbles become less and less, and finally there is no trace at all.

If someone passed by at this time, they would definitely not be able to see that there was a big guy hiding in the mud pond.

"It entered the mud." The skinny young man saw all this clearly, and reported the situation to Hu Liena immediately.

Hu Liena nodded, and led the team to speed up towards the destination.

They took the route directly behind Fang Chang, with the largest number of people and the strongest lineup.

Apart from the investigative soul master of the soul sect realm and the three of them from the golden generation, there are also two masters at the soul king level.

The other two outflanking teams had roughly the same configuration, each with a soul king and two soul sects.

Such a lineup is used to deal with the current Fang Chang, and it feels like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Especially those soul kings, after hearing that the target was only a mutated human-faced spider less than 1 years old, they were more or less slack.

Although the Man-faced Demon Spider is strong, it doesn't need to be so nervous. After all, these three little kids are still kids. Although they have amazing talents, they have less experience after all.

But when they saw the corpse of the soul king in front of the mud pond, the doubts in their eyes instantly became much less.

They only heard that this man-faced demon spider killed the four soul sects of their Wuhun Hall, but firstly, they did not see it with their own eyes, and secondly, the gap between the soul sect and the soul king was still huge, which could not arouse their fear .

But now, they really took this mutated human-faced demon spider seriously.

"Get ready for formation, it's hidden in the water." Hu Liena and the others arrived last, and she glanced at the corpse of the Soul King on the ground, but she wasn't too surprised.

Their so-called formation is actually very simple, that is, the four soul kings plus Yan and Xie Yue stand in front, and Hu Liena and the remaining five soul sects stand behind.

The intention of this formation is very obvious, and it can be explained in one sentence-the strong protect the weak.

Hu Liena was dissatisfied because she was placed in the back row, but under Yan's insistence, she didn't bother to engage in more verbal disputes. There is no need to demoralize because of such a trivial matter when a big battle is imminent.

Although Fang Chang in the mud pond didn't hear their conversation, he saw the situation on the ground through the muddy muddy water.

A total of twelve soul masters, ten men and two women, neatly formed two arcs, one in front and one behind.

The two arcs intersected each other, and there was a distance of almost two meters between every two people. The people in the back row happened to stand in the middle of the two people in the front row.

In this way, the soul masters in the front and back rows will not interfere with each other, and the soul masters in the front row can also provide sufficient protection for the back row in case of an emergency.

And the midpoint of these two arcs, or the goal of these human soul masters, happened to be the mud pond where Fang Chang was hiding now.

Oops, exposed!

He already understood the seriousness of the problem in his heart, he thought he was hiding well enough, how could he be found so easily by them?

Fang Chang couldn't figure it out, but the current situation couldn't help him to think too much.

As soon as the twelve human soul masters formed their formation, they spontaneously brewed their own offensive. Just waiting for Hu Liena's order, twelve different-colored soul power impacts smashed into the mud pond where Fang Chang was hiding.

The water splashed, and half of the water in the mud pond was blown out almost instantly, and it seemed to be raining within a few tens of meters around.

Fang Chang set up shield-like spider legs to defend immediately, and with the buffer of the mud pond, he didn't suffer any injuries, but his whole body was shaken so that his blood was churning.

But as the water level in the mud pond dropped and his concealment was broken, half of his body also came out of the water and was exposed to the sight of these people.

It's them again!Fang Chang looked at these people of the golden generation and felt more and more unhappy. This kind of people can't kill and hide, it's really annoying.

Their account can only be recorded on Wuhundian's head first, and they will be recovered together in the future!
Knowing that he couldn't defeat these people head-on, Fang Chang simply jumped forward from the muddy pond, and rushed to the depths of the swamp ahead with his "Flying Leap" skill.

His left, right, and back three directions were locked by the people of the Wuhun Temple, and only by running forward could he have a chance of survival.

Naturally, the masters of the Wuhun Hall in the back would not watch him escape, and each cast their soul skills, and countless attacks greeted Fang Chang.

"Hardening", "Blade Armor", "Dragon's Blood LV2", Fang Chang immediately used all available skills, using Hardening and Blade Armor to improve defense, and using Dragon's Blood to improve his strength to make him jump faster Far.

The human soul master's attacks bombarded Fang Chang's body one after another, causing him to spit out a few mouthfuls of black blood, and the blood bar that had finally recovered to full was also dropping rapidly.

Fortunately, with the help of the aftermath of the attacks of these human soul masters, Fang Chang fled into the depths of the swamp ahead faster.

As the distance got longer, the strength of human soul masters' attacks also decreased, and some soul masters who lacked long-range attack methods also had to choose to stop at this time and watch him leave.

The speed at which Fang Chang's blood bar dropped was finally stabilized, and when the blood line was about a third left, he jumped into a deeper mud pond again.

This mud pond seemed to be connected to the wetland deep in the swamp, and Fang Chang swam along without thinking.

"This... Nana, are we still chasing her?" Yan turned his head and asked.

He never thought that this mutated human-faced demon spider's defense could be so strong, and it still survived so many attacks from them.

"Chasing, we can't let it spoil the big event, or the Pope won't spare us." Hu Liena said firmly.

Before she finished speaking, she jumped into the muddy pond where Fang Chang was hiding before.

The muddy water soaked her short skirt, and the skirt was clinging to her thighs, making it even more seductive. The male soul masters behind her couldn't look away.

Especially Yan, who was almost drooling right now, and followed Hu Liena into the swamp.

"Then we...follow up too?" The few spirit masters of the Spirit Hall who followed looked at each other, and finally could only sigh and follow into the water.

In the cognition of most soul masters, this kind of swamp is almost like a restricted area in the Star Dou Forest.

These places have complicated terrain, which is most suitable for soul beasts to hide and ambush. At the same time, there are many natural traps and harsh environments, which will make human soul masters fall into a passive position.

But for soul beasts, it is heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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