Chapter 51 Chasing and Escaping

Name: Fang Chang
Race: Ghost armored spider
Soul Power: 8675

Evolution point: 56660
HP: 363/3300 (slow recovery)

Strength: 791
Attack: 833
Defense: 1179
Speed: 899
Looking at his health bar, Fang Chang sighed. If he hadn't run fast just now, he would have been beaten to death by those human soul masters.

He wandered aimlessly at the bottom of the mud pond for a while, and finally chose a place where two mud ponds connected, shrunk his body into a ball and got in, and then activated the "hidden" state again.

In his current state, finding a safe place to hide first, and waiting for his blood volume to recover is the first choice. Otherwise, even if he is not killed by those human soul masters, he may be killed by the soul beast hidden in the swamp. kill.

This swamp is composed of hundreds of wetland mud ponds of different sizes, some of which are connected to each other, and some are relatively independent.

The place where Fang Chang is staying now is considered to be the edge of the core area of ​​the swamp. More than a dozen mud ponds are separated by small areas of mud and weeds, but the water below is connected.

Just like his current hiding place, there is a layer of soil about two meters thick on the top, and a hole with a diameter of about three to five meters below. hole.

The water here presents a deep dark green color. There are many blue algae floating on the surface of the water, and there is silt under the water. When you step on it, the silt will disperse, and the color of the water will change from green to yellow again.

In this kind of water, the visibility is only less than ten centimeters, Fang Chang can't see the situation of those human soul masters outside, and those human soul masters can't see the bottom of the mud pond, both sides are feeling blind.

"Is there any movement?" Hu Liena turned her head and asked the investigating soul master who was walking at the back.

The investigative spirit master shook his head, since Fang Chang jumped into the water, his bat spirit has been useless.

Just let it fly back and forth in the air, watching the water surface everywhere, but so far there is no valuable discovery.

"Continue to observe." Hu Liena turned her head back again, frowning as she looked at the mud pond in front of her that was getting deeper and larger.

At this time, Yan consciously acted as a flower protector, walked in front of her, and used his body to measure the water depth of the mud pond for her.

Now the muddy water has covered his waist, but for Hu Liena, it has reached the position close to the chest. Under the influence of the water pressure, her breathing has become less comfortable.

Behind her, the soul kings of the Spirit Hall, Hunzong, all looked a bit ugly. After all, Hu Liena was still the saint of the Spirit Hall, and they dared not refute her face openly.

But at the moment when they were asked to do such troublesome and dangerous chores, each of them had their own calculations, one by one shrank back, but instead they rushed to the front.

"Forget it, let's go up first and look for it from the shore." She saw that everyone was not motivated, so she could only order to withdraw to the shore first.

When the other soul masters heard the news, they cheered up instantly, returned to the shore, lit a fire in the swamp, set up tents, and set up a temporary camp.

The investigative soul master has now become the main force, responsible for monitoring the movement of the water surface, while the other soul masters are in groups of two, searching around in a small area.

In this way, Fang Chang stayed with them all day long, not daring to make any movements in the entrance of the cave. Only when the spider's legs became numb, he carefully released the "hidden" state and moved a little.

The sky was gradually getting dark, and Hu Liena's face in the tent was full of anxiety. If this continued, their actions might fail again.

After mobilizing so many people and making such a big battle, she was finally allowed to escape by the mutant human-faced demon spider. How would she explain to the teacher.

Yan saw what was on her mind from the side, and went up to comfort her, "Nana, don't be afraid, I'll take care of you if anything happens."

Hu Liena gave him a blank look, and didn't bother to talk to him.

At this moment, there was a sudden scream outside the tent, followed by the movement of fighting and the sound of intense water splashes.

All the soul masters in the temporary camp rushed out immediately, only to see a soul sect in the mud pond not far away as if being dragged into the water by something.

They rushed over to light the water surface with torches, only to realize that the thing was actually a soul beast, a black water crocodile.

The attacked Soul Sect was bitten by half of its stomach, and now it was trying its best to fight it while calling for help.

The soul masters on the shore rushed to attack, and all kinds of attacks fell on the black water crocodile, making it slow down, and its body retracted into the water faster.

But it still refused to let go of the soul sect, bit him tightly, and rolled in the water while sinking.

At this time, Hu Liena used a trick to charm the black water crocodile. Its whole body was fixed, and its mouth subconsciously relaxed a little.

Xie Yue seized its slowness at this moment, and the crescent-shaped Wuhun flew out, cut through its open mouth, and cut off most of its head.

The body of the blackwater crocodile sank into the water, and the blood stained the muddy pond. All the soul masters were busy treating the injured soul sect, but they didn't care about its body.

The smell of blood flowed down the water into Fang Chang's sense of smell, shaking him who was already about to fall asleep.

After thinking about it for a moment, he decided to go over and have a look. The eight spider legs carefully stepped out of the hole, and slowly approached from the bottom of the mud pond in the direction of the bloody smell.

One step, two steps, one step, two steps, he walked very slowly, all the senses in his body were mobilized to the highest level, and he could faintly hear the chaos on the water.

Finally, he came to the black water crocodile's body and almost pressed its head to see its identity.

Race: black water crocodile
Soul Power: 5600 year

Status: Corpse
Thanks humans!Thank you nature!

How could Fang Chang, who hadn't eaten for a long time, be able to resist this kind of temptation, and quickly devoured the black water crocodile's carcass in big mouthfuls.

After eating the main body of the corpse, he continued to follow the bloody smell to find its half crocodile head that Xie Yue had chopped off, and ate it together.

After filling his stomach, Fang Chang resisted the urge to see the movements of the human soul masters on the shore, followed the original path back to the cave where he hid before, and activated the "hidden" state again.

Before the blood bar returned to a safe enough level, the first thing he had to do was to wait quietly.

Being hunted down by these human soul masters this time is a big crisis, but to a large extent it is also an opportunity for him.

If it wasn't like this, it might be difficult to gather so many soul masters above the soul sect level in the Star Dou Great Forest at once.

And now that he wants to evolve into the Shadow Evil Spider, he just needs to kill five more human soul masters of this level. This time, when he recovers, the relationship between hunter and prey may be reversed again.

 Last weekend, this book failed pk and failed to be promoted to must-read. 12 entered 5, and this book was just one place short of 6th. In addition, when the wind vane was posted last week, Guoguo was indeed updated and more Buddhist (always two It's a pity that everyone else is changing three times), and I don't ask for tickets or anything.Originally, the pk failed and was going to be put on the shelves last Tuesday. Fortunately, the responsible editor of Transparent Jugeili won another chance. This time, I will try my best to work hard and guarantee three updates. I hope everyone can support it!Order a collection!Vote!Finally, I hope that my friends who are still raising books, please read the latest chapters as much as possible in the past few days, please ask me (Д)

(End of this chapter)

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