Chapter 70

After eating up the crypt demon spider, Fang Chang shaved his teeth with the tip of the spider's leg, and swaggered away in front of the man-faced spider.

The area of ​​the Sunset Forest is many times smaller than that of the Star Dou Forest, and Fang Chang has roughly gotten to know it in the past few days.

And its current target is the current overlord in this sunset forest, a 5000-year-old ghost crying vine.

Strictly speaking, this kind of soul beast is not a single individual, it was originally mutated from a relatively low-level soul beast like ghost vine.

The way of mutation is also very special, it is a special reaction that occurs after countless ghost vines are connected to each other during the growth process, and then subjected to some external influences.

After these ghost vines mutated, they formed a special form with a certain ghost vine as the core and other ghost vines as attachments, and the soul power was also shared with each other, which became the ghost crying vine.

The most powerful thing about a soul beast is its poison, and its strong vitality and regenerative power.As the name suggests, if you accidentally encounter it in the wild, even a ghost will be tossed to the point of crying.

Fang Chang once strayed into its territory before entering the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, and was almost tossed to death by it. Fortunately, he had poison resistance skills, and he only just touched the edge of its territory, so he escaped by a narrow margin. robbery.

And now, he is gradually approaching the territory of this ghost crying vine.

This place is probably directly north of the Sunset Forest, at the junction of the hotter half of the forest and the colder half of the forest, and the distance from the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye is not too far away.

Even though it is still far away, one can still feel the trees here, which are obviously much thicker than other places in the forest, and the shade of the trees is more gloomy, almost impenetrable to sunlight.

In other places in the forest, even if you can't see the soul beast at a glance, you can more or less find some traces of the soul beast's activities.

But here it is surprisingly quiet, only the rustling sound of the leaves blown by the wind can be heard, there are no birds or insects, not even half a soul beast's footprint can be seen on the muddy ground.

In such a depressing environment, even Fang Chang couldn't help feeling tense, his heart beat faster, his breathing became more rapid, the tip of the spider's legs felt cold and numb, and even the slightest movement would attract his attention .

After walking another 200 meters, Fang Chang was vigilant when he heard strange rustling noises from around him, and subconsciously activated the "stealth" state.

He just kept the "stealth" state and stood there for five or six minutes. Seeing that there was no other movement, he continued to move forward.

Further on was the place where he was attacked by the Weeping Ghost Vine last time. Fang Chang became more careful, with his eight eyes staring straight at his feet, for fear of falling into a trap.

It is quieter here, and the trees are covered with dark purple vines, which presumably are the branch vines of the Ghost Crying Vine.

On the ground, there were also some purple-black vines that looked like tree roots. Last time, Fang Chang accidentally stepped on this kind of thing, and then he was attacked by the ghost crying vine.

With experience this time, his spider legs carefully avoided these vines, and cautiously walked towards the depths of the Ghost Weeping Vine's territory.

If you want to defeat this Weeping Ghost Vine, you must first find its core main vine, otherwise, no matter how many branch vines you kill, it will be difficult to really hurt it.Over time, it will absorb more vines to develop itself.

The Ghost Crying Vine was still very quiet at the moment, and it didn't even notice that something had entered its territory. Countless vines were entangled and scattered among the trees.

The further you go in, the denser the vines become, and the less space there is for Fang Chang to stay.

He frowned slightly, even though he had abilities like "stretch", which allowed him to change the size of his body.

But if he got bigger right now, he might touch the vines hanging on the tree, and it would be even more difficult to get a foothold.

If it is smaller, it is easy to avoid the scattered vines on the ground because the steps are not big enough to find a suitable place to stand.

More importantly, wandering around in the woods like he is now, it seems that there is no way to identify which one of these ghost vines is its real main vine.

At this juncture, a gust of wind blew by, and the surrounding trees shook violently a few times. It didn't matter, the vines wrapped around the trees also swayed.

One of the vines fell from the tree and flung towards Fang Chang. Fang Chang had a bad way and looked around. Finally, he found a place to stay and jumped over with "Xiang Yue".

Just as he jumped into the air, another vine swayed from the other side following the sway of the tree. Both ends of this vine were hung on the tree, like a swing.

In desperation, Fang Chang quickly activated the "flexible stretching" skill, his body shrunk ten times in an instant, pierced through the gap in the middle of the vine, and landed lightly on the open space he was looking for.

He patted his chest with a spider leg, and let out a foul breath, "I'm scared to death."

He didn't want to be entangled by this thing before he found the main vine of the Ghost Weeping Vine. Even if he could escape, it would take a long, long time.

What's more, he doesn't know for sure now, this ghost crying vine is also a [-] soul beast after all, whether he can really beat it with his current strength.

The reason why he dared to come was to a large extent because he swallowed the Qiluoyouxiang fairy product in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, and the poison resistance skill evolved into advanced poison absorption, which happened to restrain it.

But before Fang Chang was happy, the forest seemed to have changed. The previously quiet Ghost Weeping Vine suddenly started to move wildly, as if the gust of wind just woke it up.

The ghost crying vine is like a girl who is woken up and angry, the vines with thick adult arms are swinging in the air, and the leaves on the tree are falling down.

On the ground, those vines also began to twitch without any rules, some to the left, some to the right, sometimes up, sometimes down.

Fang Chang was in a hurry, and tried his best to fight against these vines and tendrils, sometimes getting bigger, sometimes getting smaller, sometimes piercing through this gap, and sometimes getting out of there again.

But these vines seem to have been asleep for a long time, and after gradually becoming active, there is still an order. Just now, only a part of the vines moved first, and now more and more vines are joining in.

Damn it!Fang Chang realized something was wrong, turned around and tried to escape towards the periphery of the Ghost Crying Vine territory.

But not long after he escaped, one of the obstructing shield-like spider legs touched a few twitching vines on the ground.

Those vines and tendrils were calm for a moment, and then they swarmed up as if they had found a vent, sweeping towards this direction.

The sky and the earth, in all directions, seemed to be covered with vines and tendrils. Seeing that Fang Chang could no longer escape, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and fight.

Fire armor technique, poisonous mist, hardening... All the skills that could be used were used by him in one go, and the next moment, he collided with the vines in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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