Douluo: Evolving from the Man-faced Demon Spider

Chapter 71 Devouring the Weeping Ghost Vine

Chapter 71 Devouring the Weeping Ghost Vine

Three vines with the thickness of an adult's arm first touched the upper grower, and threw him back, but the vines only trembled slightly, and the place in contact with him turned black and purple, which was obviously affected by it.

Then Fang Chang was hit by the vines attacking from behind, fell back to the ground, and slid over a hundred meters away before barely stopping.



After all, it was a 5000-year-old Ghost Crying Vine, and the attacking power of the vines was really not small.

Even though Fang Chang has so many perverted skills, now the defense alone is comparable to some human Contra powerhouses, but he still suffers a lot of damage as soon as he touches it.

Fortunately, he now has advanced poison immunity skills. The toxin that could cause some damage to him last time could not hurt him at all this time. Instead, it became his tonic and restored his blood volume.

This contact made both Ghost Crying Vine and Fang Chang stunned. Fang Chang didn't expect that Ghost Crying Vine didn't seem to be as strong as he imagined, but Ghost Crying Vine didn't expect this intruder to be able to resist beating.

Race: Ghost cry vine

Soul Power: 5000 years

HP: 37000/37000
Strength: 3068
Attack: 2888
Defense: 2199
Speed: 99
It stands to reason that a 5000-year-old soul beast is calculated purely based on its soul power level, and should be equivalent to a peak soul saint, close to the level of a Contra, and its actual combat power may be even stronger.

As a soul beast mutated from the ghost vine combination, the attributes of the ghost crying vine are not outrageous. Except for the surprisingly high blood volume, other attributes should be considered relatively weak among soul beasts of the same level.

Its real reliance on attack is its toxin, but the toxin can't do anything to Fang Chang, which makes it a bit of a headache for Fang Chang now.

Besides Fang Chang, he saw that the toxin had no effect, and although the damage caused by the vines was not called scraping, it was still within the tolerance range, and now he became more unscrupulous.

He turned his head and used "Xiang Yue" to jump up again, aimed at the vine that hit him at the beginning just now, activated the "blood-sucking" skill and sucked it up.

Although the Ghost Crying Vine is a plant-type soul beast, the blood-sucking skill has no restrictions on the target. At this moment, Fang Chang sucked out a big mouthful of bitter green juice with a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

He frowned, and finally swallowed the juice while suppressing the feeling of nausea.


A blood-sucking skill that reaches level lv.10 can restore Fang Chang's blood volume equivalent to 10% of his maximum health in one bite, and almost restores his state in one bite.

Coupled with the level lv. 9 regenerative ability and the poisonous milk effect brought by advanced poison immunity, his blood volume is quite stable at this moment.

The Ghost Crying Vine was naturally unwilling to be attacked by the intruder, so he concentrated on the vines again to launch a more violent attack on the opponent.

Countless vines covered the sky and covered the sun, lashing at Fang Chang's body as if in a line. Fang Chang gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and chose to resist with his body.

Under the effect of the "Blade Armor" skill, although Fang Chang himself suffered a lot of damage, the blood volume of the Ghost Crying Vine also decreased, and the vines that were drawn on him burst from time to time, oozing green juice.

And Fang Chang found the right opportunity, and "sucked blood" on the Ghost Crying Vine bite by bite in between the attacks of the vines.

At first glance, at first glance, it seemed that Guiwaiting Vine had unilaterally ravaged Fang Chang, suppressing him to the point where he could hardly lift his head, and kept huddling in place to defend passively.

But looking at the blood volume of both sides, the HP of Ghost Crying Vine has dropped from 37000 to 33450, and it is still declining.

But Fang Chang's side is very strong. Although the attack drops from time to time, and the blood bar drops a bit from time to time, it will be replenished soon, and has been repeatedly jumping between half health and full health.

That kind of appearance is very similar to a Li Bai who has no sanctions, chasing and killing Cheng Yaojin, who is dressed in Liushen pure meat, watching Feitian Dundi operate for a while, after playing a full set, he turns around and sees that he is still full of blood.

At this time, the ghost crying vine also realized that it was impossible to attack so blindly. He changed his strategy, and several vines wrapped around the body growing above him, controlling his movements.

Then these vines exerted force at the same time, squeezing the entangled Fang Chang, planning to use strangulation tactics.

At first, Fang Chang could resist for a while relying on the hardness of his body, but soon after the time of his "hardening" skill expired, his defensive power dropped sharply, and the squeezing attack of the vines began to have an effect on him.

Seeing that his blood volume continued to drop, Fang Chang wanted to fight back, but at this time his body was tightly entangled by vines, he could not move in the air, and there was no point around him to rely on.

And this Ghost Crying Vine is very smart, the vine deliberately avoids his head, which makes him unable to use even "Blood Sucking" because there is no target around his head.

The vines became heavier and heavier, and their strength gradually increased, and the long and hard armor began to deform due to the squeeze of the vines.

Seeing that the situation was not right, he increased the strength of the "Fire Armor Technique". The flames can restrain most of the plant-type soul beasts, and the ghost crying vine is no exception.

The part of the vine that restrained him soon began to burn and blacken, emitting an unpleasant and pungent smell.

Then the pressure from the vines gradually decreased, and some vines finally couldn't withstand the high temperature of the fire armor technique and fell down.

But the Ghost Crying Vine seems to have just gotten on with him, and it won't give in at the moment. Once a vine is burned and falls off, a new vine will be added immediately, so that the pressure on Fang Chang's body will not be relieved at all.

Fortunately, between retracting and releasing, Fang Chang had a moment of respite. He continued to maintain the "fire armor technique", and took advantage of the opportunity of the vines to relax, using "flexible stretching" to make his body slightly bigger. .

The encircling circle of the vines was also expanded with his actions, and then expanded, so that the area burned by the fire armor technique on the vines became larger and larger, and the pressure was instead put on the Ghost Crying Vine.

The Ghost Crying Vine still did not give up, it mobilized all the branch vines that could be used in this forest, and swept Fang Chang fearlessly, as if vowing to strangle him in this forest.

Under this kind of back and forth tug-of-war, Fang Chang's state is also declining rapidly, and the speed of blood recovery can no longer keep up with the damage caused by the vine entanglement.

Just when his blood volume dropped to about 20.00%, Fang Chang's body had stretched to three or four times its original size under the effect of the "flexible" skill.

At this time, he suddenly reversed the use of "flexible stretching", and his body shrank to one-tenth of its original size.

According to the entangled vines when he was the largest, he suddenly lost his fulcrum, quickly contracted a few times and then touched together.

And Fang Chang's body fell between the vines, frantically launched "blood sucking" on it, quickly recovered his state, then fell from the bottom of the vines, and returned to the ground.

At this time, due to Fang Chang's swollen body, most of the vines in the forest rolled towards his place just now, and now there are only two places in the forest with vines.

One is on the top of Fang Chang's head, these are the ghost crying vines used to restrain him just now, and the other is on a tree about 60 to [-] meters in front of him, which is probably the main vine of the ghost crying vine.

Thinking of this, Fang Chang's figure rose violently again, "Xiangyue" was launched one after another, and his body jumped over in a few steps. At the same time, under the effect of "flexible stretching", his body became as big as possible.

The Ghost Crying Vine also reacted at this time, sensing his intention, the vine quickly retracted from behind and rolled towards Fang Chang.

But at this time, his body was still growing, and the vines couldn't wrap around him when they touched him, and they collapsed after a few blows.

When the main vine of the Ghost Crying Vine entered the attack range, Fang Chang, who had grown to the extreme, bit down on the part of the tree that was protected by the vines, and half of the tree was bitten off.

(End of this chapter)

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