Chapter 204 Afterword
When all the teams left the re-settled Ithilien under the gaze of the magic eye, and returned to the White City through Kael Andros, the news of victory had spread throughout the entire Kingdom of Gondor.

Whether it's the majestic Minas Tirith or the bustling Pelakir.

But in any town with a tavern, there will be bards compiling various songs for this great victory.

The contents of the songs all praise the strategizing generals and the brave and fearless soldiers.

It tells the story of them fighting against evil and vicious enemies, thus defending the peace of the kingdom.

I believe that with the passage of time, the outstanding characters appearing in the ballad will inevitably become famous throughout Middle-earth along with people's singing.

Lindir, who was nostalgic for his hometown, led the elves of Lindon to rest in White City for only one day, and then returned to Eriador along the North-South Road.

But before leaving, he still sent an invitation to Allen, hoping that the king of Rovanian would visit the valley as a guest if he had time.

There, the elves will entertain their distinguished guests very well.

Legolas, who had been defending the valley of Morgul, did fight with a support army from Mordor.

That dark-skinned nation actually led a few huge giant elephants.

However, the excellent archery skills of the elves quickly killed the beast controlled by the opponent.

And those southern barbarians who were preparing to support Mordor were quickly defeated by the combined forces of dwarves and humans.

At the banquet held in Gondor, Legolas told Alan that he was going to Linton as a guest, hoping that Alan could drop by and send his people back to his father.

In fact, the young prince among the elves planned to travel in Eriador for a period of time, and did not intend to return to the Black Forest.

Both Cirdan of Grayhaven and Lindir of Rivendell have invited the young elf.

Just before that, Legolas was planning to go to Belfalas to see the main city Do Amroth there.

After all, there are legends of elves there, and it is the former residence of Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn.

And Aragorn will be his companion.

The young patriarch finally gave up the idea of ​​showing his identity in Gondor, perhaps because the words Alan told him played a role in making him prepare to travel the entire Kingdom of Gondor to understand how this ancient country works.

Or it may be because the "Hurin" family, which has been in power, has a high reputation in Gondor, which makes Aragorn feel that this is not a good opportunity.

All in all, the reforged holy sword of Nasher did not get a chance to be unsheathed, but was brought back to the valley by Lindir, along with the news that Aragorn would not return in the short term.

And Alan, who learned about this, always felt that it was a bit early to start traveling now, which was really too early for Aragorn, who was only fifteen years old.

But the stubborn young man insisted again and again, looking at the clear and tough eyes, Allen didn't continue to persuade.

As the heir of Isildur, Aragorn had to walk the road by himself, not to mention that he was accompanied by experts like Legolas and Gandalf, so there should be no problem with his safety on the road.

Gandalf, since this lovely old man left the black gate, the smile on his face has never stopped, and the joy in his heart has not been hidden at all.

In fact, the original plan of the gray-robed wizard was to return to Shire. Although many forces in Middle-earth welcome this old man as a guest, Gandalf still lives most comfortably in Shire. By the way, he can take a look at his own An old friend, Bilbo Baggins of Bag End.

In addition, the power ring in Bilbo's hand, whether it belongs to a human or a dwarf, needs certain supervision to prevent it from harming the kind and peaceful hobbit.

However, after hearing about Aragorn, Gandalf decided to go with the young man, perhaps while protecting him, he could also forge a deep friendship with him.

In the process of fighting against evil, the direct descendants of Elendil are a force that cannot be ignored, not to mention Gandalf also needs the help of the Rangers of the North, so that they can pay more attention to the Shire.

Because the enemy will never give up the opportunity to take back the ring, if there is no protection of the rangers, the rich and peaceful land will soon be poisoned by evil, and Gandalf cannot stay there for a long time.

Fili was the only one who followed Alan to the south, and he decided to return to the north with Alan.
The heir to the king, who had been somewhat melancholy, now had an extremely confident light on his face.

War always makes a person grow quickly. Fortunately, Fili found the path he belongs to.

Alan did not stay in Minas Tirith for too long, but he participated in the handover ceremony of the prime minister of Gondor, and witnessed Turgon handing over the white cane representing the power of the prime minister to his son Ellen. Xelian II.

The oath of "in charge of this rod in the name of the king, rule the kingdom until the king returns." echoed in the palace of the White City, and Aragorn, who had not yet left, looked at all this with a blank face. The eyes are really interesting.

Allen saw all this, so when he left Baicheng and was about to separate from Aragorn, he stopped his students.

"Estair, we are about to part, and you are about to embark on your own journey, so I will make a long story short, if you really want to rebuild the Kingdom of Arno, you don't have to get the throne of Gondor first."

Allen carefully sorted out the words in his heart, and after a short pause, he continued.

"Think about it, there has been no king in Gondor for more than 1000 years. Although many people are saying that they are waiting for the return of the king, what they are waiting for is a king, not a group of vagrants. the patriarch.

Perhaps, now that the power of darkness is so weak, it is you who have revealed your identity. At the moment when Eriador gained fame, as long as you are wise enough to lead the people to a stable and prosperous life, the title of king will inevitably be crowned to you on the head. "

Looking at Aragorn's face gradually showing shock, Allen shook his head, always feeling that this young man was a little brain-dead, but he hadn't finished speaking yet.

"Aragorn, you are a descendant of Elendil, a descendant of Ondoher's grandson, there is no one in the whole Middle-earth who is more suitable to be the king of Gondor than you, but you want to get the majority of the people Recognition, this will inevitably require the witness of time, but also the support of strength.

If you can first have the title of king and let your name spread throughout Middle-earth, then there will naturally be people who will support you as king, such as the Do Amroth family who is related to your ancestors. I want to always flaunt myself with loyalty The Hurin family will never start a civil war because the king wants to return to his throne. "

Having said this, Allen patted Aragorn's shoulder.

"If you need it, come to Wilderness Town to find me. No, I'm going to change the name there to Feislet. At that time, I will help you, although Rovanian's strength cannot match Gondor, but believe me, you will gain a lot then."

Although Aragorn was very young at this time, the good education he had received all along allowed him to calm down quickly.

Although there were many doubts that needed to be resolved, Aragorn still asked the most critical and embarrassing question.

"Then Lord Alan, why did you help me like this? What can you gain from it?"

Aragorn who said this sentence was a little ashamed, because he was doubting a learned elder and a wise monarch, but he wanted to know this very much.

Allen laughed loudly when he heard this, and the laughter even caught the attention of Gandalf and Legolas. Although the distance between the two sides was extremely far, who made the elves and wizards have excellent hearing.

"Of course I will get a lot. Think about it, I will get a student who becomes a great king. How proud it is. At the same time, I will get a strong ally who can help me fight against the dark forces in a critical moment. How reassuring it is, finally, and most importantly, perhaps in this era, we can have the strength and opportunity to defeat the enemy, and then end this turbulent era, allowing Middle-earth to have a very long period of peace."

Allen really thought so. In this era, it is no longer possible to count on the help of elves.

Allen has always had the opportunity to defeat Sauron, because he knows where the ring that can determine the life and death of the enemy is, so it can be said that he has already grasped the initiative.

But the biggest problem right now is that Allen lacks sufficient strength.

In fact, after winning the battle before the Black Gate, Allen considered whether to invite Bilbo Baggins to come to Mordor for a while. If he speeded up his horse and even invited the help of the Eagle King, the speed would actually be very fast.

After thinking about it for a long time, Allen gave up this idea. It was too risky, and if he was not careful, he would hand over that powerful power to Sauron.

However, in order to successfully reach Mount Doom, Allen needs more allies, so supporting Arno's descendants as soon as possible is also an option.

In fact, besides Bree and Shire, Eriador also has a lot of human beings in some places.

For example, the savage fishermen roaming in the Ened area, and the Dunlanders who have always lived in the southern area of ​​​​the Black Barbarian, these are forces that can be united.

In the past, these people lived like a piece of loose sand, and played almost no role in fighting the darkness.

If in the years to come, there can be a king with superb means to unite them, it will inevitably become a force that cannot be ignored.

It is impossible for Allen's hand to stretch so long, but Aragon can. This young man can be said to have unique conditions. He needs a background and a background, and he needs thighs.

If it follows the original track, then the biggest problem facing Aragorn may be poverty. There is no food and money to complete the initial accumulation, but Alan has these materials.

Now, not only gold and silver sand lie in the treasure house of Wilderness Town, but there is also a gold mine in Orc Town that has not been dug.

What is the use of this money lying there?Allen doesn't know how to use gold to issue credit currency, and spending them to gain a strong and loyal ally is also a surefire thing.

Therefore, after laughing, Alan used his true thoughts to dispel Aragorn's doubts. After that, he bid farewell to the young chief Dunedan, and led his subordinates to leave the White City.

But before leaving, Allen presented some jewels and gold and silver to Gandalf and Legolas. No one knows how long they will travel. Only with more money can they get a better life in human society.

Anyway, in order to thank the three northern countries for their support, the Prime Minister of Gondor donated a large amount of wealth and armor to Alan. How to deal with it is Alan's own business.

At the same time, the rulers of the two kingdoms of Rovanian and Gondor have also negotiated many business-related matters. If possible, the Anduin River will soon prosper.

Of course, this must also be agreed with Sengel.

Because most of the merchants need to walk up the Rauros Falls before they can continue to sail all the way to the north by boat, which is the territory of Rohan, and this matter cannot be bypassed by the Rohir people.

Sengel, who learned of this, said that he would build a port town there to protect the safety of the surrounding land.

Of course, the relationship is good, but the tax still has to be collected.

For this reason, Allen also led the troops and stayed in Edoras for a period of time to meet with Finger.

When the time came to autumn, Allen left the beautiful Edoras with his troops and embarked on the road back home.

Sengar, the prince of Rohan, together with Iolos, led a group of high-morale Iored, and sent Allen to the ferry of the Limqing River.

Further on is the Field of Celebrant, which belongs to the territory of the Golden Forest. Without the permission of Lady Galadriel, the cavalry belonging to Rohan will not step across this river.

And Allen is preparing to take the troops back to his territory through Rose Lorien.

If possible, Alan didn't want to pass by Dorgor, which was once again occupied by orcs. Who knew if Sauron had sent his servants, waiting for him with some unacceptable "surprises".

With the lessons learned from Isildur, Alan felt that it was better to be careful no matter how urgent he was to go home.

When a large area of ​​mature crops were harvested by hard-working farmers, and processed and taken back to the warehouse, the defenders of Wilderness Town saw the king returning from the expedition from a distance.

The three-star flag with the crown was caught by Karyan's scouts from a long distance away.

At this time, more than half a year has passed since Allen left Wilderness Town. In fact, before he left, Allen never thought that he would be able to come back so soon. He had planned to stay in Gondor for several years. .

Because according to his original plan to end the war, it would take a lot of time just to fight against the pirates who came ashore to plunder in the coastal areas of Belfalas and Lebennin.

However, the fighting power of the elves is too strong, and Cirdan's face is also very good. There is actually a Maier who can dominate the ocean to help the elf fleet in the dark and quickly kill the Umbar pirates.

After that, everything about the war seemed to be on a high-speed track, and it was over in just half a year.

Of course, Alan's quick return surprised Jamila who stayed behind in Wilderness Town.

If possible, who is willing to let their beloved one leave their side and go to a battlefield thousands of miles away?
When Allen came back, her frightened heart would settle down.

It's just that the tenderness after nightfall naturally doesn't need too many details.

After a short rest, the Dúnedain from Eriador left first. They took the gift that Alan gave them, crossed the ferry near Karl Rock and walked towards the high pass.

Before the Dúnedain left, Allen left behind the elven armor and elven longbow that had been assigned to them.

However, a large amount of gold and silver was distributed to the rangers. In Shire, gold and silver have extremely high purchasing power, which can help the people of Dúnedain to get rid of some difficulties and give them more choices in their future lives.

In addition, Allen also left part of the iron armor to the ranger troop, there were as many as four hundred pairs.

If Aragorn really listened to his suggestion and revealed his identity in Eriador, then these armors could arm his people, allowing this new force to successfully resist the first wave of attacks that might come from the dark forces.

At the same time, Allen also asked all the northern rangers to take away the horses that accompanied them day and night, which was a little reward for everyone who has fought so far.

Anyway, Alan is also a king. He followed him from north to south, killing and injuring more than 100 people, and rewarding each of them with a horse is not too much.

After all, on the vast grassland in the east of Rovanian, there is already a herd of horses belonging to Allen. I believe it will not take long before this loss will be made up.

After the Dúnedain left, the elves of the Woodland Kingdom and the dwarves of the Lone Mountain Kingdom also left Wilderness Town with the spoils distributed by Allen.

After they returned to their homeland, it was natural that some people were happy and some were worried.

At this time, Sorin II, King of the Lonely Mountain, was full of relief and joy in his heart. His heir had grown a lot, and had already revealed the potential to become a great king.

In this way, it is more worry-free than a dwarf who has married an elf. Although the relationship between the Lonely Mountain and the Black Forest has returned to the previous harmony, the combination of a dwarf and an elf is really the first time.

Thranduy, the handsome otaku who is in charge of the Woodland Kingdom, was full of melancholy after hearing the report from his subordinates. His son has grown up and has become a full-fledged eagle. He can choose what he wants. The sky is about to fly.

It's just that the king of the Black Forest has completely become a loner, and his long sigh can be heard in the palace from time to time.

Maybe only the delicious wine at the banquet can soothe a father who misses his son.

(End of this volume)

 Ask for a monthly ticket, big brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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