In early winter, the bright and warm sunshine is shining on a gorgeous sea of ​​flowers.

Petals of various colors, such as red, pink, gold, and white, are set against the backdrop of green leaves, showing a beautiful appearance.

Countless dexterous bees with black and yellow stripes were busy "buzzing" "buzzing" among the flowers, and then brought the collected nectar back to their nests.

This is Beorn's garden. Even in this cold season, large areas of flowers are still incomparably gorgeous.

Such a place is rare in the whole of Rovanian, and it may only be seen in Rose Lorien, who is sheltered by his wife.

In this beautiful scene, Allen and his friend Beorn were sitting next to a wooden house.

The two chatted from time to time over the pastries and drinks on the table. Most of the time, Alan was talking and Beorn was listening. Occasionally, this burly man would ask a question or two.

"So, after going through that ambush, your girl and my kid are much more honest?"

At this time, Allen was mentioning how Grim and Kress were attacked near Dol Guldur because they were wandering around.

It has to be said that it was an extremely thrilling process.

"Hahaha, yes, they are indeed much more honest. Since that battle, these two little guys have never done any small tricks in private, even in Minas Tirith, or in Minas Tirith. Regardless of Pelakir, they all stayed in the room obediently, as if they hadn’t even been to the tavern much.”

Thinking of this, Allen laughed loudly. Although Kress had grown up at this time and became a girl in her 20s, in Allen's eyes, she was still just a child.

If you do the math, Allen, who seems to be very young, is already in his 50s, but his energetic body, coupled with the journey along the way, makes his mental age older than his actual age Small on a lot.

After all, after coming to Middle-earth, although there were catastrophes and dangers, he had never played with his own people, and most of the friends he knew had a sincere character.

And the subordinates who served him were also very loyal and never disobeyed his orders.

It can be said that among all the friends Alan met in Middle-earth, no one has ever played tricks in front of him.

Even Thranduil, the arrogant and difficult king of the woodland, has a temper that is either good or bad.

And Saruman, who almost became an enemy with Allen, never did something like smiling on the surface and stabbing a knife in the back.

The white-robed wizard who was once hostile to Allen almost had the words "I don't like you" etched on his face.

Living in such a simple environment for more than ten years, Allen always felt that his ability to guess people's hearts was not as good as when he was sitting in an office.

Only when sitting in the dreary castle of Calradia and looking at the nobles who made various demands on him, can Alan be able to cheer up.

Oh, those scumbags! !

It's just that such a life is really tiring. If he has free time, he would still like to watch the beautiful scenery with his friends, drink a little wine, and then talk about what he saw and heard when he went south to Gondor this time.

However, the topic turned to the edge of Beregal in Beorn's question with a smile on his face.

"Alan, do you think the two children, Grim and Kress, are suitable for living together?"

Hearing these words, Allen almost spit out the mead in his mouth, and Jamila, who was teasing Juan, also stopped her movements, and looked at this side with her beautiful eyes in surprise .

Yes, Kress is already in his 20s, so he should get married too.

Ellen, who was startled, suddenly realized that although he could give Kress a long life, this bold and impulsive girl would eventually start her own family and give birth to her own child. is complete.

Unless Kress himself is unwilling to do so, and Allen will never sacrifice the rest of his subordinates' lives for any political factors.

"My dear friend, if Kress himself has no objection, then I have no objection."

Having said that, Allen looked at the beaming Beorn and emphasized:

"It's just that I think that the future that belongs to young people should be decided by themselves, especially who they choose to live with in the future. This is really too important a matter, and I won't do it for it Make any decision, likewise, my friend, I hope you can let them go with the flow."

Allen's extremely serious words did not cause any displeasure on Beorn's face.

In fact, humans living in the land of Middle-earth, especially nobles, are actually quite free to marry. For example, Sengar, the heir to the Kingdom of Rohan, married the daughter of a minor nobleman in the Kingdom of Gondor.

Another marriage that Alan remembers deeply is the combination of the No. 20 king of Gondor, Veraka, and the Queen of the North, Vidumawi. Their free love has added an extremely bloody scene to the history of Gondor. A sum can be said to be the fuse of the family struggle.

"Of course, I'm not in a hurry."

Beorn nodded with joy. As long as Alan, the king, does not object to the marriage, then the rest is up to Grimm. As a father, it is enough for him to be able to do this.

The skin-changing people can live together with ordinary humans. The only problem is that the power of the offspring will be attenuated, that is, the strength and size will be reduced a lot.

It's just such a problem, in Beorn's opinion, it's not a big deal at all. After all, they are mountain residents who live as a family, and they haven't developed the original sin of arrogance in a long history.

Even with great power, he would never think of himself as some kind of "king among men" in the north.

After this topic was over, Ai Lu lost interest in chatting, not because he was influenced by Grimm and Kress.

As long as Kress is willing, Alan will prepare a lot of dowry for her to send out, let her harm Grimm, and he can save himself some trouble.

Because he mentioned these two people, he remembered another bad thing, which was the half-orcs entrenched in Dol Guldur.

In the battle between the brownfields and the orcs, the coalition forces of Allen, Cirdan, and Lady Galadriel dealt a serious blow to the enemy's strength.

But that eerie and dark fortress was activated again. Even Mrs. Galadriel didn't know how many evil servants fled back to that eerie castle on a wolf.

Although it is said that only catching thieves from a thousand miles away does not prevent thieves from a thousand days away, that place full of evil cannot be completely destroyed before Sauron dies.

Otherwise, the elves of Los Lorien would not leave such a threatening place alone, it is really because they can't clean it up, even if they cleared it at this moment at the risk of huge casualties and losses, there will be another one in the next moment. Another half-orc camped in.

The elves, which are few in number and difficult to reproduce, can't consume the half-orcs, and ordinary humans dare not approach that place at all.

Think about the situation when the Gondor army approached Mordor, and you can guess the performance of the northern humans. Without the blood of the Numenoreans, they will not be much stronger, and they may even be inferior.

And the evil force that was already entrenched in that forest, the descendants of the evil spirit Ugoliant, also had a call for reappearance.

All the free peoples who are enemies of Sauron cannot stay in Dorgo for a long time. Even Lady Galadriel will be greatly affected by the living environment there, let alone other elves.

Therefore, no matter how unacceptable it is, Allen has to prepare for thousands of days to guard against thieves, because the orcs and wargs active in the forest are likely to threaten the safety of the old jungle road.

For Allen, it is an extremely important transportation hub, and it is a road that was opened at a great cost, and it is absolutely not allowed to be affected in any way.

As for the job of guarding the road, looking at Beorn's Allen, it suddenly occurred to him that it seemed that it could be handed over to the skin changer.

At this time, there were a total of four skin-changing families living in this oak forest. In addition to the Beorn family, there was the Woolf family who had followed Allen to beat the Dongyi people.

As for the remaining two families, they did not participate in the war, but they were assisting Beorn at home, and the Augris and Balk families.

Allen actually didn't know whether the three skin-changers were willing to obtain a piece of territory of their own in the area under their control, and at the same time shoulder the responsibility of guarding the border.

Of course, it is also very simple to get the answer, just ask Beorn at this moment.

"Beorn, I suddenly thought of a worrying thing, and I hope you can help me."

Seeing Alan's increasingly serious face, Beorn also suppressed the smile on his face, and asked puzzledly: "Isn't the war over already? Moreover, the enemy should be stable for a long time after being hit so hard. yes."

There is nothing wrong with what Beorn said, because Allen mentioned this information in the previous chat.

"It is true that Mordor, which has suffered heavy losses, should be silent for a long time, but what I am talking about is the evil that covers the Black Forest. The fortress Dol Guldur in the south, you should know about that place."

Beorn nodded. Of course he knew that place. When Allen was confronting Ashur, it was Beorn who led his people and guarded the passage in the Black Forest. , the south is also where he needs to pay attention.

"Then what can I do for you? I don't think it should be to continue to lead people to guard there, right? Now you have enough power, and countless people are willing to sacrifice their lives for you. I think this kind of meritorious service I'm afraid it's not my turn."

Beorn's words were of course a joke, but they also explained something about Rovanian.

Since the first battle of the Dongyi people, Allen has given extremely rich rewards to the soldiers. Whether it is a professional soldier who receives a salary or a peasant soldier who fulfills his obligations, their living standards have abruptly improved after this battle. up a notch.

Not only did a large number of Dongyi captives help them plant land, but the gold and silver rewards from the cabinet were also enough for these families to build better houses and buy newer furniture. Bring out a pair of silver tableware to entertain distinguished guests.

"No, no, what I want to say is, are your people willing to open up a home of their own on the south side of the old dense forest road? I can hand over the forest over there to their management. Of course, I also need them Keep Old Jungle Road safe."

The forest north of Old Dense Forest Road belongs to the Woodland Kingdom. Alan has no right to rule there, and he doesn't want to conflict with the Silvan elves because of a forest.

But the area south of the Old Forest Road is tantamount to no land after being abandoned by Thranduil. Alan can have the final say in this area, as long as he can persist under the harassment of the orcs.

And the old dense forest road that runs through the middle of the Black Forest is about 200 kilometers to less than [-] kilometers long, and it is enough to distribute it equally to three or four skin-changing families.

They can imitate the life of Beorn, where they can build their own gardens, stables, and halls, and they also have enough land to domesticate their favorite animals.

What the skin-changing family needs to do is to guard that piece of land and block all dangers that may harass the old dense forest road before their homeland.

This is a deal, and in Allen's view, it's a win-win, because humans are actually more suitable to live in plains or hills.

If given a choice, most human beings in this era would not give up the plains with abundant water and grass, and choose forests with dense forests, which is not in line with their living habits.

I just don't know what Beorn and his people think.

In fact, Beorn didn't realize that this was a bad thing. According to the living habits of the skin-changing people, they really needed a wider land to build their homes.

And Grimm has gradually grown up, and will soon go out to form a family of his own, and the situation faced by his clansmen is not too different.

Under Alan's rule, their lives were relatively stable, which also provided conditions for the skin-changers to thrive.

"It's not a bad thing Alan, I'll ask them for you."

Allen nodded, ended the topic, and started chatting with his friends again. The topics ranged from the customs of the Kingdom of Gondor to the stories of ancient times.

Today is a day of rest. He and Jamila managed to finish most of the work, and spared some time to relax at Beorn's place. They shouldn't spend too much time on work.

The bright sun gradually drifts westward as time goes by.

Alan and Jamila also took their personal guards and set foot on the way back to Feslet before the sky darkened.

"My lord, do you think Kress and Grimm are suitable?"

After walking for half an hour, Jamila, who was riding with Alan, finally couldn't help but want to gossip and asked the question in her heart.

Although she has confirmed her identity with Allen, Jamila still hasn't changed her name for Allen.

According to the court rules of Calradia, even if Jamila became a queen, she still needs to call Allen His Majesty, but this is a title that represents power, and there are not many emotional factors in it.

Jamila still felt that the title of "adult" was closer.

"Hahaha, my dear Jamila, it depends on where you look at it. From a political perspective, based on the relationship between me and Beorn, this is a perfectly suitable thing. Skin-changer He has always been our vital ally. Although I have no blood relationship with Kress, everyone knows that he is the daughter of my family. The combination of her and Grimm will greatly increase our relationship with the skin-changing man. The closeness, and it's going to last a long time."


Speaking of which, Allen's words changed.

"We should not simply look at this matter from a political point of view, or we should consider it more. If, I mean if, after Kress and Grimm are combined, the two of them quarrel every day because of their personalities. , Kress came to me to complain, so what should I do, should I scold Kress or punish Grimm? Neither of these is a good choice, or let nature take its course and let the young people in the process of contact It’s good to get to know each other better.”

Hearing Allen call himself "dear" in front of Horimion, Barron, Gale and others, Jamila's fair face quickly climbed into two red clouds.

Before the relationship was established, Jamila felt that the feelings expressed by Allen were too reserved and cautious, which was different from most young male nobles in Calradia.

But when all the dust settled, Allen's expression of emotion was hot and bold.

Although the two have not held a wedding yet, Allen never minds expressing his love for Jamila in public.

The unusually obvious changes before and after made Jamila a little uncomfortable. Of course, our Prime Minister, the future Queen Rovanian, still enjoys this feeling of being loved very much.

"What if we only consider them personally?"

Jamila, who has been the prime minister for a long time, is actually no stranger to politics, so she naturally thought of what Allen said.

"Oh~, if that's the case, then Grimm will be miserable, and he will probably suffer from tracheitis for the rest of his life."

As a person who has been there, Allen can naturally see Grim's tolerance for Kress. If political factors are not involved and only emotions are involved, I am afraid that silly boy will be suppressed by Kress for the rest of his life.

"Ah? My lord, what is bronchitis?"

Looking at Jamila with a puzzled expression, Allen laughed loudly.

"If there is a chance, I will tell you about it."

I caught a cold, but luckily I have a manuscript.

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