Chapter 223 Booty

With just a casual glance, Alan can be sure that what Oyin said is correct. This Hall No.16 should have lived in many quite noble figures, and the carvings in many places here have traces of gold. Even the ground that Allen stepped on could see a striped road paved with silver.

And next to the lines, there are large depressions. It is obvious that the half-orcs occupying this place dug out the silver-cast ground like this.

Presumably, when the Durin dwarves were at their most powerful, this place should be paved with silver and covered with gold. This is really rich.
But after searching for a period of time, Allen found that all the rooms here had been ransacked by orcs without exception.

All the gates that were supposed to be closed were violently broken open. Inside the stone hall carved with complicated patterns, everything that could be destroyed had traces of being cut and stabbed by swords on the surface.

That's not to mention that there is nothing worth taking away, and what is left is nothing more than some broken containers.

Watching all this, Oyin's originally agitated face quickly turned into grief, followed by anger visible to the naked eye. It was sadness at what had happened to the kingdom, and anger at the barbaric behavior of the orcs.

And Allen, who was walking aside, could clearly see Oyin's expression, he could only sigh helplessly, and lightly patted Oyin on the shoulder, signaling him to calm down and not to act impulsively things to come.

You must know that this team of yours is simply doing things under the noses of two groups of half-orcs, and there is no room for a little mistake. Even an angry roar will startle hundreds of thousands of enemies.

Of course, Alan was not feeling well either. Although he had some psychological preparations, he was still very disappointed. If no loot was found in the place where the royal family of Durin lived, then other halls might be even more difficult.

But what Allen didn't think about was that most half-orcs are often brutal and irritable when they raid this hall, because they need to move faster than their companions in order to grab more, better and more clocks. meaning thing.

Therefore, when these robbers robbed the No.16 hall, they just used the strange-shaped swords in their hands to destroy everything they could see, and then took away all the valuable things, leaving only one place. It was a mess, but the search was not particularly careful.

As for the dwarves, they are a race that is very obsessed with wealth, and most of them have some building skills, let alone the royal family of the Durin family. Among them are the best.

And members of the royal family with these natures, of course, can't put all their wealth in a bright place.

There will always be some people who will hide their favorite XZ in a secret place for them to enjoy quietly in the dead of night.

Therefore, when Oin, who had stabilized his mind, came to a fairly magnificent stone palace, and pushed open a stone door on the dark and bright wall with a slight knock, Alan showed a rather surprised expression.

He really didn't expect that the dwarves still have such a trick, and because they are in his own home, these secret rooms don't need any keys to open them like the back door of the Lonely Mountain. Just find the right mechanism and push lightly. The stone door opened.

And the scene behind Shimen finally made everyone feel the joy of harvest for the first time after they set off.

Not to mention the jewelry on the shelves, that set of silver armor, plus many weapons and shields of the same color, it made Allen feel that his trip was worthwhile.

When Moria was still producing mithril, the price of this special metal was ten times that of gold in the outside world. It was indeed very precious, but for the Durin royal family who occupied Kazad-dum, it was not really worth it. What.

Just as Thror, who once ruled the Lonely Mountain, would not lack gold, silver and jewels, the dwarves who owned the entire mithril vein at that time did not lack mithril, at least not at the beginning, otherwise, Thorin Why give Bilbo a chain mail made of mithril.

You must know that this mithril armor was made by the dwarves in the lonely mountain. At that time, they had no way to continue to obtain mithril.

And in this not-so-big treasure room, Allen also found a letter opener made of mithril on a wooden table. It has been placed for thousands of years and it is still brand new, with a sharp blade. With a shiny blade.

This can't help but make Alan start to complain silently in his heart. How rich are the Durin dwarves who once occupied Moria? It's fine to pave the floor with silver and make the roof with gold. Such precious mithril is also used as daily necessities , this is a bit extravagant and wasteful.

And in the No.16 hall, there are many stone halls like the one where Alan is, and there are even bigger and grander ones than this one. I don’t know if there is a secret room where wealth is hidden like this one. .

But in any case, in the next period of time, Alan's team may have to be busy, and the things in this secret room are enough for them to go back and forth to the first hall twice.

When everyone decided to explore Moria at the beginning, of course it wasn't just Aaron's team that set off. Hermione and Ori, with twelve Twilight Knights, also started from the second hall to Next explore.

Their goal is very clear, which is to go straight to the armory in the third valley. According to Ori, there should be few orcs there, but Alan knows that there is a greater danger there, that is, the Balrog.

Allen used his ability to check the location of the monster before setting off, but after consuming a lot of dinars, the information he got was very unclear. fire.

This is a bad result, but it is good news. It shows that the Balrog is very far away from Allen at this time, at least it must be extremely deep underground, but just in case, He let Horimion take all the sapphire-run bows anyway.

Because Allen knew that although the Balrog was very big, his movement speed was actually very, very fast, but he was not sure how fast it was, and it was always right to make more preparations.

Allen didn't expect to be able to defeat the Balrog by relying on the frost power of the sapphire rune bow, but he really alarmed the fallen Maier. The arrow carrying ice could slow down the Balrog's pursuit It's also good, at least it can buy everyone a little time to prepare and run.

And Dyne needs to stay in the first hall to command the remaining 20 elf rangers, guard the gate of Moria and the bridge of Kazadum, and ensure that everyone's retreat will not be cut off by the half-orcs, especially Khazad-dum Bridge.

At first, Dyne was unwilling to accept this task. Instead, he hoped to explore the upper floors of Kazadum with Allen, and take a look at the former kingdom of the Durin clan. Ironfoot Dyne, who has lived for more than 150 years, also He had never commanded an elf before, which made him feel a little strange.

But the task of guarding the retreat for everyone is a very important thing, and the elves who have never lived in the mountains also need a dwarf as an assistance to deal with possible accidents in the next time, which always requires Much better than leaving only the elves.

And the elves following Allen, although they are also called Noldor elves, they are not native races of Middle-earth, and they don't understand the things between dwarves, humans, and elves at all, and they don't care.

Since Allen wanted them to obey Dyne's command for the time being, they, as personal guards, had no idea of ​​rejection.

At the end of the meeting, at Alan's insistence, Dyne accepted the task.

After Allen and Horimion set off, he also focused his defense on the Khazad-dum Bridge, and arranged several sharp-eyed Noldor Rangers at the entrance of the second hall, allowing them to monitor the hall at all times movement within.

During the two or three days when the two teams left, the second hall was not particularly peaceful. There were always some sneaky guys who came out in twos and threes from various passages in the hall, and then quietly walked towards the gate of Moria. go.

Dyne adopted a strategy of killing all of these half-orcs who wanted to go out for food, and asked the elves to transport all the corpses to Dark Valley for burial, so as not to alarm other half-orcs with their rotting smell.

As for the large army of orcs, Dyne has not seen it yet.

After all, the two groups of half-orcs occupying Moria are fighting on the upper floor at this time, and if they want to decide a level there, I am afraid that there are not many troops sent by them to watch the gate, and since the last "dwarf and half-orc war" "From now on, no one is willing to approach here at all.

Not to mention Moria, there are very few people willing to enter the Dark Valley. After all, the Red Horn Gate is also a place where orcs often plunder. This passage connecting Eriador and Rovanian has long been broken.

Therefore, there have been no major surprises these days.

However, when Alan brought his own team and appeared in the second hall carrying large and small bags, Dyne was extremely surprised. He knew that the ancestors were in a hurry when they withdrew from Moria, so they must have stayed behind. Gained a lot of wealth.

But this place has been vacant for nearly a thousand years. Those barbaric and looting half-orcs have looted the entire Kazadum more than once. It is really unexpected that so much wealth can be found at this time.

However, it is always a good thing to have a lot of harvest. Although the Dulin clan occupying the Lonely Mountain is not short of wealth, they do not have much Mithril reserves. Naturally, the more this precious metal, the better. Before the team set off, he negotiated with Allen on behalf of Thorin and the result was that the spoils would be divided into seven and three.

They get [-]% and Alan gets [-]%. In Dyne's view, this is a reasonable distribution plan. After all, the plan was proposed by Alan, and most of the troops are also Alan's personal guards.

Moreover, the cloaks on their bodies, the supplies consumed during the journey, and the horses stored in Rose Lorien were all prepared by Allen. It can be said that Allen took the biggest risk in this exploration.

Whoever takes the higher risk will get more loot. The dwarves still understand this simple truth, especially Dyne, who is more intelligent than others among the dwarves.

In Allen's view, this allocation plan is also acceptable. After all, the resources he wanted to obtain were all belonging to the Durin family a thousand years ago. Dum, but they never said that they would voluntarily give up the ownership of those wealth.

Moreover, when Dyne and Allen were negotiating the terms, they specifically stated one thing, that is, if the expedition team finds a family heirloom belonging to the Durin family, it must be allocated to the dwarves, and the dwarves will also give up part of themselves. Loot, come and thank Alan for finding their treasure on this adventure.

In fact, when he found the treasure room in Hall No.16, Allen used his abilities to start looking for the heirloom of the Durin family, the Ax of Durin.

In his memory, Bahrain, who took back Moria for a short time, found this treasure, so theoretically speaking, the ax should still be in Moria.

It's just that Alan, who quickly found the Ax of Durin, had a very strange expression on his face. He thought that the Ax of Durin was stored in a secret room like many treasures he found.

However, this is not the case. The hatchet that was supposed to be emitting silver light was now treated as an ordinary trophy in the dark, randomly thrown on a pile of armor that was not suitable for half-orcs. Among them, it can be said to be inconspicuous.

Only the stone room where the loot was kept was full of rambunctious orcs, and a tall, dark-faced fellow was sitting on a ridiculous but very rare throne, thinking.

It's funny because the throne is made of armor of many dwarves, and it was obviously very perfunctory when it was built. It can be said that it is crooked and out of shape. on a stick, as a throne decoration.

It's just that, what should have been a bright silver surface was all turned into a pitch black color by the half-orcs.

And it is rare because Allen knows that the entire throne is probably made of mithril armor, but the orcs have not mastered the way to deal with mithril, and there is no way to remelt the armor.

And this black-faced half-orc leader was unwilling to dedicate all his trophies to Sauron who was far away in Mordor, so he built such a strange throne to show his identity.

And the family heirloom of the Durin family, the Durin's Axe, is inserted there as an ornament on the back of the throne, and it really has no face.

It's just that if Allen wants to get it, it may really take some effort.

(End of this chapter)

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