The riding and chopping simulator of the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 224 Mo Ming's Fear and Provoked Battle

In the land of Middle-earth, most creatures do not like to stay in pure darkness.

Whether it is the elves blessed by starlight or the human beings who wake up when the sun rises for the first time, they are all races chasing light.

Even dwarves who stay in the mountains all year round will do everything possible to make the stone palace they live in full of splendor and brightness.

However, Moria, which was abandoned by Durin's family, has most of the area plunged into the shadow of suffocating darkness and fear.

As for the second valley located in the lower area of ​​the second hall, in addition to darkness, the terrain is even more complicated. In addition to the hall, there are cracks and stone steps that rise or fall, and there is a hall for unknown reasons.

In order to find a passage into the third valley, Horimion's team spent nearly four days groping in the empty and dark second valley.

Even the powerful Twilight Knights began to feel a little tired after having them walk in this endless darkness for several days.

However, finding the way to the third valley allowed them to move forward briskly and at a good speed. Fortunately, Ori led Horimion in accordance with the vague reminder on a wall. After trekking for half a day, they finally found the destination of their trip, the armory.

It was a forging area with many blast furnaces standing tall. In the past when the flames were steaming, it must have been an extremely lively and busy scene.

Now, the silence and darkness covered everything.

And in order to accomplish the goal of this exploration, under the leadership of Horimion, everyone firmly stepped on a wide and downward staircase. Now, to their right is a dark crack that seems to be rolling continuously, while on the left It is a dark abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom.


Just when the whole team walked halfway up the stairs, a sound of breathing came to Horimion's ears from the darkness under his feet. The sound was inaudible and seemed extremely far away from his position.

But the keen perception of the Noldor elves began to send extremely dangerous signals to their masters.

This terrifying feeling came so quickly and so strongly that Hermione felt like a lamb being targeted by a tiger.

Even facing hundreds of Jatu people alone, Horimion had never felt such uneasy emotions in his heart.

This made his brisk footsteps become serious in an instant, and the next moment, he stopped advancing directly.

Then the whole procession stopped at Horimion's strange behavior, for no one but himself heard anything in such silence.

And Horimion, with a serious expression, quickly gestured behind him to keep quiet, and those eyes that shone brightly in the darkness stared at the darkness under his feet, hoping to find the source of his uneasiness. .

The fear of the unknown is the real fear.

However, there is still only the tumbling darkness and that little strange sound under his feet, and the only sound other than that is the sound of everyone's nervous breathing.

Although Hermione didn't find anything wrong in the vast darkness, he would never doubt his ears, because these sensitive ears had saved his lives countless times in the dense forest.

"If you find any accidents, retreat, give up everything and retreat, if there is something chasing you, join Dyne's team and run out of Moria immediately, and head towards Loth Loryan. Don't worry about me, I have a way in the dark survived."

The order Alan gave a few days ago immediately came to Hermione's mind. He didn't know how his lord could survive in this dark place for a long time, but now, he was going to obey Alan's order , and retreated with the crowd.

Even if the armory was not even a mile away from them, as if they could reach it by lifting their feet, Horimion was ready to retreat with his people.

And just when Horimion turned around and was about to signal to retreat, the faces of the twilight knights who were walking with him also changed. After there was no interference from the sound of footsteps, they also heard the sound of the voice in the darkness. If there is no "hu~hu~" sound.

For a moment, the whole team was enveloped in an atmosphere of nervousness, and only Ou Rui opened his confused eyes and kept looking at the elves who suddenly stopped beside him.

At some point, the ability of dwarves to perceive danger is indeed inferior to that of elves.

And after seeing Horimion gesture to retreat, Ori wanted to open his mouth to ask why, because their goal was right in front of them.

But the two twilight knights beside him stretched out their hands fiercely and quickly blocked Ori's opening mouth while turning around. At the same time, they used the other hand to support the confused dwarf, and quickly moved towards The road recedes.

Their movements were stealthy and nimble, and they only made a little noise when they completed a series of movements, not even comparable to the sound of dwarves' footsteps on the floor.

After a while, the whole team left the staircase at double speed, and Horimion stopped at the starting point of the staircase and stayed silently for a while.

Finally, after making sure that he didn't hear anything unusual, he waved his hand and led the rest of the people back to the passage back to the Second Valley. I breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that his mission to search the arsenal had failed, and the good news was that the existence that made him feel so terrifying had not found any trace of the team, and these news must be brought to his lord.

It's just that when Horimion returned to the first hall, he didn't find Alan here, and the Noldor rangers who had followed him left the gate of Moria with their bags on their backs. , ready to transport these things to the edge of the golden forest.

After all, if the existence that even Alan can't afford to be disturbed is really alarmed, running away is definitely the only option, and the spoils transported from the No.16 hall cannot be taken away in one trip, and they are running for their lives When I was young, there was no time to take care of these precious possessions.

Why don't you take advantage of the fact that Moria is relatively quiet now, and transport these things out first, and when you really need to run, you can also concentrate on retreating instead of worrying about the things you finally found. .

No, in the end it should all be cheaper than Sauron, that nasty guy.

And what is Allen doing?He was at the entrance of a secret passage on the west side of Hall No. 16, staring closely at the two half-orcs who were strolling leisurely.

If you say they are patrolling, it doesn't look like they are carrying a black toothed machete loosely in their hands. If you say they are exercising, this is not in line with the living habits of half-orcs, so looking at them Allen could only think that the two gray-skinned guys in front of him were just hanging out.

Sometimes Allen was a little confused about how the two groups of half-orcs who were fighting at this time could distinguish their companions.

There is a big difference in the equipment between them, either black or jet black, and there is no obvious difference in the weapons in their hands, either a scimitar or a spear, and some tall guys have big sticks or short handles in their hands Warhammer, all holding shields without badges.

This caused a slight problem in Allen's plan, but it did not affect his next actions.

I saw that he gently took out a short bow that was also jet-black from behind, and then slowly pulled out two black arrows that exuded a dirty smell from the bow pocket at his waist, and completed all the actions During the process, Allen stared closely at the two half-orcs not far away.

If the enemy makes the slightest move, Allen will stop immediately, turn around and retreat into the passage behind him, and then stay away from here.

However, everything went extremely smoothly. The half-orc walking on the left lay down on the ground after a muffled groan, and did not move again, while the other was pierced by a black arrow through his thigh, and let out a very miserable cry. The wailing sound, but Alan's figure has long since disappeared in the passage, and moved away from here amidst the noise that was about to become lively.

Of course, Allen didn't want to use this method to slowly consume all the enemies to death, because that was an impossible situation, but if he killed a little more, the enemies would have unpredictable reactions.

More half-orcs may be sent to patrol, or everyone will be gathered together, and once the half-orcs find Alan's traces, it is likely that there will be a search for the entire Moria.

And when the time comes, Allen can only take his people and run away immediately.

And his plan is actually very simple, that is to provoke a second fight between the two groups of half-orcs, and he is taking advantage of the time when the half-orcs are fighting to get back the short-handled dagger belonging to Durin's clan Ax to get more mithril.

It's all here, so it's best to take some back. By the time they come again, the half-orcs will probably have ended their internal fighting, and it will be very difficult to find such a good opportunity.

For this project, Allen has been exploring alone on the sixth floor for almost three days, and has basically figured out the activity areas of the two groups of half-orcs, and he does have the ability to live alone in the dark.

Because Allen can buy most of the supplies from the simulator, he doesn't need to worry about food and water, and his resting place is not on the sixth floor, but on the seventh floor, which is higher and has sunlight, Most half-orcs are reluctant to go there, especially during the day.

If it was really blocked by the half-orcs, Alan also left a retreat for himself. If he is a big deal, he will activate his ability and sneak into the well with stagnant water. As long as he is not seen by the half-orcs on the spot, there will be no What a big question.

Allen's plan was only officially implemented today. He found both the black bow and the black arrow in the security room of the first hall, and before ambushing these two scumbags, he was already at another group of half-orcs. Killed several disgusting guys, and also left a wounded man who could scream.

The black bow and black arrows he used were all found in the security room in the first hall, and they belonged to half-orc weapons. The next step is to see if the leaders of both sides will pay attention to the provocation from the other "half-orcs" up.

When Fimble arrived at the scene with the elite, he immediately felt that something was wrong, because he had been fighting with the black face for a long time, although that guy would provoke, feign defeat, and ambush.But they never dispatched archers to commit assassination.

This made Fimble feel a little bit wrong. He never thought that humans would participate in the war for Moria. He just instinctively felt that something was wrong, and he was worried that the black face was preparing for more insidious attacks. plot.

However, before he could think about it carefully, the orc with the injured leg wailed even more tragically under the watchful eyes of his companions. His not-so-intelligent mind thought that such a move would make the hesitant Leader, make an act of vengeance for yourself.

After the half-orcs were created, most of them were actually not particularly smart, and only a few of them could master some craft skills and how to control their less-intelligent clansmen.

Then this small group of people will quickly stand out and become important figures and leaders of a half-orc tribe.

Fimbre is a half-orc who relied on his brain to gain status and rights, so he didn't care about the screams on the ground, but thought about whether to launch a second battle against the black face in a short time.

In his opinion, this frequency is still a bit fast. In the last battle, he lost a subordinate wearing chain mail, but his plan failed. Although the black face chose to retreat, in fact Fimble did not win that battle, but suffered a greater loss than the opponent.

It's just that, although Fimble has a lot of worries, the elite he relies on and those younger brothers who have been subdued temporarily don't have such high wisdom. Bloodlust and warlikeness are the common characteristics of half-orcs.

This is the biggest reliance on Allen's decision to implement this plan, because he understands the habits of half-orcs and knows what these guys will do after being attacked.

And the situation was just as Allen planned. During the short period of time Fimble was thinking, the sound of cursing and cursing had filled the entire empty hall, and most of the half-orcs were infected by anger. They all stared at their leader with blood-red eyes, waiting for the order to fight.

In the years of fighting in Moria, the two groups of half-orcs have indeed formed a lot of hatred. Unless Black Face and Fimble die on the spot, the remaining leader will rely on the terrifying prestige gained from victory to overwhelm everyone. Otherwise, the two groups of half-orcs would not be able to get along well.

When Fimble saw everything around him, he knew that the situation was not good. This battle might have to be fought, and just when he was about to give the order to fight, bursts of noise broke into him.

Soon, a tall half-orc with a dark face came out from a distant passage with a group of younger brothers.

Now there is no need to worry about Fember, the other side has already brought someone to call.

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