Chapter 253 Greyburg

When he saw a gold and silver fan-shaped shield with a faint glimmer of light suddenly appearing in the hands of Dantès, Alan's originally hanging heart slowly let go.

He didn't know who this blond lady who rose slowly from the water and then disappeared into a ball of dazzling light was.

She may be the god in charge of the water flow in this world, or she may be a spirit monster who followed orders. These are things that cannot be guessed. After all, such things have not happened for hundreds of years. It is said to be a legend Story, not at all.

Even this scene that happened in full view today will soon spread throughout the entire continent. Of course, Alan will not be able to guess what the rumors will be like. The power of rumors is sometimes stronger than gods.

It's just that for Allen, getting that shield and reconfirming Dantes' identity is the most important thing.

The Shield of Destiny, in addition to its super defensive power and the characteristics of never being destroyed, this shield can also make its owner turn from danger to safety when his life is in danger. In layman's terms, it will release light that can heal injuries. The effect is enough to restore a seriously injured person to the original state.

The efficiency is much stronger than the qi in Allen's body. The only disadvantage is that it takes a while to recover after use, probably less than a day. It can be said that it is the best choice for a warrior when he is charging and fighting.

Moreover, this shield can be said to be the easiest magic item to obtain directly on this continent, as long as you are well prepared and your identity is the protagonist of this era.

Anyway, Allen wouldn't believe that just anyone with a raw iron shield could attract the attention of the gods when passing the stone bridge. It caused such a huge commotion today that he even had the courage to come over and ask if the shield was for sale.

Allen can only say that a businessman is really a kind of creature who wants money and life, which is why he brought hundreds of elite cavalry here. When necessary, absolute force can deter those who are killed by the golden light People who are dazzled, lest they force things that cost them their lives.

Especially the stone bridge in front of me, there are actually a lot of people passing through here, because this bridge belongs to the name of Zen Da, and there is no tax at all.

Allen didn't know why the kings of Vikia and Nord hadn't occupied this place first, maybe it had something to do with the lady who just made a grand appearance.

And after getting the Shield of Destiny, Allen's affairs in the Magic Continent came to an end, and Earl Arassis said that he needed to look through the classics left by his family before he could give a specific answer. It takes time.

At this time, Allen also remembered that the ancestor of Earl Arasis was a follower of the God King, so he was able to rule a free city between the two countries, and he also had the right to communicate directly with other kings, and has always been Adhering to family responsibilities, the first time they discovered the clues, they arranged for the protagonist to notify the major kingdoms to prepare for war.

Of course, this also caused cities like Zenda to become the primary target of the Druya ​​sect's invasion of the mainland, and a bloodbath is inevitable.

But these things are the future that hasn't happened yet. Before that, Allen needs to make more preparations before he can help Zenda resist the enemy's siege. Even if he gathers Dantes' subordinates , the power is far from enough.

In the early summer of 2950 in the third era, on an ordinary afternoon when the sun didn't even bother to show his face, Winterry Castle, located in the center of Feslet, once again welcomed its owner back.

Like most of the usual situations, there was no welcoming ceremony, and no one was waiting at the door. There was only a cavalry unit that quickly entered the castle. For the guards guarding the gate, this is not common. things, but everyone knows that their king is really reluctant to work in the castle.

Allen's treatment is much higher than before. No matter what he is now, he is a father with a daughter. A clear "Dad" and a big smiling face wash away all the fatigue of this man along the way.

"Dad, gift, gift."

Andrea, who was less than two years old, was skillfully picked up by her father, with a bright smile on her chubby little face. Children at this stage can already clearly say some words that represent specific meanings.

Allen held his growing daughter in his right hand, and took out a handmade exquisite wood carving from his arms with his left hand. It was a lifelike Alavu bison. It was painted white for 100% restoration.

This is not a toy for children. The original owner was a leader of the Dongyi tribe, but after being discovered by Fatis, he made a slight change, as a gift for Alan's daughter at this time.

In fact, it was not easy for Fatis, he couldn't be asked to choose gold, silver and jewelry for a girl who was only two years old, right?This gift really cost the Earl a lot of thought. It is both commemorative and very precious, and it is also a kind of toy for children.

As for Allen?Before he left Lurence, all his thoughts were on the matter of relying on the Red Water River and the Running River for defense.

This time, he led the cavalry to sweep away the more marginal areas in the west of Loon, which can be regarded as weakening part of the strength of the Dongyi people. Although most of the tribes are not strong, it will be difficult for them to organize against them in the future. Allen's revenge.

Even if they want to take revenge, they should immediately find Barr, whose strength has skyrocketed. After all, the former clansmen of these leaders were packaged and traded by Allen to this slick Dongyi warlord.

What Allen is worried about is because of the existence of Barr. In fact, even Barr cannot fully guarantee whether the tribe expelled by Allen will have a more powerful leader to protect him.

If there is, then you must be prepared to be retaliated, because many Dongyi leaders don't care about the life and death of their subordinates, but their own face.

As long as they are strong enough, there will always be people coming to ask for asylum, and stronger people even have the right to pick and choose. In this case, if someone provokes the authority of these strong people, then a battle is naturally impossible. Avoided.

Whether it was to recover losses for his subordinates, or to maintain the majesty of his strong men, these Dongyi leaders who stood up in the blood had to do something.

Therefore, in order to avoid the sudden attack of East Rovanian, Allen put most of his energy on the defense before leaving.

And compared to Ashur's powerlessness in attacking Rovanian last time, Allen now has the capital to defend the rushing river and the red water river, which is also the capital for him to dare to cross the red water river to take revenge on the Dongyi people.

The fleet that Allen ordered to build a few years ago has begun to take shape. The sufficient ammunition reserves and the rain of arrows have already dealt a devastating blow to the Dongyi people in small-scale battles.

When the enemy invades, it can not only shelter the friendly troops fighting on the shore, but also attack the Dongyi people who are about to cross the river at the first thing. It can be said that it already has the function of a water fortress.

The looters who fled back to the east in a hurry were so impressed that Ashur personally ordered Barr to inquire about the news of these battlefields. It's not impossible to get news, just trade your life for it.

It's just that it's easy to use, and the problem is not without it, that is, there are too few ports distributed in Hongshui River. Even though it has been built for several years, it is only built near the Iron Hills where dwarves are still active. One was built in the annex, and most of the other ports are on the running river.

Because most of the area near the Hongshui River is an uninhabited wasteland, no matter how you look at it, a lonely port cannot survive in such a place by itself, not to mention the daily needs of the soldiers, just from the perspective of safety. Considering the situation, even if the city wall is built, it is very dangerous.

In this regard, Allen left some of the Dongyi people brought back to Fatis, and asked him to build two ports on the Hongshui River as soon as possible, so that more warships can be docked and they can quickly gather when the enemy appears. Powerful enough.

If possible, migrate some northern humans to live near the port, form a militia and navy to form a form of mutual support, and those Dongyi people will bring back to live near Lurence after the port is built to fill the northern human population. The gap left after leaving.

Moreover, Allen's order to Fatis is still based on defense. Once a large-scale enemy army approaches the Red Water River, whether it is to use warships or gather large-scale cavalry, it is all to prevent the enemy from crossing the river. as the main task.

On the other hand, Allen will gather all Rovanian's current troops in Feslet, take a transport ship in Heidelberg through the old dense forest road, and quickly support the battlefield, and have a head-on confrontation with the invading Dongyi people.

If it is still a tribe like Ashur a few years ago, Alan thinks that he can easily defeat them, even if there are twice as many enemies, Alan has extremely sufficient confidence to hold the Red Water River.

If Sauron, who was recuperating in Mordor, had a convulsion and issued an attack order to all the Dongyi people, then Alan might have to write a letter calling for his allies to support him.

The recipients of the letter include but are not limited to Thorin of the Lonely Mountain, Sengar of Edoras, Exelion II of Minas Tirith, and Thrandu who is looking forward to the return of his son in the Black Forest Yi.

Let’s not talk about those who come or not, those who have the cheek to ask for help at the critical moment of life and death, as for Cirdan in Linton, Elrond in the valley, and Lady Galadriel hidden in the golden forest, Alan I will also send letters, but I will not expect too much in return.

Elves always have their own thoughts and thoughts, which are very different from human thoughts. Allen can't guess the thoughts of these big guys at all, and he can only try his best when things happen.

It is precisely because Alan put most of his thoughts on these trivial things, so he forgot to prepare gifts for his daughter. This is not to say that Alan doesn't love his daughter, but that everyone There will always be something you are not good at.

Allen is not good at this kind of emotional expression by nature, but Fatis is more thoughtful, so that the young Andrea can fall asleep happily with a gift today.

It's just that, as the lord of a country, Alan doesn't have much time to spend with his family. After returning, there are still many things waiting for him to deal with.

Not long ago, a letter from Lonely Mountain told Allen that Flamsburg, which once belonged to the Rothschild people, had been initially repaired, and it was time for the five hundred cavalrymen who had completed training to migrate with their families.

Although Alan has been preparing for this matter for a long time, it is not particularly easy to handle.

Even nomads are not particularly willing to leave their familiar pastures and open up new homes in strange lands.

That is to say, Alan's prestige is high enough in this land, and in order to ensure the smooth survival of the herdsmen, he also provides them with very favorable conditions.

For example, all the trained cavalry are included in the standing army to receive a salary, and then provide weapons and equipment and qualified horses, so that they have enough strength to fight the half-orcs in the Gray Mountains.

Moreover, he also promised to regularly arrange caravans to go to the north to trade, provide some daily-use commodities, let them spend the wages they received, and bring back the wool, meat and leather produced by the herdsmen by the way.

It is precisely because of these promises, and at the same time, Allen still has the prestige to convince the citizens of his promises, so that the whole thing was prepared smoothly.

Now, he only needs to nod, and those herdsmen who are ready can migrate north in a short time.

As for the person in charge of managing the former Flamsburg, which is now renamed Gray Castle, Allen also considered a lot, and finally he chose Tuoju.

This is after careful consideration. As an old Kujit man, Tuoju is no stranger to such things as migration. He has enough experience to settle more than 1000 or nearly 2000 people in a short period of time.

In addition, his management ability and loyalty have also been verified in the past ten years. Allen can believe that he can manage the castle well without any other problems.

For example, Yin Fengyang violated, such as considering the castle as his own wealth. This happened too much in the medieval period that Allen was familiar with. Be cautious.

This situation will change with the convenience of transportation and changes in the system, but neither of these two things is easy to achieve, and both require long-term preparations.

At present, Allen already has a plan to build a port on the Anduin River, and because of the Dongyi prisoners brought back, this plan can also be launched in the near future.

It's just that in this period, he can only ensure that the people he sends out are loyal enough to him to accomplish the basic purpose of helping each other with the dwarves.

Soon, as the cabinet issued the relocation order, Allen also personally bid farewell to the herdsmen who were going to settle in Greyburg in the Wrangler Village on a sunny morning.

And, in the near future, he will also lead an army there to join Thorin.

(End of this chapter)

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