Chapter 254 Grey Mountains
As we all know, in this beautiful place of Middle-earth, the coldest area must be the vast northern wasteland of the ice sheet in the extreme north of the continent. The elves call the area where ordinary people are difficult to live in the Frod area.

As early as nearly ten thousand years ago, Morgoth, the black king at that time, ruled there, and his evil power still affects that vast land until now.

Some wise men believed that the unusual coldness there must have been influenced by dark forces, which led to the remaining powerful subordinates of Morgoth after his failure, that is, those cold dragons who were willing to occupy there.

The reason why Rovanian, which is rich in products, is not affected by the extreme cold temperature in the north is because of the shelter of the mountains, especially the Iothiod area, which is only separated by a mountain. The weather in the north is cruel and cold , but the mountain side is rich in water and grass, suitable for animal husbandry.

It has to be said that in this world with gods, the rules contained in some conventional natural phenomena may not be quite in line with common sense, or in other words, it conforms to the common sense of this world.

The nature that shelters Rovanian is the gray mountain range that is covered with snow all the year round. It has a total length of more than 500 kilometers, and the eastern limit is the uninhabited Smaug Wasteland in the north.

The southern part of the wasteland is the Lonely Mountain Kingdom where the Durin dwarves now live, and this is no longer the territory of the Gray Mountains.

To the west is Mount Gundabad, the sacred place of the Durin dwarves. According to legend, Durin I, the ancestor of the Durin dwarves, was born here. offshoot of the Angmar Mountains.

Although the peaks of the mountains are covered with snow all the year round, even in the hot summer, as the altitude decreases, the slopes on the south side of the mountains gradually appear green, and several streams extend all the way to the plains at the foot of the mountains.

This is the confluence of Changchuanyuan and Huixiangshui, and it is also the birthplace of the Anduin River, and Greyburg, which the dwarves assisted Allen in repairing, is located on a high hillside in this area. Derived from the architectural style of the Rothschilds.

If possible, they always like to build the castle on a high ground, which is more conducive to defense and observation of the enemy. Of course, another place favored by the Rohir people is the valley, and they will also build high walls in the canyon , as a shelter in times of crisis.

This is the design concept of Flamsburg. After all, the role of this castle is to resist the half-orcs entrenched in the gray mountains, and half of the direction is surrounded by two cold and clear rivers.

The Changchuan source from the northwest flows towards the southeast, while the Huixiang water flows from the northeast to the southwest, and finally converges in the south of the castle, becoming a wider river rushing towards the south.

To the north of the castle is a vast plain, and farther away is a dense forest extending from the gray mountains and misty mountains. From time to time, flocks of birds soar above the forest.

A group of more than a dozen gray-black half-orcs holding scimitars and short spears were moving quickly and sensitively on the yellow and thick fallen leaves, monitoring their targets with pairs of cloudy eyes.

Although these minions serving the darkness cannot be as silent and swift as the elves in the forest with many trees, the lush branches and leaves still make the woodland their home field.Because the big fireball emitting bright light in the sky cannot dispel the darkness and terror that enveloped this place with strength.

"Da da da" "Da da da"

At the edge of the forest, five knights accompanied by horses were driving their horses forward. They were tall and straight and wore sophisticated armor with intricate glyphs, which should be to maintain a good vision. There is a Rohan-style cavalry helmet, which can protect the sides of the cheeks and the extremely fragile nose without affecting the binocular vision.

"Whoosh~" "Ugh!" "Woo~~~"

The knight running at the front of the team suddenly drew a compound bow tightly held by his left hand. After a crisp shout, a cone-headed arrow flashing cold light hit it precisely because it was running too fast. And the half-orc captain who couldn't stop.

Accompanied by the miserable howl of the half-orc captain, the five cavalrymen immediately stopped the horses under their crotches, aimed their strong bows and crossbows at the direction of the sound, and always guarded against the enemy's surprise attack from behind the dense trees .

It's just that the enemy didn't come under the already glowing red sunset as they expected, and the gradually weakening screams accompanied by the rustling sound, instead, they got farther and farther away from them, heading towards the depths of the forest. Going away, startled groups of birds.

"This is the third time today. These guys don't even fight. They spy on us in the forest every day. Mad, why don't we rush in and kill them."

The one who spoke was a middle-aged man with a resolute face holding a crossbow. His name was Arnold, and he was the first Rhodok marksman to follow Allen to Middle-earth.

In fact, Arnold's position is the captain of the second brigade of archers. This appointment is actually a bit strange. Relatives and friends who don't know why often ask Arnold curiously in private.

How come you, a Rhodok sharpshooter, became the commander of hundreds of archers.

And at this time, Arnold would show a slight smile on his face, and said in a calm and calm tone: "Don't ask, if you ask, His Majesty has a unique vision and found me as a talent among many choices."

However, the real situation is that among all the archers with sufficient qualifications, Arnold's command ability is the best, and his eyes are extremely sharp. where it should fall.

Arnold, who was originally the captain of the archers, spent most of his time on the repaired city wall, but recently when he was observing the night sky, he suddenly wanted to explore the surrounding terrain. Use this knowledge.

So with this reason, Barron's consent was obtained, and he left the castle with the cavalry on a scouting mission.

Being able to make this decision and at the same time make Baron agree with his own ideas, Arnold naturally has his own confidence. Compared with the tragedy of falling off the horse when he confronted the wolf cavalry for the first time, his skills on horseback have been as early as The fire that has been tempered for more than ten years is favored.

And the crossbow he held in his hand was made by Alan by combining the craftsmanship he learned in Pendor Continent, using the sigil of the Noldor elves and the mithril of Moria, although only three can be prepared at a time. The crossbow is fired, but with the special winder, it can be wound stably on a bumpy horseback.

Moreover, it can be fired continuously without sacrificing the attack power of the crossbow bolts. The strength after firing is still comparable to that of a siege crossbow that needs all the strength of the whole body to wind up. lethality.

It's just that the biggest problem is still the scarcity of production. In the professional army, only officers at the captain and squad leader level own it, and the other part is distributed to the personal guards guarding Winterry Castle.

"Mr. Arnold, don't say such angry words. The forest is too dangerous. You know that I will definitely not agree with this suggestion."

Alice with a serious face felt that the orcs were getting farther and farther away from her, and her tone softened unconsciously, as if explaining or teaching, she said to the subordinates behind her:
"My teacher, Lord Horimion, once said that the habits of half-orcs are like this. These dirty guys are extremely reluctant to appear in the sun, and the one I shot just now should be the leader of the team. According to Based on past experience, the morale of these guys may have collapsed, at least there will be no danger in this direction within today."

Arnold naturally knew some of what Alice said, but part of his understanding of orcs came from the accumulation of combat experience, and the other part came from the science popularization of His Majesty the King, but at that time the king was not the king, just Just the leader of the team.

"Forget it, I will show mercy and let them go today. There will be opportunities in the future. It is getting dark now, and it is almost time for us to go back. Although these guys collapse very quickly, as long as there is whipping, they will gather together." The speed can also exceed our imagination."

"Let's go, this is the end of today's investigation!" Alice reined in her horse as she spoke, and took the lead to rush to Greyburg standing in the distance, while several people behind her also steered their horses to follow.

Ever since the dwarves began to renovate Framsburg in a grand manner, things like today have become commonplace. Half-orcs with different skin colors and different equipment are often hidden in the dark forest around the grassland.

At the beginning, it was just a prudent spying. After a long time, the cruel half-orcs couldn't bear the bloodthirsty desire, and began to prepare their own specialty, that is, to cooperate with the wolves to launch an attack on sleeping humans in the middle of the night. Sneak attack.

This kind of situation, before the Battle of the Five Armies, often happened in the surrounding areas of the Misty Mountains. No matter whether it was the peasants living in Eriador or the forest dwellers living in Rovanian, they could not escape the harassment of the half-orcs.

As a northern human born in the Black Forest, Baron is very familiar with the habits of half-orcs, and His Majesty the King who arranged the mission before departure also solemnly asked him to be a good guard at night before the city wall is repaired. Work.

Anyone who knows a little about half-orcs knows that if these despicable guys want to attack, they will most likely choose a time when the night is dark and the wind is high.

Baron faithfully carried out the king's orders, and then a short and comical battle ensued.

Due to the rush of time, Arag, the orc leader who launched the raid, did not gather too many troops. There were only hundreds of well-equipped wolf cavalry, and hundreds of Snaga who were dressed in simple clothes and held scimitars and black short spears.

However, Aragor didn't think his troops were weak, because according to his observation, the number of human troops was not too many, and at least half of the humans had to cooperate with the busy dwarves to build castles during the day.

As the half-orc leader of Gundabad Mountain at this time, Arag is not particularly smart, at least not as good as Azog and Borg, but the failure of the half-orcs at the Battle of Lonely Mountain really made them energetic Injury, it is difficult to have an excellent leader again in a short period of time.

It can be said that Arag was already considered the top group among the half-orcs at this time.

Even if he is not particularly smart, Aragor also knows that mining stone mines and cutting trees has never been an easy job. He does not believe that humans and dwarves who are busy all day can easily pick up weapons and fight at night. Fighting by himself, according to his past experience, the enemy's camp should be full of loud voices.

Moreover, he organized the troops to make a surprise attack, not a forceful attack. If there are too many people, it is not a good thing, but it still makes Arag a little unhappy that there are not more wolves responding to his call.

It's just that he doesn't have a good solution for this, because the wolves who are also the subordinates of the Dark Lord form their own faction, and they only cooperate with the half-orcs. You can only figure out your own way, and the two parties have no mutual affiliation.

The raid started in the middle of the night when the moon was high in the west. To some extent, Arag's guess was not wrong. The humans and dwarves who had been busy all day were indeed very tired, and most of them had already fallen asleep. Among them, and there are indeed not many people watching the night.

At that time, Barron, who had just arrived near Greyburg, was actually a little crisis-conscious, because the situation on the scene was a little different from what he had imagined.

Before the team set off, whether it was Allen who gave the task, or Barron who led the team to execute it, they all thought that there was no need to help the dwarves build the castle, and the army of hundreds of people only needed to do a good job of guarding.

The fact is indeed true, the dwarf in charge of this task is Thorin's distant relative, Nori, a member of Durin's royal family, of course, is also one of the dwarf friends who participated in the expedition, and he clearly told Barron that the construction work is indeed There is no need for human intervention, but some auxiliary work still requires the cooperation of Barron.

It's just that this part of the auxiliary work includes digging stones and cutting down trees in the early stage, because the dwarves who came later are still on the way. In order to complete the repair work as soon as possible, Barron can only agree to Nori's request.

But in this case, Barron ignored the complaints of some of his subordinates and forcibly arranged for one-third of the soldiers not to participate in the work, and only needed to guard the camp, and there was no rotation, because Barron believed that even if the rotation , will also affect the status of soldiers when guarding at night.

The human body is not like the dwarves, who can recover energy immediately after a short rest. The exhaustion of work can easily make soldiers negligent in guarding at night, and Barron can't afford such a risk.

And in order to deal with possible night attacks, Barron also imitated Allen's practices in the early years, piled up a lot of firewood around the camp, and arranged for his men to pour some kerosene on the firewood regularly, which can provide soldiers with firewood at night. Provides a good field of vision, allowing archers to give full play to their combat effectiveness.

Facts have proved that when facing the orcs, no amount of preparation will be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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