Chapter 255 Confrontation in Calm
At the moment when the raid started, Arag, who was riding the leader of the wargs, ordered all the wolf cavalry under his command to charge towards the camp. At that moment, hundreds of wargs with blood-red eyes flashing screamed. rushed out.

Under the observation of the half-orc leader, the wooden walls of the human camp were not very tall and strong, and the human soldiers in charge of guarding could not stop all the wolf cavalry who started running.

The experienced Arag knew that as long as his bloodthirsty and quick-moving subordinates rushed to the camp, they would be enough to carry out a bloody and terrifying massacre on those humans who had just woken up from their sleep. This was an extremely blow to the morale of humans. serious.

Even if those dwarves and some humans can organize resistance, they won't cause too much trouble for themselves, because by then, the hundreds of scum running behind will be enough to arrive, although they are facing the elite soldiers. It's not enough to watch at all, but it's still very good to hit a dozen humans who are struggling with low morale.

Arag's observations were not wrong at all. Because of the hasty assembly of the orcs, Baron had very little time to prepare. He was able to build a camp with protection in a short period of time, which was the result of the help of the dwarves. .

And because people need to be sent to assist the dwarves during the day, there are naturally fewer people on duty at night. Not to mention blocking hundreds of wolf cavalry, even if the enemy only has half the number, the guards on the wall alone are far from enough.

The excited howling of the warg naturally attracted the attention of the soldiers on duty. Soon, a rush of harsh sirens echoed in the sky, and the camp immediately became lively.

Arag, who charged with the wolf cavalry under his command, naturally observed the human reaction, but he didn't care, because it was a very normal reaction, not much different from the plan conceived before the raid.

Now, the fastest running wolf cavalry is about to approach the wall, and the average height of a wolf that can reach about 1.5 meters, even if it is carrying a half-orc in armor, is very likely to jump on the wall and Not a particularly tall wall.

And all of this fell into Arag's eyes, and he couldn't even restrain the cruel bloodthirsty in his heart, and even showed a hideous and frightening smile on his face facing the wind.

Suddenly, more than a dozen flaming arrows with long tail flames in the dark night caught Arag's eyes, and then landed precisely on the pyre that Baron had prepared long ago.

The sudden light of the fire made the howling wolves stop their galloping pace instantly. In a short moment, these evil creatures who feared the flame felt the temperature enough to burn their souls.

In the raging flames, hundreds of wolves seemed to have heard the order to retreat at the same time, and fled the scene of fire with their tails between their legs amid howling and wailing screams. It can be said that they came as fast as they ran how fast.

Even the leader of the warg with Arag on his back is no exception. No matter whether the half-orc on his back curses or pleads, he can't change his mind to escape from this place, especially those flaming arrows with trailing flames are already on the ground. With the order of "shooting arrows", they came to the heads of the wolves.

After a while, the wolf cavalrymen who charged in the front escaped completely. In a short period of time, there was no way for Arag to regroup them again, and the hundreds of Snaga who followed behind , but froze in place.

At this moment, they didn't know whether they should continue to charge, or follow the leader who had left this place, and flee back to the forest at the foot of the Misty Mountains.

It's just that the humans in the camp didn't give the half-orcs much time to think. Taking advantage of the moment when the flames rose, Barron, who had been in a state of tension, shouted everyone with his own soldiers.

Even those female scouts who had fallen asleep were no exception, and they were shouted extremely rudely.

Moreover, Barron did not give the soldiers time to put on their armor, but ordered everyone to gather their weapons and gather immediately, and then rushed out of the camp with the soldiers in charge of guarding.

At this moment, the servant who was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Allen knew clearly in his heart that if he wanted to win tonight's battle with extremely low casualties, he must seize the opportunity created when the flames rose, and absolutely not let the orcs Get together again.

If it was just to defeat the half-orcs who were still on the edge of the fire, Baron thought that the troops he had assembled in the middle of the night were more than enough, but if he added the wolf cavalry who had already fled everywhere, it would be very troublesome and he had to pay. Only at great cost.

At the same time, Baron also deeply knew that the half-orcs who came to attack must be bleeding tonight, because his lord had taught him in his spare time that half-orcs are very afraid of the strong. If you scare him once and leave a brand in that dirty heart, then the troubles in the future will become very few.

At the very least, there will be no more blatant attacks in a short period of time.

At this moment, it was the day for Barron to use the knowledge he had learned. Most of the things had been verified, and the rest depended on the final blow.

The soldiers following Baron closely, besides a dozen of his own personal guards, were dozens of soldiers who were in charge of guarding tonight. Among them were archers and infantrymen, and they held special A sharp sword for personal combat.

Under the current environment, human beings simply do not have the time and space to form a battle, and the half-orcs gathered together in a hurry, aiming their short spears and scimitars at the humans rushing towards them In his eyes, apart from the figure running out of the flames, there is also the fear when he is about to go into battle, as well as the cruelty and bloodthirsty hidden in the depths.

Barron, who rushed to the front of the team, yelled and waved the two-handed sword in his hand as soon as he came into contact with the half-orcs. Under the light of the fire, a silver light flashed, and several half-orcs subconsciously used it to block The short spear that was blocked was cut off immediately, and the owner of the short spear also sprayed black blood.

After Baron succeeded in one blow, he took the big sword back into his arms and stabbed it out. His feet kept moving forward, and he stopped after penetrating three half-orcs in a row. The armor modified by himself also helped Baron block several attacks in the process.

At this time, the human soldiers wearing green leaf armor waved their weapons to keep up with Barron's pace, and soon tore a huge hole in the half-orc formation, and as time went by, , the hole is getting bigger and bigger, and more human soldiers rushed over.

The numbers on both sides quickly reached an even level.

Although the later human soldiers did not wear armor, their physical fitness and combat skills far surpassed Snaga, who was also a kind of garbage among the half-orcs, and the battle situation showed a one-sided trend from the beginning.

But what really brought the battle to an end was the sound of horseshoes. Dozens of coolly dressed female detectives, led by Alice, had quickly circled behind the half-orc formation. He charged at the enemy without hesitation.

The attack launched by the female reconnaissance cavalry completely collapsed the half-orcs who were already at a disadvantage. It also made Arag, who had managed to gather dozens of wolf cavalry, give up the idea of ​​continuing to attack, and left as a loser. Here, I returned to Mount Gundabad in despair.

And this failed raid knocked Arag's low prestige to the bottom of the valley. The orc settlements scattered at the northern end of the Gray Mountains and Misty Mountains no longer ignored the commander's call and began to act on their own.

However, born in this world, half-orcs had a deep hatred with the children of Iluvita after being transformed. After the two parties survived on a piece of land, there is basically no possibility of reconciliation. Barron's beautiful counterattack this time, although While offending dozens of female detectives, they also shocked the surrounding Orc tribes.

But since that day, the small-scale harassment and constant peeping have never stopped, especially after hundreds of herdsmen migrated to Greyburg, this situation happened more frequently, which made Barron and Alice tired. response.

The half-orcs can't deal with large-scale human cavalry troops, and they have never attacked human camps again, but they will shoot arrows from afar in the forest to attack horses.

And those wolves will rely on their own speed to attack and kill those sheep that are grazing safely, and even take advantage of the herdsmen's unpreparedness to snatch the lambs as food for their stomachs.

In order to deal with this situation, to provide a relatively safe living environment for most livestock and herdsmen, at least a safe sleeping environment must be provided.

Therefore, after discussing with Barron and Nori, they built several large and incoherent camps near Greiburg by using Huixiangshui and the river at the source of Changchuan.

Due to relatively sufficient time and a large amount of manpower, these camps are very solidly built, most of which are civil structures, that is, two rows of treated logs are buried deep in the ground, and then filled with soil in the middle Fortify, build wooden frames and towers behind the fence for patrol and security.

Although this kind of defense cannot reach the enemy's large-scale attack, it is still more than enough to deal with the surprise attack at the moment, and the plan to build a wall connecting Changchuan source and Huixiangshui near Greiburg has been put forward with Allen's consent schedule.

Although this will take a lot of time and manpower and material resources, after the construction is completed, it will basically meet the defense needs, and there is no need to worry about the half-orcs hiding in the mountains and launching a surprise attack on Greyburg.

But in daily life, there are too many troubles like Alice encountered.

The game between the two sides develops to the end, that is, the herdsmen spend most of their time grazing on the pastures near Greiberg, and when the grasslands are rotated, the female scouts and the trained herdsmen will form a team to fight in the forest. Patrol the edges and kill any enemies who dare to appear on the plains.

This situation lasted for quite a long time, until Arno and Alice returned to Greyburg in the evening of this day.

Under the setting sun, the surroundings of the gray castle were lit up with a little bit of fire, and an army of thousands of people had begun to station on the grass in the north of the castle, and colorful tents were erected amidst the din of people. The patrolling soldiers with helmets and armor holding weapons followed orders and shuttled around the camp non-stop.

What Arnold and Alice saw when they returned was this bustling scene, and they noticed that the flags at the gate of the castle had also changed. In addition to the triangular flag that originally represented Barron, there were two more flags.

The shorter side is a green base, embroidered with a galloping light cavalry with a bow, which represents the Tuju family, although the head of Kujit Village, who helped Alan to breed war horses for ten years, is not yet the lord , but Allen still gave their family a banner.

This means that Tuoju's current status is the governor who controls one side of the land. There are not many such people under Alan's hands, and the other one should be Malhebi who is in charge of managing Changhu Town.

And the highest side is naturally Alan's crown and three-star flag. Originally, Alan was planning to come here for a trip. As a territory directly under the royal family, Greiburg, as a king, Alan must at least have enough for this place. The understanding is, and also personally solve the crisis facing the place.

"Your Majesty, judging from the current situation, the half-orcs hiding in the forest have not posed much threat to us recently. Although I don't know the reason, it has passed since the first attack on the camp. It has been a long time, but the spies you sent to assist have never found any signs of a large-scale gathering of the enemy."

Barron, who is well-proportioned and muscular, carefully reported the screened content to Allen, who had just arrived in Greyburg. During the reporting process, the young attendant who took on important affairs for the first time often stopped to think, Then continue to tell, so as not to leave any important information behind.

Barron, who is now close to 30 years old, of course knew that there would be such a day, so he prepared very well in the past time, summarizing everything that happened, and telling himself in his heart over and over again.

It's just that when it came time to report the results to Allen, he was still a little nervous, even though His Majesty the King in front of him always had a young face, and now he looked much younger than himself.

But Barron, who participated in Andrea's "birthday banquet", knew how powerful Allen was, and not being old was probably just an incidental gift.

"Well, it's been hard work for a while, and I need you to continue to come back to me in the days to come." Allen nodded slightly, affirming Barron's recent work, and at the same time issued the latest order.

"Then who do I need to hand over the work to?" Barron had no doubts about Allen's order, but directly asked who would replace him.

"Everything here will be in charge of Tuo Ju from now on, and I will stay here for a while." As he spoke, Allen turned his gaze to Nuo Rui, who was smoking a pipe, and asked with a smile.

"Nori, where is Thorin now? Don't tell me he's still in the Lonely Mountain."

"Huh~~" Nori exhaled the smoke comfortably, and replied: "The latest information, Thorin is already in the Gray Mountains, and has recovered all the halls that were once abandoned, except for the traces of being ravaged by evil dragons , nothing else."

"Should come here to join you soon."

Norrie, smoking a cigarette, quickly added.

(End of this chapter)

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